Sra.Death [R-18]

Little world

Lucifer was looking at Isabel with a serious face and said, "Isabel you know, if I wasn't there, those gods of shit could seriously hurt you."

"Luci, I'm not afraid of them as you will protect me." Isabel spoke with a smile on her face as she looked at Lucifer with her eyes shining.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer reached his hand to her forehead and struck his finger hard on her forehead.

"Brother, that hurt." Isabel said angrily to Lucifer as she rubbed the red mark on her forehead.

"Humph, you're acting the same when you were little, but the situation was serious. If the guardian of this universe got angry it would have been dangerous." Lucifer snorted indifferently, but spoke softly to Isabel, who was almost crying.

"Fine, don't cry," Lucifer said gently as he smoothed Isabel's hair.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make things more interesting for us." Isabel spoke with her head bowed to Lucifer who sighed for her sister's boldness.

"I know, but you have to understand that no one is Invincible. So you always have to be careful of other divine entities." Lucifer spoke with a serious face to Isabel, who nodded listening to Lucifer.

"Now I have a special customer waiting for me at the bar, so see you at night." Lucifer spoke kissing Isabel's lips and then disappeared from the little world.

Isabel watching Lucifer disappear, she just kept thinking about some things in her mind.

New York, Bar Iter ad Inferos

Lucifer appeared at the bar wearing a black suit and a red tie. He walked slowly to the couch and saw a woman wearing an all-black tunic.

Tum tum tum tum

[Note: Sound of a beating heart]

When Lucifer looked at the woman in black, he felt his heart beat faster and his soul quiver with excitement as if he was drawn to her. He almost jumped to hug the woman in front of him but managed to contain himself at the last second.

She was in her thirties, her dark hair stretching to her back, her silver eyes as if she saw her own soul. She was smiling at Lucifer with her blood red lips.

"Hello My lady, welcome to Iter ad Inferos, the place where you can buy everything at the right price." Lucifer spoke, placing his hand on his chest as he bent briefly to the woman in black.

The woman just looked at Lucifer with her silver eyes and smiled charmingly at him and said, "You look different when you killed that fire god."

"You and a customer, he wasn't." Lucifer replied with a smile as he poured him a glass of whiskey and a glass of wine for the woman in black.

Listening to Lucifer the woman in black laughs and extends her hand to Lucifer as she introduced herself: "My name and Mrs. Death you can call me Death."

She spoke showing a smile to Lucifer, who gently shook her hand and also introduced himself.

"Lucifer Morningstar, but you can call me Lucifer." Lucifer speaks with a smile on his face as he looks at Mrs. Death.

"So what does Miss Death want to buy." Lucifer asked Mrs. Death as she drank her whiskey.

"How much and to marry you?" Mrs. Death spoke with a sassy smile on her face as she looked at Lucifer with interest.

Hearing Mrs. Death speak Lucifer choked on his Whiskey and looked at Mrs. Death with a helpless look on his face.

"Sorry, but my wedding isn't on the sales list." Lucifer spoke Showing a hard smile to Mrs. Death, who only showed a dissatisfied face.

"You didn't say you sold everything." Mrs. Death spoke sitting next to Lucifer as she whispered in her ear.

Feeling the warm air in his ear, Lucifer can feel his soul tremble with pleasure and euphoria. Her body has already begun to react and her manhood rose to the sky.

"Mrs. Death, the price may be a little expensive." With every word Lucifer spoke he felt his heart beat faster and his body get hotter.

"I think this should get us married and even pay for the honeymoon." Mrs. Death spoke showing a Colorful pearl in her hand.

Lucifer looked at the colored pearl with surprise. This colorful pearl was the source of a universe that was almost expanding to become a complete universe.

It can be said that any god would jump for joy seeing this colorful pearl. After all a newborn universe was not aware yet had only Instincts. Then a god could easily control the entire universe as he pleased and become an all-powerful God within that universe.

"Why do you want to marry me so much." Lucifer asked as he tried to keep control of his body.

Mrs. Death smiled listening to Lucifer and sat on Lucifer's lap as she looked straight into his eyes.

"When I first looked at you yesterday. I felt something inside me being drawn to you as if my soul were dry and you were water." Mrs. Death spoke with an extremely hot stare as her lips still came closer to Lucifer's.

Lucifer said nothing and just stared into Mrs. Death's eyes as if looking into her soul.

"I am the death the end of all things, and you and the destruction of all things. We will attract each other as if we were born to be together." Mrs. Death spoke as she finally kissed Lucifer's Lips.

She closed her eyes with pleasure as if tasting the most delicious thing in the world.

When Lucifer felt the kiss of Mrs. Death, he felt his divinity of Destruction tremble with pleasure and constantly send divine energy to the Divinity of death, which sent the Energy of death back to him, as if completing a repeated Cycle.

As he kissed Lucifer began to move his hands over the beautiful body of Mrs'morta. He put his hand under the black tunic and kneaded the butt of death in various forms.

Mrs. Death got more excited and ripped Lucifer's shirt straight, showing her perfectly aligned muscles full of beauty. She moved her hand slowly to feel the strong muscles as if they were made of steel.

Soon they were both naked and Mrs. Death was sitting naked on Lucifer's lap as she rubbed her vagina on Lucifer's cock up and down leaving a trail of clear liquid on Lucifer's Penis.

Lucifer kissed Death's lips and with his flexible tongue entered her mouth exploring every inch of her.

Lucifer gripped Mrs. Death's breasts tightly and began to suck and bite the beautiful red strawberries.

"Ahhh ... Lucifer I'm almost there." Mrs. Death speaks breathing heavily as she looks at Lucifer with unfocused eyes.

Listening to Mrs. Death, Lucifer lifts her over his lap and positions his penis at the entrance to Mrs. Death's vagina and begins to slowly thread his penis deep into her womb.

Though the blood flowed down his cock, Lucifer didn't stop shoving his penis into Mrs. Death's vagina.

"Ahh ... more .... strong" Mrs. Death said breathing heavily while moaning loudly.

Lucifer heard Mrs. Death's request and positioned her on all fours and wiggled her hips back and forth hard. Each time Lucifer thrust hard into Mrs. Death's vagina, his big ass rippled with the force that Lucifer hit her ass.

"Yes ... So ... But brutal ..." Mrs. Death said to Lucifer with her mouth dripping saliva down the sides of her mouth.

Lucifer pulled Mrs. Death's hair back hard and began to tuck in even more Force. Causing Mrs. Death to show a satisfied look on her perverted face.

"AHH ... Lucifer ... It's coming," Mrs. Death said Breathing heavily as she showed her lustful face to Lucifer.

Listening to Mrs. Death, Lucifer quickened yet, but making Mrs. Death even happier with all the pleasure.

"I'm ... aahh ... It's coming." Mrs. Death spoke as she rolled her eyes with pleasure.

Lucifer also feeling that he was coming, he thrust his cock into the deepest part of Mrs. Death's vagina, and dropped His seed into her womb.

while Lucifer came, he showed a delighted face, and then pulled Mrs. Death into his arms while his cock was still inside her pussy.

[Note: I know it was a bit of a rush but I found Mrs. death perfect to be Lucifer's second wife.]

[Ps: I hope you enjoy the chapter, it was hard work to do. Just one question, the sex scene turned out to be Good or Bad.]