An Interesting Idea

Malibu California, Tony's Mansion

"So you're saying that you came to our universe through the portal created by Tesseract." Tony spoke to Lucifer, who was quite interested in the Tony drink collection.

"Basically, you summed it all up." Lucifer while tasting a glass of wine.

"Let's get to the main question, you and yourself, Lucifer the fallen angel." when Tony asked Lucifer everyone else looked at him curiously as well.

Lucifer did not respond to them and only showed his gigantic twelve black wings, five meters long.

"Is that enough?" Lucifer spoke with a helpless smile. Usually when mortals look at him, they only feel fear and despair, but this group of Weirdos was not only not afraid, but very curious about him.

Everyone agreed, after all the twelve-foot-long black wings are quite shocking.

"Hey Lucifer, how is heaven." Tony asked curiously, after all humans always wanted to know what happens after his death.

"Why no one asks how hell is, they just ask about heaven." Lucifer spoke showing a dissatisfied face.

"Why no one wants to know what hell is like." Tony spoke with a laugh as he sipped his whiskey.

"Tony, if you're worried about going to hell, don't worry, you won't." Lucifer spoke looking straight into Tony's soul, and saw a golden soul as if it were the sun itself, Tony's soul emanating a holy and pure aura.

"I'm not going to hell." Tony spoke with a shocked face, he never helped others out of need, but in his own personal interests, so he thought he was going to hell.

"Yes, your soul is golden like a little sun." Lucifer looked at Tony with interest. He has already guessed why Tony's soul is so pure. In the war against Thanos in the future, Tony Sacrifices himself to kill Thanos and his entire army. Thus saving Trillions of lives throughout the universe.

"Tony, remember going to heaven always requires an extremely expensive price for everyone." Lucifer spoke looking at Tony with a serious face. Although Tony saved Trillions of lives, he left the two most important lives for him, alone in this world, his daughter Morgan and his Wife Pepper.

Tony looked at Lucifer with a deep look and then showed a very bright smile.

"I don't know why my soul is so pure, but that was probably my choice, so I won't regret anything." Tony said a very happy smile on his face.

"Maybe that's why his soul is so pure." Lucifer thought as he looked at Tony, who was smiling brightly.

"Thor, I met an Odin, but it was in another universe." Lucifer spoke to Thor as he flashed an evil smile.

[Note: Talking about the American Gods Series Universe.]

"Like my father was in another universe." Thor asked curiously.

"A shameless, drunk Manipulator complete likes to sleep with women younger than his own age." Lucifer did not hesitate and began to slander Odin in front of his own son. Although not the same Thor yet, and the Son of Odin.

American gods universe

An old man wearing his overcoat was walking freely on the street when he suddenly sneezed creating a small tornado in the middle of the city.

The old man looked around vigilantly and quickly left the crime scene.

Marvel Universe

"Sure, we're talking about my father, Odin." Listening to Lucifer, Thor spoke like Shock's wide eyes.

"Yes, but don't worry, every person is different in other universes." Lucifer spoke while showing a very funny smile.

After that Lucifer, He talked to everyone and then left with Isabel from Tony's mansion and went to his little world.

Within the small world

In the Castle Room, Lucifer was lying in his bed with Isabel in his arms.

"Luci, I liked this universe." said Isabel lying on Lucifer's chest.

"Yes, it's not that bad." Lucifer spoke showing a kind smile to Isabel.

"Tomorrow, I will create a very entertaining medium for my entertainment." Lucifer spoke to Isabel with his eyes shining with joy.

"Which?" Isabel asked curiously as she looked at Lucifer with a happy smile.

"A House of Friendly Negotiations." Lucifer spoke with a very mysterious smile.

"Luci, what are you going to negotiate?" Isabel asked as she gave Lucifer a menacing look.

Lucifer didn't notice Isabel's look and spoke proudly in his voice.

"Everything, as long as it has the right price, Everything can be purchased." said Lucifer with pride in his voice.

When Lucifer finished speaking he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, turned to see Isabel biting her Shoulder hard as she looked at him with Complaint.

"What is Isabel?" Lucifer asked kindly to Isabel, who let go of his shoulder.

"Hump, you said everything could be negotiable and that included me." Isabel spoke to Lucifer angrily as she refused to look at him.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer just showed a funny smile and hugged Isabel tightly.

"My little angel, don't worry, you're completely off the shopping list." Lucifer whispered in Isabel's ear with an amused smile on his face.

"I know, I was just kidding you." Isabel spoke showing a mischievous smile on her face.

"So you deserve a punishment for fooling your dear husband." Lucifer spoke showing an evil smile on his face.

After that Lucifer began tickling Isabel, who immediately began to laugh while begging for forgiveness. but to no avail, Lucifer showed no mercy to Isabel and continued to tickle her.

"That's the price you pay for bullying your husband." Lucifer spoke with his head held high in pride.

Isabel only kept quiet listening to Lucifer as she looked at him with her eyes full of joy and happiness.

"Good night, Luci." Isabel spoke to Lucifer as she slowly closed her eyes to sleep.

"Good night to you too, my little angel." Lucifer spoke closing his eyes as he hugged Isabel.

[Note: Guys, today, I'm not into doing R-18 so leave it for another day.]