
Iter ad Inferos

Looking at the back of the other Lucifer leaving. Lucifer narrowed his eyes with a look of contempt.

"My Lord, you really are going to do that." Lilith asked Lucifer Confused.

"Lilith, I am the Original Lucifer, the one born of Genesis. I will not stoop to work along with a copy of such low power." Lucifer spoke with a sarcastic smile as he looked at Lilith gently.

"Then why, you made a deal with him." Lilith was even more confused listening to Lucifer.

"He has something I really want." Lucifer spoke showing a nostalgic look on his face.

"My lord, you cannot trust that right man." Lilith spoke worriedly about Lucifer.

"Trust? I never trust myself, Lilith. After all, I know myself better than anyone," Lucifer said with a strange smile on his face.

Suddenly Lucifer's face changed and his eyes were practically dark flames, so angry with who he was feeling right now.

He felt a damn snake, Attack the crystal wall of his Little World.

"APOFIS" Lucifer speaks Coldly, opening a gap out of the universe.

Territory Of The Gods Of Egypt

In the boat of the sun god Ra, a gap appeared above the boat and a man in a white cloak came out with his eyes of black flame.

"God of the Sun Ra, and you better give me an explanation, why Apofis is attacking my world." Lucifer spoke looking at the old man wearing a white cloak.

A golden aura encircled his whole body, as if it were the sun itself.

"Explanation? For you, don't make me laugh, Lord of the Underworld." Ra spoke with a sneering smile at Lucifer.

"Looks like some ants are trying to kill the elephant." Lucifer spoke smiling coldly at Ra.

"Of course, after all if ants get together they can kill an elephant." says Ra holding a golden spear in his hand.

Lucifer felt innumerable Divine Auras surrounding him on every side.

"Yes, but that only happens if the Elephant doesn't move." Lucifer spoke with a smile full of contempt for Ra.

"Answer my call, Dark Spear."


With a whisper from Lucifer, black thunder appeared in his hand, and turned into a black spear.

"Let's start, right, the night for a child." Lucifer spoke unfolding his twelve black wings, and looked at Ra with a cold smile on his face.

Little world

Isabel held her golden sword and smiled excitedly at Apofis, who looked coldly at her.

[Universal Creation: Black Hole]

At Isabel's whisper, A black hole appeared above Apofis and began to suck on Apofis's body.

Apofis tried to break free by writhing his entire body violently.

Seeing this, Isabel created innumerable golden chains and threaded them all over Apofis's body.

With Apofis trapped, unable to move. Isabel made her sword shine with a white light and swung the sword to the body of Apofis.


A gigantic ray of light came out of Isabel's golden sword and quickly crossed the space with the speed of light.

With the speed of Light, the Ray of Light struck directly into Apofis's belly, creating a giant hole of Charred Meat in the stomach of the Apofis Serpent.

Feeling a horrible ache in her stomach, Apofis roared furiously and opened her mouth to release a Purple Mist that destroyed all the space around her.

Isabel quickly stepped back, watching the purple haze destroy the entire space.

"Scary poison." Isabel thought looking at all this with surprise.

With the chains destroyed, Apofis finally broke free and disappeared but shadows waiting just to strike at the right time.

Isabel, she looked everywhere with a smile on her face, not worrying about the Serpent Apofis ambush.

Suddenly a gigantic Mouth appeared Behind and swallowed Isabel's body.

Apofis before Celebrating his victory, He saw Isabel appearing in front of her with a smile on her face.

"You shouldn't eat all sorts of things, it can cause you indigestion." Isabel spoke with a funny smile on her face.

Apophis listening to Isabel, was confused but soon understood her words.

Tens of millions of Thorns of Wood Pierced Apofis from the inside out.

Green blood has spread throughout the solar system. Creating a very beautiful scene of a green sea floating in space.

Apofis now had Many Blood Holes in his body. Green blood had constantly flowed out of the holes

Although Apofis tried to regenerate, but could not. Since Apofis had used all her energy in the purple mist that had released before.

The look of desperation slowly appeared in Apofis's red eyes as he looked at Isabel approaching him with a golden sword in his hand.

"Sorry, but my brother said that Polpar an enemy and the same, that you hurt, your family." Isabel said, showing a sad face as she thrust the golden sword into Apofis's body.

The Golden Sword Quickly Destroyed the soul of Apophis and broke its Divinity.

Apofis felt a deep sleepiness and finally closed his eyes forever.

Isabel, pulled the golden sword and it came out without a drop of blood on its blade.

Isabel looked at the dead body in front of her with a sad face and kept the whole body and Blood of Apofis.

Suddenly a gap appeared behind Isabel, and Lucifer appeared covered in golden blood. In his hand he held a head of an old woman, who showed sad expression and full of regret at his last moment if his life.

"Brother, making my tower was a mistake?" ignoring Lucifer covered in blood, Isabel ran and hugged him tightly as she asked shaking slightly.

"You regret creating your Tower." Lucifer asked Isabel as he stroked her long golden hair.

"No" Isabel did not hesitate and answered Lucifer with determination.

"So you already have your answer, right." Lucifer spoke kindly to Isabel, who finally showed him a happy smile.

"Yes," Isabel said, smiling happily as she looked into Lucifer's eyes with determination.

"So, let's go home." Lucifer spoke, opening a gap for his little world and entered with Isabel.

Kingdom Of The Gods Of Egypt

The whole universe was ruined. The bodies of the gods floated in the immensity of space, beside the great wreckage of the destroyed planet.

A dark-haired, gray-eyed woman suddenly appeared in the universe and stared at the entire aura of death spread across the universe, a passionate smile on her face.

"Looks like my Dear, really got angry. The universe is about to collapse." Mrs. Death spoke with a smile full of Coldness staring at the Crumbling universe.

After that, she disappeared and the universe exploded, throwing a wave of gigantic energy everywhere.

[Note: I hope you enjoy the Chapter. 😊😊😊]