New Ideas and Unexpected Encounter

Small world in the morning

Lucifer was wearing a blue apron while preparing his and Isabel's breakfast.

When he finished breakfast he ordered Nox to serve at the table and went to sit at the table with Isabel.

As he ate his breakfast, Lucifer noticed Isabel looking at the black tower in his hand very carefully.

"Isabel, is that it?" Lucifer asked Isabel as he looked at the small black tower with interest.

"Since you created your bar for your entertainment, I decided to do the same thing." Isabel spoke looking at the small black tower in her hand while showing a satisfied smile on her beautiful face.

Lucifer nodded at Isabel and continued to hear the rest of the explanation.

"The tower has been divided into 100 floors, each with a different biome, players will have to go through the tutorial before starting to climb the tower. Each floor has its own guardian that cannot interfere unless the rules are broken. I also hooked the tower on several planets from different universes so as not to lose the Player Flow. The ultimate goal is to climb the tower to the end to become a God." Isabel spoke with her eyes shining. Just thinking of her ready-made creation filled with beings from all races of Countless Universes, she begins to be filled with happiness and a strong pride spreads throughout her heart.

"Interesting" Lucifer's eyes sparkled at Isabel. He forgot that he could connect his bar to many different worlds, so the whole bar can receive customers from all universes and also receive some exotic items from other universes.

Knowing this, Lucifer hurried up and kissed Isabel and then disappeared into a black mist.

Isabel just showed a Smile and continued to perfect her Little Tower

New York

Bar Iter ad Inferos

Lucifer appeared at the bar and began making preparations to link his bar to countless worlds in different universes.

Unlike Isabel who created numerous portals, he prefers something more elegant. Like Playing Cards that can make the customer teleport with your permission to your Bar.

Lucifer began making Thousands of Red Playing Cards with the Black Two-Winged Logo and a crown of flowers on the wings. in the middle of the Letter was elegantly written [Iter ad Inferos] and behind it was written: "Iter ad Inferos the place where you can buy everything at the right price." And underneath the letter was written, "We have not accepted the return of purchased products."

Looking at the thousands of playing cards shining with a black light, Lucifer nodded with satisfaction and threw them all into a mini black hole.

After that, Lucifer put a closed sign on the door and went out for a walk in New York.

Lowering his presence to a minimum, Lucifer walked quietly through the streets of New York as he looked at the shops with great interest.

Suddenly Lucifer saw a motorcycle shop and entered with interest. The first thing that caught his eye was a beautiful black motorcycle, he came close to see the name of the motorcycle and saw [YAMAHA YZF R1].

Lucifer released some of his presence and was soon noticed by a dark-haired woman dressed in a Blue suit that greatly enhanced her beautiful chocolate-colored legs.

[Note: the author may have a little love for legs, so don't mind too much.😏👌]

"Hello sir, what can I do for you." The Woman spoke with a beautiful smile and as she looked at Lucifer with her eyes Shining with a strange light.

All the while she was staring at the door waiting for a customer to come in, and suddenly she doesn't see such a handsome man entering the store, it makes her a little uncomfortable.

"Hello beautiful lady, I wanted to buy this bike." Lucifer spoke with a comfortable smile to the saleswoman.

"Ahh .. Sure wait a moment sir." The Saleswoman was a little mesmerized by Lucifer's smile but soon regained her composure and spoke with a professional smile.

After 1 minute, she came back holding some papers and pen, and handed it to Lucifer with a charming smile.

"Sir, you just have to write your personal details, proof of residence and pay. After three days everything will be ready and you can come get your motorcycle." the saleswoman spoke showing a professional smile to Lucifer.

Lucifer frowned at all this and he snapped his fingers and $ 100,000 appeared in front of the saleswoman shocking the woman.

"I want to ride the bike now, that money should be right enough." Lucifer spoke as he looked directly into the Saleswoman's eyes, causing her to be a little frightened by Lucifer's gaze.

"Sure enough, sir." The saleswoman spoke with a calm smile, but her arms were still shaking a little from Lucifer's gaze.

After that, she walked into a room and took the bike keys and a black helmet and gave Lucifer everything she gladly accepted.

Lucifer said nothing to the saleswoman and climbed into the

YAMAHA YZF R1. When Lucifer started the bike he accelerated and headed straight out of the motorcycle shop.

Seeing Lucifer disappear, the saleswoman leans against the chair next to her and sighs with relief.

"God, I thought I was going to crumble just at the look of this man." the saleswoman thought, remembering that man's terrible look.

On the streets of New York, Lucifer drove at full speed while deftly dodging the cars in the middle of the road.

Wherever Lucifer passed, people would only see a black shadow running through the cars at high speed.

Lucifer held on, accelerated further and pulled the bike up, rearing the YAMAHA YZF R1, and continued to dodge the cars with only one wheel while showing a bright smile on his face.

It was a different feeling from flying with its wings. every time he sped up his heart beat faster with excitement and his blood began to boil with pleasure. The wind beating on his face gave a feeling of being free.

At this point, he just wants to accelerate yet but and enjoy that feeling that had not long.

Suddenly Lucifer prancing the bike sees a red convertible trying to reach him, but it was futile, the bike was much faster than the red convertible.

But something strange happened, the red convertible began to accelerate much faster than it should and quickly reached Lucifer.

Side by side, Lucifer was riding the bike as the red convertible raced beside him as he deflected the cars very skillfully.

Lucifer glanced sideways and saw a beautiful woman with red hair like fire driving the red Convertible with a very lively smile on her face.

But Lucifer realized that the woman was being influenced by a small black bird within the woman's heart, which constantly sent a trace of dark energy to the woman.

To the black bird, Lucifer felt only destruction, hatred and death constantly emanating from the black Phoenix.

Inside the woman's heart, the black bird suddenly opened her eyes feeling someone look at her and saw a man looking at her with a happy smile on his face.

Seeing the black bird staring at him, Lucifer felt within those deep black eyes a power that could destroy the earth in mere seconds if needed.

Lucifer decided to do something and threw a red Deck of Cards at the red-haired woman, then sped away quickly between the cars.

[Note: sorry for being late, it was a long day, so I didn't feel like writing anything.]