A Normal Ride

Little world

3 am

When Lucifer arrived at the castle, he entered carefully, making no noise, afraid to wake Isabel.

But as he entered the dark room, he saw a Shadow on the couch and the lamp came on showing Isabel's smiling face.

"Good evening Isabel, you didn't have to wait for me until this time." Lucifer spoke with a calm smile on his face. He turned around as he looked around to see if he had anything sharp.

"Lucifer Morningstar, where you were until this time. I had prepared a romantic candlelight dinner for us." Isabel spoke narrowing her eyes as she gave Lucifer a kind smile.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer just wanted to cry but he held back and gave Isabel a forced smile.

"Sorry my little angel, Customer Negotiations lasted a long time." Lucifer spoke with a regretful and sad face at the same time.

"Seriously, what were the negotiations you made with that woman." Isabel asked Lucifer as she looked at him with a look full of irony.

The warnings in Lucifer's head sounded warning that the situation was extremely dangerous and he must flee this dangerous place.

"Woman? When I said it was a woman." Lucifer spoke showing an innocent look on his face.

Isabel said nothing and patted the couch beside her, calling Lucifer to sit beside her.

Lucifer followed Isabel and sat beside her, rejoicing that he had showered before returning to the castle.

Isabel suddenly hugged Lucifer, and once in a while her nose twitched trying to find a scent of a woman in Lucifer.

Lucifer just wanted to ask if she was a Dog, but decided to keep her life safe.

"You don't smell like a woman on your body, but what is that?" Isabel spoke narrowing her eyes with a dangerous light shining in her eyes as she pointed to the black mark of a butterfly on Lucifer's neck.

Looking at the black Tattoo on his Butterfly-shaped neck, Lucifer just showed Isabel a helpless smile.

"So who is she?" Isabel asked as she crossed her legs and looked at Lucifer with a look of Arrogance on her face.

"The death of this universe." Lucifer spoke giving up as he closed his eyes waiting for the flying knives to pierce his flesh.

"Humhp, I wise, you always run after, a tail coming out." snorted Isabel as she looked at Lucifer unsatisfied.

Feeling no knife piercing his body, Lucifer opened his eyes to see Isabel looking at him with a dissatisfied look.

"What, you really want me to throw some knives at you." Seeing the look of happiness on Lucifer's face, Isabel spoke creating a few knives and pointed at Lucifer as she smiled coldly at him.

Seeing the sharp knives pointed at him, Lucifer shakes his head quickly in denial, although he is immortal he still feels pain.

"Hmm, she knows she can't have you just for her." Isabel spoke with a sigh, she always knew her brother was a complete scoundrel, so she wasn't surprised he had other women.

"Of course, basically a very happy relationship between us." Lucifer spoke showing A bright smile to Isabel, who just shook her head and climbed the stairs to her room.

Lucifer followed Isabel into the bedroom and lay down on the bed while stretching his arms comfortably, suddenly he raised his head and saw Isabel lying beside him wearing pink pajamas.

Although the pink polka-dotted pajamas looked childish, but Lucifer found them very pretty attractive when Isabel wore.

Lucifer pulled Isabel into his arms, though she struggled a little but then hugged Lucifer tightly.

"You and always like that keep bullying me all the time." Isabel speaks with her head buried in Lucifer's chest as she slaps his chest with her small fist.

"Who told you to be so cute." Lucifer said laughing as he pulled Isabel's cheeks tenderly.

"Luci, I don't care that you have other women, but don't bring 999999 women to our castle, otherwise an agent will have a big problem." Isabel whispered in Lucifer's ear as she hugged his neck tightly.

"999999 women! What do you think I am." Lucifer asked, shocked as he smiled at Isabel, who looked at him with contempt.

"Humhp, I know you, Lucifer Morningstar, you always keep attracting women to your side unknowingly." Isabel huffed as she looked at Lucifer with a warning look.

"This is not my fault, who told me to be so beautiful and perfect, that I don't even have to do anything, they come to me without me calling." Lucifer spoke to Isabel with a proud smile on his face, but his smile soon faded. Feeling Isabel bite her shoulder with force, that slowly Black blood oozed from the bite, But then it healed almost instantly.

Isabel only looked at Lucifer with a proud smile on her face and then slowly closed her eyes to sleep hugging Lucifer.

Evaporating Blood on his shoulder, Lucifer showed a happy smile on his face and then followed Isabel into the dream world.

The next day, New York

Lucifer took Isabel for a leisurely stroll through New York City, but as you know, walking in New York without fear that a Hulk will fall on you or a super villain trying to kill everyone and almost zero.

Bomm bomm bomm bomm

While walking the streets of New York holding hands with Isabel.

A metal rhino began to take off everywhere as it launched numerous missiles, destroying buildings and cars.

People began to scream in panic as they ran to hide from the metal rhino.

As always at Marvel, the police are the first to arrive faster at the scene.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

[Note: Shot Sounds]

The cops started shooting at the metal rhino but it was useless. it only made the bald man inside the metal rhino even angrier.

Zummmm Zummmmm Zummmm

[Note: Sound of Missiles launched]

Metal Rhino Launched three missiles toward the police cars. But before reaching the police cars, the missiles were exploded halfway through a manhole cover, which was tucked into a spider web.

A child dressed in blue-red costume with a spider on his chest widened his eyes in shock and shouted loudly.


When the boy spoke, a man dressed in blue and red costume with a spider on his chest landed on the police car in a dramatic pose.

Lucifer and Isabel on top of the building were just watching with interest as they ate two bags of popcorn.

Lucifer tried to eat his popcorn but saw that it was over and reached for Isabel's popcorn bag but before grabbing the popcorn, his hand was hit hard by Isabel's hand, who looked at him warily as he hid his bag of popcorn. Popcorn in your arms.

Lucifer was speechless and just watched the show from above the building without eating his buttered popcorn.

Returning to the scene below, Spider-Man grabbed a megaphone and began to talk nonstop, annoying the Silver Rhino, who got on all fours and ran at Spider-Man while firing a shower of bullets and some missiles.

Spider-Man quickly threw his web into the manhole cover and threw it into the missiles, exploding near the Rhino.


The metal rhino was pushed back by the impact of the missile blasts. Spider-Man took the chance and slammed open the Rhino's hatch and pulled out a middle-aged man wearing a plain white shirt, and underneath was a SpongeBob Underpants.

"Seriously, spongebob underwear at your age." Spider-Man spoke trying to keep up the laugh but failed and started laughing out loud so that everyone started laughing too.

On top of the building, Lucifer and Isabel were holding their bellies tightly as they tried to stop laughing, but failed and continued to laugh a lot.

They both laughed for a while and strolled all over New York.

[Note: immediately warning, tomorrow there will be no chapter. tomorrow the ENEN exam will take place, so I won't have any time to write.]

[Ps: Thanks for the tips in chapter R-18, I will try to improve. 😁👌]