
Empty many years later

In the Endless Void, a black chariot drawn by four black horses, flew towards this vast darkness called void.

Inside the carriage

Isabel looked fondly at Lucifer sleeping peacefully in her lap.

Isabel gently ran her hand through Lucifer's silky hair as she stared into the endless darkness on the other side of the window.

"It's been a few years since my brother slept in a deep sleep." Isabel thought as she sighed, it has been years since her divinity has awakened and she has officially become a Goddess, as for Her main law she has chosen Creation and Life.

Unlike Isabel, Lucifer had to sleep soundly. when Lucifer was ascending to divinity his power was too great and his body could not hold so much power, so he had to sleep soundly until his body fully adapted to his divinity.

Isabel suddenly felt a sharp fluctuation in space and an oval-shaped Blue portal appeared in front of the carriage.

The horses had no time to dodge the blue portal and the carriage was sucked straight into the blue portal.

New York

Above New York, a blue oval portal gives a very mysterious feeling to anyone who sees it.

"Tony, we have to close this portal soon, otherwise the Chitauri won't stop coming." A man in a costume spoke as he threw his shield down hard on a Chitauri's head.

"I tried, but Tesseract has the unknown force field that prevents anyone from touching it." said a man in red-gold armor flying skillfully between the buildings.

"Try using Loki's scepter to ....." on top of a building, a beautiful red-haired woman was talking while killing the Chitauri with her wrist weapons. But as she was about to speak, the redhead stared at the portal in the shocked sky.

A black chariot pulled by four black horses stepped out of the blue portal as it walked slowly across the sky giving a Sense of Nobility and elegance.

In all of her Agent life, Natasha Romanoff has seen it all, but for the first time ever, she has seen a four-horse-drawn carriage riding in the air, completely ignoring gravity.

"Guys just to confirm, are seeing a chariot pulled by four black horses flying in the sky." Natasha asked on the communicator in her ear.

Listening to Natasha, Tony raised his head and was speechless. As a man of science, Tony never believed in gods, even when Thor appeared he always believed that Asgard was an extremely advanced civilization compared to humans. But seeing a black wooden carriage drawn by four horses, Tony began to wonder if God really exists.

"Thor, your friend?" Tony asked a blond-haired man with a red cloak behind him, he held a Hammer while Thunder surrounded the man.

Thor the god of lightning and thunder in Norse mythology, son of Odin's grandson of Bar the invincible.

Listening to Tony, Thor lifts his head and is completely shocked. Unlike Tony and Natasha, Thor is a god so he can feel two terrifying existence inside that carriage.

One Symbolizing Death, Darkness, Night, Evil, Order, Reality, Punishment, Flames, Conceptual Realms, Killing, Cycle of Life and Death and Destruction.

The other symbolizing life, light, goodness, order, beauty, nature, forgiveness, love, healing, fertility, earth and marriage.

Thor went pale feeling So many laws in just two Beings. If these two beings are enemies, Thor is sure that Midgard will be destroyed in mere seconds.

"Beware don't attack the carriage if necessary, you will not want to be enemies of the carriage owner." Thor spoke with an extremely serious expression to everyone.

All the avengers were suppressed. they know Thor better than anyone. Although he is arrogant and sometimes quite stupid he is still loyal to his friends. then all the avengers nodded in agreement with Thor.

Inside the carriage Isabel frowned, she smelled the war and death in this city.

Isabel was suddenly shocked and happy, because she felt Lucifer on her lap move, though little of it is still a sign of awakening.

After a while, Lucifer's eyes open after a long time.

Lucifer confused, looked across the carriage and sees beside him was the most beautiful woman in the world. At eighteen, his long golden hair stretched to the floor, his purple eyes gazing at him with love and affection, the most perfect face possible. She wore a white dress that further enhanced her breathtaking beauty.

"Isabel" Lucifer recognized Isabel immediately and pulled her into his arms and kissed Isabel, surprised by Lucifer's sudden kiss.

Isabel did not decline the kiss and also began to take initiative. While they were kissing, a giant steel monster came flying toward them with the intention of destroying these small insects in front of them.

Lucifer kissing Isabel, he felt an Ant interrupt his precious moment with his sister and began to get angry.

[Divinity: Destruction]

Lucifer's voice was heard throughout the city. And a Pulse of Purple Energy spread over 1km destroying everything in its path.

House, buildings, cars, asphalt were destroyed, and after the Purple Energy pulse dissipated, there was only one empty yard left with nothing in 1km.

Everyone who watched this scene felt their bodies were cold with fear.

One word and 1km everything was destroyed, this is already categorized as a small Nuclear bomb.

Lucifer nodded his head in satisfaction and kissed Isabel's lips again.

Although that was only 00000000.1% It was enough to frighten most mortals.

The war continued, but no one dared to get too close to the Chariot, not even the Chitauri.

Everything happened just like the movie in the end. Iron Man Takes Nuclear Warhead into space and plays right in the middle of the Chitauri Army and then loses consciousness.

When everyone saw that Tony had not returned from the portal, The Black Widow thrust Loki's spear into the Tesseract closing the portal.

But when the portal was about to close, the iron man emerged from the unconscious portal, and begins to reach a height that will probably kill him if he falls to the ground.

When the iron man arrived but near the ground our dear Hulk appears to save the day once more.😜