A Relaxing Day

Little World In The Morning

Lucifer was below an immense tree that covered the sky with its long branches.

Beneath the Tree, Lucifer was Almost Totally Naked. Only a white sheet covered his manhood. Lucifer was holding an apple as he looked up with a smile on his face as if contemplating something.

Not far from him, Isabel is sitting on a wooden bench while holding a brush in her hand. She looked at Lucifer for a while and began to paint very elegantly.

Each stroke Isabel gave was as if a life was born at that moment, and as time went on the painting slowly began to take shape.

Two hours later

"Luci, I'm done painting can move now." Isabel speaks showing a very cheerful smile on her beautiful face.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer sighs with relief and stands up as he ties the white sheet around his waist.

Moving the stiff parts of her body, Lucifer walks over to Isabel and sits beside her with a helpless smile.

"Isabel, I really have to model for you every morning." Lucifer spoke with a helpless smile as he looked at Isabel bitterly.

"You don't have to pose for me, I will find another male model." Isabel spoke with an amused smile as she looked at Lucifer with a teasing look.

"Hmm, if you do that, your model will die in the next second." Lucifer huffed as he looked at Isabel with a proud look.

"So cute." Isabel narrowed her eyes at Lucifer with Jealousy. She finds all the expressions so interesting that Lucifer shows on her face.

"Isabel, now I have to go. I'll find a good place for My Friendly Negotiations house." Lucifer spoke getting up, but when he was leaving, he turned and kissed Isabel's lips, then disappeared into a black mist.

Isabel just shook her head and went back to the Castle, carrying her picture in her hand.

New York

Walking the streets of New York, Lucifer looked at the people coming and going with a bored look.

No one could see Lucifer in the crowd wearing his white cloak that crawled on the floor but never got dirty.

As he walked down the street, his white cloak became black particles, and a black suit with a red tie appeared in place of the white cloak.

When Lucifer released his presence at almost the same time All pedestrians looking at Lucifer with shock and admiration, but also had Inferiority, envy even hatred.

Lucifer ignored all eyes and walked slowly down the pedestrian-lined street.

As he passed, Lucifer could see countless cell phone flashes, taking pictures of him.

Lucifer didn't care about that and continued to follow where he felt he had, but accumulated sins in this city.

Hell's kitchen

Lucifer looked at the name on the sign and showed a very happy smile. Because he saw a huge red cloud in this neighborhood. It was so many accumulated sins that Lucifer estimated that 70% of all evil in the city was concentrated in this neighborhood called Hell's Kitchen.

"Perfect place." Lucifer thought as he walked through Hell's Kitchen.

"Look at a rich playboy alone in Hell's Kitchen." a muscled white man spoke to the four men behind him with a mischievous smile on his face.

[Note: I needed to break this damn cycle, that only black people would steal someone in the Novels. Especially in Chinese Novels, which in my opinion only have discrimination everywhere.]

The four men also only showed evil smiles on their faces as they looked at Lucifer as if looking at a living Piece of Gold.

The fives followed "Secretly" Lucifer into a dark alley and as they entered the alley they saw Lucifer staring at them with a very kind smile on his face.

"Gentlemen, may I ask why you followed me here?" Lucifer spoke pretending to know nothing and showed a slight panic in his eyes.

Four of the Men pulled knives while the leader pulled a pistol and pointed at Lucifer.

"Pass everything of value to me, otherwise you will die." the man spoke with an ugly smile as he looked at Lucifer coldly.

Lucifer pretended to be afraid and quickly took out a gold watch and threw it into the bandit leader's hand.

Lucifer also took out a wallet and threw it at the bandit leader showing a panicked look on his face.

"Very well, a gold watch and over 3000 dollars, today was a great working day." The Bandit leader spoke with a wretched smile as he looked at Lucifer with a cold look on his ugly face.

"Kill him." The Bandit leader spoke coldly to the henchmen, who immediately rushed to Lucifer with knives in their hands.

"Don't kill me please, I have a daughter." Lucifer spoke showing a totally panicked face as he retreated to the end of the dark alley.

"Who cares about your fucking family." The bandit leader sneered as he looked at Lucifer with a cold smile on his face.

"Seriously, then you can die." Lucifer spoke, changing his face from panic to contempt.

When Lucifer finished speaking he gave no chance for anyone to respond and disappeared from his position and reappeared in front of one of the henchmen.

He grasped the thug's head and pulled it away from the rest of the body and Blood came out of the body like a waterfall but with blood. The intense scent of blood covered the dark alley.

The second henchman, Lucifer killed by tearing his heart out and crushing it in front of its owner.

The third Henchman, Lucifer exploded his body, sending flesh and blood flying all over the alley.

The fourth henchman tried to run but Lucifer killed him crushed with gravity and only a mound of crushed flesh and blood remained on the floor.

Lucifer turned to see the bandit leader crouching on the floor as liquid fell from his legs, leaving the alley still contaminated.

"Don't kill me, I have a wife and daughter waiting for me." the bandit leader spoke as he knelt on the floor begging for mercy.

"Who cares, for your fucking family." Lucifer spoke with an extremely cold smile as he looked at the thug with his eyes glowing with red light.

Within that look, the bandit saw a world entirely made of fire and lava, Shouts of misery could be heard by everyone.

"Hell, you and the devil." the bandit leader spoke in an extremely crazy voice as he banged his head hard on the floor.

Lucifer crouched down and whispered in her ear.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, you will live in complete nightmare every day, hours, minutes and seconds until you die in madness." Lucifer spoke showing a gentle smile on his face, and then got up and walked out of the alley with a relaxed smile on his face. Leaving the dark alley like hell itself on earth.