Hong Kong

Little world

When Lucifer came into the room with Lilith, he only saw an extremely fast shadow scraping his cheek. And black blood ran down his face but the wound healed instantly.

Lucifer glanced sideways and saw a golden dagger thrust deep into the wall.

"Lucifer Morningstar, In addition to sleeping with other women, you still bring a little lover to my house." Isabel speaks looking coldly at Lucifer, who only showed a helpless smile on his face.

"Isabel, it's not what you're thinking." Lucifer tried to explain to Isabel only looked at him coldly.

"So you're saying this child with your blood and your daughter?" Isabel speaks in an even colder voice.

Lucifer felt his hands sweat a little, listening to Isabel, but to his happiness Lilith begins to speak.

"It's a pleasure to meet My lady, my name and Lilith, my Lord's personal servant." Lilith speaks holding the ends of her dress as she bends to Isabel.

"Maid?" Isabel looked at Lucifer suspiciously.

"Yes." Lucifer, feeling hope, nodded frantically, confirming his innocence to Isabel.

Seeing Lucifer confirming, Isabel finally showed a kind smile to Lilith.

"You're so cute, I have a lot of clothes in my closet, let's try on a lot now." Isabel spoke showing a cheerful smile on her face as she dragged Lilith to her room.

Lilith looked at Lucifer to save her, but he only looked pityingly at her and turned to flee. Lilith seeing her Master running away just muttered.

"My lord, you are so cruel"

Lucifer who left the castle felt his soul tremble a little and looked at New York with deep eyes.

"Looks like I have to stick to my side of the deal." Lucifer whispered as he opened a gap and entered it with a slightly excited smile.

New York, Hospital

On a balcony, the soul of Supreme Metres stared up at the night sky with a calm look on his face as his lips formed a relieved smile on his face. Suddenly another soul appears beside her with a nervous face.

It was a man wearing strange clothes, with a red cape on his back.

"Elder, please return to your body, we are trying to revive your body right now." Stephen Strange speaks with a nervous face as he looks at the supreme master with an anxious look.

"The night is beautiful, right Strange." the Supreme Master speaks with a calm smile to Stephen Strange, who is still more nervous listening to the Supreme Master.

"You know Strange, I looked into the future tens of millions of times and always ended up looking at that same star-studded night sky." the high master spoke turning as she looked at Strange with a calm smile on her face.

"Elder, The you that you are saying at this time, please return to your body immediately." Stephen spoke with a face almost begging for the Supreme Master.

"Strange, I'm already dead, even my soul is not mine anymore." The high teacher spoke looking calmly at Stephen Strange.

"What! Which means your soul is not yours anymore." Stange spoke with a shocked look to the Supreme Master.

"Yes, her soul belongs to me, since she signed the contract with me." a gap appeared behind Stephen Strange, and an incredibly handsome man emerged from the gap wearing a large white cloak that crawled to the floor.

Stephen hearing the voice behind him, he just felt a chill go through his body as if lightning passed through his body.

"You have finally arrived, Lucifer Morningstar, the Lord of the Underworld." the Supreme Master spoke with a smile on her serene face.

"Yes, how can I leave my future Bartender alone on this cold night." Lucifer spoke showing a bright smile to The Supreme Master.

"Looks like I have a new job." the Supreme Master spoke showing a happy smile on her face.

She was tired of carrying all this weight of protecting the earth on her shoulders. She always wanted to live a normal life but she can never do that, as she had to protect the whole earth from evil Creatures, Gods and Wizards.

"Elder, you sold your soul to yourself, lord of hell." Stephen Strange spoke in shock, listening to the conversation of the two extremely powerful beings.

"Yes, I sold my soul, as it may be, to protect the earth once." Supreme Master spoke without caring much.

Stephen Strange was speechless listening to the Supreme Master. He just shook his head and looked at Lucifer seriously.

"Bird man and you better take good care of her ..." Before Strange finished speaking, his soul was pulled to hell. Strange opened his eyes, shocked by the terrifying sight in front of him.

When Strange's soul returned to earth he just stared at Lucifer in silence without daring to make a joke.

The Supreme Master just showed an amused smile on her face watching Strange turn pale with fear.

"Come on, I have to kill the lord of the dark dimension." Lucifer spoke to Strange and as he sent the soul of the supreme master to his bar.

Lucifer opened a gap for Hong Kong, and entered dragging Stange by the cloak.

Hong Kong

The Hong Kong temple was in ruins by the attack of Kaecilius and his subordinates. The Kamar-Taj Magi's Bodies were everywhere.

Suddenly, the sky of Hong Kong went dark as if there were no stars and the moon to illuminate the planet and a black hole appeared above a building, sucking everything around it.

Hong Kong citizens panicked, seeing buildings collapse and crushing some people. People rushed everywhere trying to escape this Global disaster.

A gap with thousands of red eyes appeared on the Hong Kong floor, and Lucifer and Strange stepped out of the gap to see this horrible scene.

Lucifer looked at all this indifferently, but Strange was angry and was about to wear the jewel of time but was prevented by Lucifer.

"You don't have to do that, for those who have died, you will only make them suffer more when they die again." Lucifer spoke looking at Strange with indifference.

"But if they die ...." Strange tried to argue but was silent listening to Lucifer's next words.

"The law of death must not be broken. If you went back in time and saved these people, death would torment these souls for eternity. Since they broke the laws of death." Lucifer spoke explaining to Strange, who showed a hard smile to Lucifer.

"Try to save the ones that are still alive, I'll go to the dark dimension." Lucifer spoke to Strange as he unfolded his twelve black wings and flew into the black hole.

[Note: next chapter and fight.]

[Ps: Hope you like it.😏😏😏]