
Iter ad Inferos

Lucifer looked at the first normal person who came to his bar with a gentle smile on his face.

It was an 11-year-old girl, she had brown hair, her Green eyes, and White skin gave a touching feel to break, but on her arms and legs were various burn marks and cuts ruined a Child's Innocence , her torn and dirty clothes showed, that she received no care.

"Hello little lady, Welcome to Iter ad Inferos the place where you can buy everything at the right price." Lucifer spoke, placing his hand on his chest and bowed briefly to the girl.

"You want something to drink, little lady." Lucifer spoke showing a kind smile to the girl.

The girl ignored Lucifer's question and looked at Lucifer with eyes that a child should not have and spoke coldly.

"I want two things, power and work here as a Housekeeper." when the girl spoke last word, her cheeks were a bit red.

Lucifer who was drinking Whiskey opened his eyes in surprise and looked straight into the girl's soul to see one of the darkest souls Lucifer had ever seen.


Lucifer started laughing out loud as he looked at the girl with an amused look on his face.

"Child, you have one of the darkest souls I've ever seen in my life, so you have the potential to be a great maid. But that's not enough, you'll have to serve Me for eternity." Lucifer spoke looking at the girl with interest as he wondered what this child would choose.

"I accept, but I have to kill some people first." the Girl thought for a moment and spoke looking straight into Lucifer's eyes.

In the girl's green eyes, Lucifer saw a strong hatred and resentment against this Unfair world.

"Great, but as my maid you can't be Weak, so pick one of the Options in the Wish Book." Lucifer spoke with a gentle smile as he looked at his younger maid with interest.

The girl took the Wish Book and began to read the book calmly and saw countless options in front of her.

[Space Power]

[Power of Time]

[Super strength]

[Fire Control]

[Ice Control]

[Read minds]

[Dream Manipulation]

[Shadow Manipulation]

[Wind magic]

[Heat Vision]

[X-ray vision]

[Electricity Handling]


[Gravity Manipulation]

[Magna Manipulation]

[Divinity of Darkness and Silence]

Of all the options, the girl only looked at one and was the [Deity of Darkness and Silence].

"My lord I choose the [Deity of darkness and Silence]." the girl spoke looking straight at Lucifer with determination.

"Great choice Child, now let's change your race." Lucifer spoke to The Girl and then cut off his finger and A Drop of Black Blood came out of the wound.

"Open your mouth." Lucifer spoke to the girl with a serious face.

The girl obeyed Lucifer and slowly opened her mouth. Lucifer smiled and put his finger into the girl's mouth, and the girl began to suck the blood from Lucifer's wound.

"Forget your old name, your name now and Lilith, My Eternal Employee and Partner in my crimes." Lucifer spoke Whispering like the devil in Lilith's Ear.

Lilith did not respond to Lucifer, and her body underwent numerous changes. Her white skin went pale and her hair turned black as night, and her eyes changed to blood red, on her waist a pair of black wings unfold and on her head two small horns rose upwards.

Lucifer Seeing that the transformation was almost over, he took an all-black Stone and placed it in Lilith's heart, which immediately turned into a dark liquid and enveloped Lilith's heart.

After the liquid merged with Lilith's heart. The heart began to pump black blood all over her body, waking Lilith, who slowly opened her blood red eyes.

"My Lord, Lilith greets you." Lilith talks turning her dress into a maid outfit.

"Come on, you said you wanted to kill some people." Lucifer spoke showing a cold smile on his face as he opened a Gap, and walked in with Lilith.

New York, Hell's Kitchen

A gap with Thousands of terrifying red eyes appeared in front of a crumbling house.

Out of the gap came an incredibly handsome man and a girl with black hair and red eyes while wearing a black maid outfit with red embroidery.

"My lord, I ask that from here, I do everything with my own hands." Lilith spoke looking into Lucifer's eyes firmly.

"Sure, killing your own family is never easy." Lucifer asked looking straight into Lilith's red eyes.

He saw his own shadow in Lilith, but unlike him, she had no power to Kill her own Family and he had.

"And my last wish, my lord." Lilith spoke without expression on her face as she looked at Lucifer with determination.

"All right." Lucifer looked deeply at Lilith and spoke as he disappeared into the gap.

Lilith took a deep breath and walked slowly to the door, which could break at any moment.

Every pass Lilith gave her heart became more determined and she pushed the door open. showing a house full of rubbish scattered everywhere, the smell that rotten things got to Lilith's nose but she didn't even care about that.

"Expensive clothes, dyed hair, red contact lenses, you finally sold yourself to an old pervert." A voice that could make anyone feel disgusted was heard by Lilith, who looked at the man coldly.

The Man About 50 years old, he had messy white hair, his extremely Cold eyes gazed at Lilith greedily.

"Come on my dear daughter, give the money to your father." the Old Man spoke to Lilith with a face full of excitement and greed.

Lilith didn't answer and just stared at the self-dominating man with a cold look on his face.

"You little bitch, you didn't hear me." The old man seeing that lilith didn't respond, he was annoyed and reached for Lilith's shoulder, but before his hand touched her, his arm parted from her body and red blood stained the broken walls.

The old man had not yet answered and, looking confused at the empty place where his arm was, but no matter how much he looked there was nothing there.


Suddenly the pain hit the old man's nerves violently, and an extremely horrible scream came from the old man's dirty mouth.

The old man tried to stop the bleeding from his arm but it was useless. the smell of fresh blood spread throughout the house.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm going to die save me, I'm a father." The old man tried to ask Lilith for help, but she just stared coldly at him without caring about anything.

Seeing that Lilith was not going to help, the old man looked at Lilith with eyes full of madness and ran to her regardless of her safety.


The old man's other arm was separated from his merciful body and he fell to his knees in front of Lilith.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands, only my lord can touch my body." Lilith spoke looking coldly at the worm who was her father.

"I've always imagined killing you in a variety of ways, but knowing that you're going to die in 2 minutes and enough to let any one fall crazy." Lilith spoke to the old man who began to turn pale with so much lost blood.

"Save me, I'm your father." The man hasn't given up on asking Lilith for help yet.

"Help? You helped when my mother when she was being raped by you while you strangled her and killed her." Lilith spoke showing an extremely cold smile on her delicate face as she stared with disgust at the old man covered in blood.

Listening to Lilith the old man widened his shocked eyes and showed an extremely sorry look and finally lost the light in his eyes and his body fell into the pool of his own blood.

Lilith last looked at the house where she lived for help eleven years and turned to leave without looking back.

Above the ceiling, a small gap with a red eye, watched it all calmly.

[Note: Finally a Maid 😜😜]

[Ps: sorry for the delay in the chapters, I didn't know what to write, so I stood for a while thinking.]