
Dark dimension

Looking at the tens of millions of planets engulfed by the dark dimension. Lucifer just shook his head and, flying toward the center of the dark Dimension.

At sublight speed Lucifer did not take long to reach the center of the dark Dimension, to see a huge, all-black Planet.

"Looks like an ant has invaded my domain." a voice full of malice was heard by Lucifer, who looked at the giant being in front of him with an animated smile on his face.

The being was over a hundred meters tall, its skin as black as a shadow. His giant Purple eyes stared at Lucifer as if he were a mere ant that only needed to tread to kill.

"Lord of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu, today you go to your eternal sleep." Lucifer spoke looking at Dormammu with an excited smile on his face.

Without waiting for Dormammu to respond, Lucifer unfolded his twelve black wings to the full and shouted into the dark sky.

"Answer my call, Dark Spear."


The black clouds gathered in the sky of the dark dimension and a black ray fell from the clouds and went towards Lucifer, turning into a foolishly black spear in his hand.

Dormammu Also did not stand still and opened his mouth unleashing a beam of energy extremely concentrated on Lucifer.

Lucifer reached forward and a transparent barrier appeared to protect him.

The lightning bolt of energy quickly crossed space through numerous planets and headed toward Lucifer with the intention of shattering it.

As the beam of energy collided with the barrier, a burst of energy spread around it like a wave.


The nearby planets were evaporated in seconds by the burst of energy.

When the smoke from the explosion faded Lucifer was completely unharmed without even a speck of dust in his white cloak.

Suddenly Lucifer disappeared where he was and reappeared over Dormammu's head and threw the Dark Spear at Dormammu's black skull.

Dormammu sensing danger from above, he did not hesitate and shifted to the side, dodging the Dark Spear, which would pierce his skull if it had taken him a little longer to deflect.

But to Dormammu's misfortune, Dark spear is not a physical weapon but an energy weapon. Dark Spear split into thousands of black spears and flew toward Dormammu.

Ziii ziiii ziiiik ziii ziii ziiii

The spears ignored just about everything and how many rays of energy went to Dormammu extremely quickly.

Dormammu seeing that he would not escape the attack, he waved his hand and a giant ax appeared in his hand and he swung the ax toward the spears thousands of black spears to block everything.

But what Dormammu didn't count was that Dark spear devoured almost everything. so when the spears came in contact with the ax it did not last long and was devoured by the black spears.

The remaining spears pierced Dormammu's arm deeply, and began to devour everything in his arm.

Dormammu feeling his body being devoured, he did not hesitate and ripped his arm out of force causing black blood with purple lines to fly all over the dark dimension but his arm regenerated in mere seconds.

Far away from the battlefield of Dormammu and Lucifer, a small man by a book, looked at the battle with animated eyes and wrote everything that happened in the fight in his book with the most pleasurable expression in the world. He also records everything with a colorful rock floating around him.

Returning the battle

Lucifer had just tested his physical strength with Dormammu and lost miserably. His arm turned the other way and black blood trickled from his mouth but all the wounds healed instantly.

"Dormammu, time to get serious." Lucifer spoke, releasing a terrifying black aura that turned the nearby planets into dust.

Dormammu also released a neon purple aura that devoured all nearby planets.

When the two black and purple auras collided every shadowy dimension trembled with such pressure. The space around them trembled as if it would break at any moment.

All this noise alerted some extremely powerful beings of the universe, who watched everything with a suppressed and animated look.

Death was the first to notice, and she began cheering excitedly for her lover as she screamed his name with a bright smile on her beautiful face.

The living court looked at death with a helpless smile, and watched the fight with great interest.

"Infinite, let's bet, a Dimension that the Lord of hell gains." eternity speaks to infinity that has been silent for a while and has spoken.

"Done, I bet the dark-dimension Lord wins." Infinity answers Eternity.

After the two made bets, other entities also began posting, things that would make most beings greedy for her.

Battle field

Lucifer looked at Dormammu excitedly, and behind him were countless gigantic Rays of Red energy that were destroying whatever came near them.

Behind Dormammu were numerous black holes, which were sucking everything around him.

"Don't die Dormammu, Agent still has plenty of time to fight." Lucifer spoke to Dormammu with a very lively smile on his face.

"Humhp, and you should be careful not to die." Dormammu spoke looking at Lucifer with contempt.

"I warned." Lucifer shrugged carelessly and launched the red beams of energy.

Before Dormammu realized the red energy rays were right in front of him and pierced every bit of Dormammu destroying large parts of his body.


Feeling his fawn being destroyed, Dormammu screamed in pain, and showed an extremely regretful look at the last moment of his life.

"I warned." Lucifer repeated the phrase from earlier while showing a funny smile on his face.

The black holes behind Dormammu's body began to shrink without Dormammu's dark energy supply and soon disappear.

Looking at Dormammu's all-pierced body lifeless, Lucifer shook his head and spoke with contempt.

"Idiot, to those red beams of energy, was the pure law of Destruction in physical form, and you dare to try to take them head on and seek your own death." Lucifer spoke with a disappointed face; he hadn't found such a good punching bag in a long time.

Lucifer stared for a while at the dark dimension almost entirely destroyed by his and Dormammu's struggle. And after watching for a while Lucifer unfolded his wings and flew out of the dark dimension.

[Note: How was the fight scene? Is it good? It became bad? Just comment.]

[Ps: Hope you like it.😁😁😁]