Blood tears


"Is Isabel ready?" Lucifer asked with a smile to Isabel who was pacing nervously.

"Brother don't laugh, I'm nervous." Isabel angrily spoke to Lucifer who only shrugged.

"Come on, your army is waiting for you." Lucifer spoke with a smile as he reached for Isabel.

Seeing Lucifer like this, Isabel smiled calmly and took His hand, and they began to walk slowly to the exit of the Palace.

Looking at the giant door in front of her, Isabel took a deep breath and opened the door and saw a vision she would never forget forever.

What she saw was, it was Hundreds of Millions of Demons together looking like an endless sea. the Demons were screaming loudly as they looked at Isabel and Lucifer with Fanaticism and excitement.

That's one of the reasons Isabel knows she won't lose this war. She has so many Demons in her army that she doesn't even know how many exactly.

Although angels are stronger than Demons, this does not mean that they do not run out of energy. If the demon can't kill the angel, then send Ten more and kill the angel.

Isabel will use her overwhelming numerical advantage to destroy the holy army of angels.

"My army, I'm not going to make a speech, because you don't need it, so I'll skip that part." Isabel's sweet, mellow voice was heard by all the Demons who nodded their heads in agreement.

They are Demons, they don't need a Shit Speech, what they need, and orders to Kill and eat those beautiful feathered birds from the sky.

Isabel looked at the sea of ​​demons and spoke in the coldest possible voice. "You have orders: Kill, destroy and exterminate." when Isabel's voice faded, the Demons felt her blood boil with euphoria and excitement.

"Looks like the princess grew up." Agars spoke with a gratifying smile as he looked at Isabel on the platform.

"Yeah, now she looks like a dark queen." Asmodeus spoke with a very lively smile on his face. His eyes sparkled with crazy fanaticism as if looking at his god.

"Yes, I can already feel it, the sweet aroma of the flames burning the battlefield." Amon spoke with his eyes closed as he was pleased to feel his flames burning and destroying his enemies.

Lucifer looking at all this, and only showed a helpless smile. While Isabel was in Hell for a year. she practically conquered all seventy-two pillars of hell. If Isabel wanted to rebel, she would have all the support of the Demons.

"Depart, target the golden gates of heaven." Isabel shouted loudly for all the Demons to hear.

As soon as Isabel finished speaking. The Demons turned it into a black mist and pierced heaven from hell.

On earth, innumerable pillars of black mist emerged from the ground and sped skyward at full speed.

Behind the pillars of black mist was a sleek black carriage. The carriage was pulled by four black horses that trod freely in the air, completely ignoring gravity.

Clearly, as a flashy entry. The angels soon realized and flew toward the Demons without any fear on their faces.


As the angels and demons collided, countless explosions erupted across the sky, creating a great tumult on the planet.

More clearly the angels were losing edge by the second. They were too many demons for the poor angels to kill all in time.

When the angel killed a demon, there were two more demons later to fight the angel. This terrible repetitive cycle quickly ended the angels' resistance.

After blood fly everywhere. One of the Demons saw a gigantic golden gate emanating a terrifying Aura.

The demon didn't even care about the aura that the golden gate emanated, and ran forward at its fastest speed. But before the demon touched the gate a golden Aspada cut it straight in two.

"A mere demon dares to try to touch with his filthy hands the holy gates of heaven." spoke a beautiful angel with long golden hair and golden eyes. What struck him most was not his beauty but the twelve white wings on his back.

Beside him, six other Twelve-winged figures stared at the attacking Demons with a look of contempt and disgust.

Inside the carriage, Lucifer suddenly looked toward the gates of heaven with an interesting smile on his face.

"Finally appeared the seven archangels of heaven Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, Uriel, Baraquiel, Jegudiel, Fanuel and Salatiel." Lucifer thought as he looked up at the sky with a nostalgic look.

Along with arrival of the seven archangels. Angels began to have the absolute advantage in the war. But it did not last long as Seventy-two Demons ten meters long and blue skin reached the sky.

The archangels looked at the seventy-two pillars of hell with indifference and attacked without even warning.

The Demons also attacked, they split into seven groups and flew with the archangels without fear.

Bom Bommm Bommm Bommm Bommmm

The whole planet trembled from the struggle of the Archangels and the pillars of hell.

While the Archangels and Demons fought. A beautiful chariot crossed the sky and collided with the gates of heaven with force, breaking the golden gate into innumerable small pieces that fell on the planet.

The archangels seeing the gate of heaven break down, they wanted to go fight the chariot, but were stopped by the Demons.

In the sky the carriage moved slowly as if traveling on a normal ride.

"Brother, is this the sky?" Isabel asked Lucifer seeing the landscape of the sky inside the carriage.

"Yes, I haven't seen the sky landscape in a long time." Lucifer said with a soft smile on his face as he looked skyward with longing.

"Go to the highest mountain in the sky, God is there." Lucifer spoke to the four horses, who immediately flew to the highest mountain in the sky.

It didn't take long to reach the peak of the mountain. But when Lucifer and Elizabeth arrived, there was no magnificent palace or castle, just a simple wooden house.

"Isabel, get in the carriage and don't get out." Lucifer looked seriously at Isabel with his deep black.

Isabel was completely shocked, she had never seen her brother's face like that, but still nodded in agreement.

Lucifer got out of the carriage and walked slowly to the wooden house with his face emotionless, in his hand is Dark Spear.

With every step Lucifer took toward the log house, he felt his heart heavier as if he had something he wanted to get out of. But he held back that feeling and walked steadily to the wooden house.

Entering the wooden house, the first thing Lucifer saw was a picture of a beautiful child with night-black hair and diamond-black eyes. The boy was holding on to a handsome man with golden hair and blue eyes, both of them were showing a very happy smile in the picture.

Lucifer stared at the picture with complicated emotions and still walking deep within the house. He walked all over the house and saw no one, so Lucifer decided to go to the garden and there he saw an old man wearing a cloak like Lucifer's. The old man's blue eyes looked at Lucifer with a touch and affection and sadness.

"Samael, you grew up to be a great man, as you always wished." the old man said closing his eyes sadly remembering the little boy running with a happy smile on his face and calling him father.

"Dad, you are old." said Lucifer looking at the old body of God. In the past the majestic body of God was so perfect and strong, but now it was only a distant memory.

"Time goes by, no one is totally Immortal Samael." God spoke looking with his deep blue eyes at Lucifer.

"Yes, you are so weak that I can ..." Lucifer was about to finish speaking but not continuing to speak, and was silent.

"Do Samael, it was my fault you got this way. Kill me to finally get rid of this obsession that you keep in your heart." God spoke closing his eyes waiting for the death to come at the hands of his firstborn.

Listening to God, Lucifer felt a rage in his chest and did not hesitate to penetrate the heart of God with the Dark Spear.

Quite slowly, the Dark Spear deepened into the heart of God sucking in its Ultimate Vitality portion.

God felt his vitality slowly fade, but then he also felt drops of water run down his face.

God slowly opened his eyes and saw His most beloved son shedding tears of blood and weeping like a small child.

Slowly God raised his arms and tried to hug Lucifer but before he could, his arms turned to dust and disappeared in the breeze of the wind.

"Samael, you have always been what you always wanted, so I am very proud of You, my Son." God spoke gently and then his body slowly turned to dust, disappearing in the breeze of the wind.

Hearing God, the tears of Blood fell further from Lucifer's eyes. In the window a small figure wept softly as she looked at Lucifer with a sad look.

After a while Lucifer calmed down and slowly began to walk toward the carriage. Arriving the carriage, Lucifer looked at Isabel with red eyes and gently kissed her lips as if to forget all the sadness in the world. Slowly the carriage entered the gap and disappeared from the leaving world.

[Note: Thanks to everyone who has accompanied me so far, I hope we can be together in the second Arch.😁😁😁😁]

[Ps: I cried a little doing, the end of this Chapter😢😢😢.]

End of the first bow.