An unexpected show

Inside the Little World you can now see a gigantic black tower that crossed the sky with its size.

Inside the eternal tower

Isabel was adjusting the last details and creating the guardians of each floor.

On the 100th floor, all you could see was darkness, and in the middle of that darkness was a gigantic ball of red light that emanated an extremely horrible Aura. Only with his aura would a mortal die in less than seconds with so much pressure.

Isabel looked at the Godhead with a satisfied smile and began to create the Guardian of this floor with an animated smile on her face.

Clasping her hands together, Isabel whispered [Universal Creation] and a ball of light was created between Isabel's hands.

"Your name will be Eve, leader of all the guardians and the lady justice and the Judgment." Isabel whispered to the little ball of light, which shone brightly listening to Isabel and slowly began to take human form.

After a while, A beautiful woman with short white hair and green eyes appeared in front of Isabel. the woman emanated a just but merciless Aura to it.

"Mom" Eva said bowing to Isabel who kindly smiled at her.

"Eve, remember only mortals and demigods can enter the Eternal Tower to try to Ascend Divinity." Isabel spoke smoothly smoothing Ave's hair, which closed her eyes with pleasure feeling Isabel's love.

"But won't the other gods try to steal divinity?" Eva spoke frowning as she looked at Isabel puzzled.

"They will not, The Eternal Tower was created by me, So that is enough to frighten the largest of the Divine entities. Also the divinity of the tower alone and a smaller Law, so it does not serve much to the strong Gods. " Isabel said explaining patiently to Eve that she looked at Elizabeth with adoration and fanaticism.

"Let's go, we have to turn on the whole Eternal tower." Isabel spoke disappearing from the 100th floor with Eva.

Eternal Tower Core

Isabel looked up at the Ball of Light floating in the air with a bright smile on her face.

This ball of light was the tower consciousness, which controls all the quests and rewards players will receive when they enter the Eternal tower.

"Time to start," Isabel says as she puts her hand on the consciousness of the Eternal Tower.


As Isabel places her hand in the Tower Consciousness, an extremely Horrible Pulse of energy runs through innumerable universes connecting all universes to the tower.

Of course all this noise did not go unnoticed by the gods and the older entities looked at the Eternal Tower with an extremely Cold ohar.

What Isabel did was turn on all the universes and use them as drums to manage the whole eternal tower, but it all has a negative effect. universes are also sentient beings, so they can also evolve by devouring other universes. This means that the weaker universes will be devoured while the stronger ones will evolve devouring the weaker.

Jungle law applies to everyone no matter to whom. The weakest will always be crushed by the strongest.

This angered the gods of the weaker universes and they all headed toward the eternal tower with hatred in their eyes, but stopped at once, their faces turning pale with fear as despair surged into the hearts of the gods.

A terrifying dark Aura covered all universes connected with the eternal tower.

All the gods, cosmic entities and powerful beings, looked at the man with twelve gigantic black wings on his back, he held a black spear as they looked at the gods of the weaker universes with contempt in his dark eyes. Beside him was a woman with long golden hair and purple eyes, she was holding the man's arm with a loving smile on her pink lips.

Isabel and Lucifer are two halves of a coin. It represents the whole creation of the universe and it represents the destruction of the universe.

Although creation is a primordial Law, it was not made to fight. But destruction is different, it was made to destroy anything that threatened creation, to fulfill its duty. That's why the gods stopped in fear when they looked at Lucifer, a God of Destruction and rarely created, but when he is created and one of the strongest beings in the Multiverse.

"So who was the trash who tried to do something to my wife." Lucifer spoke coldly as he looked at the gods of the weaker universes.

"Sir, your wife wants to destroy our universe, so we can't stand watching it." the god with the Law of fire spoke respectfully to Lucifer.

"Great, if she wants to destroy your universe, you just have to happily accept, you filthy trash." Lucifer spoke as he looked at the God of fire as if looking at something disgusting.

The gods who were watching the show from afar began to cough their wine and looked at Lucifer with a strange look.

And the first time they saw such an arrogant god, that was normal. each god has an eccentric personality, so everyone just nodded and watched the show with great interest. After all the life of the very boring gods and rarely can they see such a good show.

"You don't think you're being too irrational ..." Before the fire god finished speaking, Lucifer appeared in front of the fire god and spoke as he pointed at him.

[To destroy]

A bolt of Purple energy burst from Lucifer's fingertip and instantly hit the fire god, who disappeared into Purple Particles leaving only one Red deity floating in space.

"Anyone but want to make a complaint?" Lucifer asked the gods with a cold smile on his face.

The gods just shook their heads and quickly ran to escape this damn demon.

Seeing the gods fleeing Lucifer only showed a dissatisfied face and whispered [Cowards].

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Isabel Morningstar, I am the goddess of creation, the one beside me and my brother and husband Lucifer Morningstar, the god of destruction." Isabel spoke showing a smile to the stronger gods who were watching the show from afar.

"I know I caused a little confusion, but the Eternal Tower is necessary for the entertainment of the gods, you will be able to choose mortals to represent you in the tower and watch them fight for you, until someone reaches the top of the tower and becomes one. lesser god. " Isabel spoke explaining to the gods, who were filled with excitement listening to her.

[Note: It was a bit difficult to make this chapter was too much explanation to think, I hope you enjoy the chapter.]