Lúcifer ?

Little world

A few days later Fight

Beneath the giant tree, Lucifer was completely Naked, only a sheet with Red covered his Manhood, while Isabel Painted Him on a White canvas.

Lilith stood next to Isabel, wearing her maid's outfit and once in a while as she stared, at Lucifer's body with slightly red cheeks.

Lucifer had been in this position a few hours ago, looked toward his bar with a surprised look.

"Isabel, I have to go, it looks like an interesting customer has arrived." Lucifer rose quickly and materialized a Black Suit on his body with a red bow tie.

"Now? But I'm not done painting." Isabel spoke with a dissatisfied face to Lucifer.

"But later, Agent can Paint as many pictures as you want, but now I really have to go." Lucifer spoke kissing Isabel's lips as he opened a gap and entered it, followed by Lilith, who ran as if her life depended on it.

Seeing the two running away in a hurry, Isabel only gave an irritated look and returned to the castle in a bad mood.

Iter ad Inferos

Mystra looked at the man and woman sitting on the couch with a professional smile on their face.

Mystra was wearing a bartender suit with a red tie.

[Note: The Supreme Master will be called Mystra from now on. Just for those who don't know, Mystra was the goddess of magic in Forgotten Realms.]

"Hello sir, ma'am, want to drink something." Mystra spoke politely to the man and woman on the couch.

"Whiskey" a tall British man in a black suit spoke with an amused smile on his face as he looked at the bar with interest.

"Whiskey" The woman with black hair and chocolate skin wearing a Sexy Leather Outfit. said looking at Mystra with a look full of sensuality.

"Just a moment please." Mystra spoke smiling as he looked at the man with interest.

She felt that the man in front of her had the same Essence as Her master, Lucifer Morningstar.

After a while Mystra returned with a tray with a bottle of whiskey and two glass cups.

Serving The Two Guests, Mystra smiled with a calm smile and spoke.

"I already warned my master of your arrival. He will arrive shortly." Mystra spoke and began cleaning some glass cups.

"Seriously Lucifer, what are we doing here. Do you want to find your other self?" the woman spoke confused to the tall British man.

"Maze, you don't think it's nice to see another me in a different universe. 1 + 1 = 2 so perfectly, let's outshine everyone." Another Lucifer spoke to Maze, a bright smile on his face.

[Note: Another Lucifer (Lucifer Series), Lucifer (MC). Just warning to cause even confusion.]

Suddenly, a Gap with thousands of red eyes appeared in front of the other Lucifer and Maze and an incredibly handsome man stepped out of the Gap, followed by a girl in employee clothes.

The Two Lucifer looked at each other for a while and smiled at the same time.

"Welcome to Iter ad Inferos where you can buy everything at the right price." Lucifer spoke, placing his hand on his chest as he bent briefly to them.

"Boss, he's prettier than you." Maze spoke looking at Lucifer with eyes Shining with lust as she licked her lips very sensually.

Suddenly Meze's gaze fell on the girl wearing maid's clothes behind Lucifer (MC) and soon acknowledged ..

"Mother!" Maze spoke in a resentful voice.

Before Lilith answered, a knife flew toward Lilith's throat.

But before the knife came close to Lilith, one hand caught the knife in the air and played with it in her hand.

"My lady, please don't use knives inside the bar." Lucifer spoke looking straight at Maze, his eyes glowing a red color.

"Maze, sit down and be quiet." the other Lucifer spoke looking into the eyes of Meze, who sat on the couch in a bad mood while drinking his glass of whiskey.

"Sorry, Maze has always been a little explosive." the other Lucifer spoke showing a big smile on his face.

"No problem, Demons are always a little aggressive." Lucifer spoke smiling as he sat on the couch.

"So what brings you both to my humble Bar in another universe." Lucifer speaks by taking a sip from his wineglass while looking into the other Lucifer's eyes.

"Of course, business." the other Lucifer spoke, playing with a silver coin floating in his hand.

"I'm listening." Lucifer spoke with a smile on his face.

The two Lucifer looked at each other and smiled at the same time leaving everyone in the bar cold.

While the two Lucifer were plotting something Machiavellian. A gigantic snake larger than a planet, with black scales like darkness itself, drew ever closer to the small world of Isabel and Lucifer.

The snake saw a planet near him and opened its gigantic Mouth swallowing the entire planet.

Unsatisfied, the serpent devoured almost all the nearby planets and quickly flew toward where he was most attracted.

Crossing the immensity of darkness, the snake saw a small planet, but exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

The serpent was not intimidated by the terrifying aura and excitedly ran to the planet.

Opening its mouth to swallow this little planet, the snake even closed its eyes waiting for the delicious taste of the planet.

But what the snake felt was something hard that she could not break with all her might.

The snake opened its eyes in confusion and stared at the colorful shield around the planet shielding it from all the evil in the universe.

"Beast, you'll have to work harder to break my shield." A delicate voice was heard by the snake, who looked ahead and saw a woman with long golden hair that stretched to her ankle and purple eyes looking at her with sarcasm.

The woman wore Golden armor perfectly showing her alluring body.

The snake, feeling that it was insulted, became furious and decided to make this little creature suffer. The snake opened its mouth and spit out a green haze in large quantities.

Struck by the green mist, some nearby planets were dissolved to nothing by the Green mist.

Seeing this, Isabel turned serious and a golden, upwardly curved sword appeared in her hand. The golden sword had numerous runes engraved on the side, giving a very ancient and majestic feeling.

[Note: Basically, Godou's sword from anime Campione.]

"Break" Isabel swung the sword sideways and a wave of golden energy came out of the sword, and cut everything in its path.

The golden energy cut everything in its path to the rapidly approaching green mist.

When the green mist came in contact with the golden energy, it was immediately dissipated as if it had not existed.

[Note: Next chapter, Isabel's First Fight.]

[ Ps: Sorry, for the delay we chapters, was writing my other Novels.]