Ruby Red

"'I love it! Dear, would you please get it for me? Please? If you do I think I'd just have to reward you!' That's what she said to me that day. To me it was just another day, but what that thing caused pains me. I'll admit this however, she looked absolutely stunning in that necklace. It fitted her so wonderfully it was as though it was designed with her in mind. Days passed and she had begun to wear it more and more. Now, originally she'd only wear it with her crimson red dress and heels, but she had begun to wear it in normal clothing. I still thought nothing of it, 'girls do love their jewelry' I'd think. But this, this was different. At times she'd even take it to another room and talk to it. It became an obsession, that much was apparent to me after she had also begun wearing it to bed. We still had our conversations and dates and the like. But work came and for a week I was forced away from her. With phones and such I could still talk to her, but not being able to physically see her made me worried. 'She can take care of herself, she's fine she's a strong woman' those thoughts would reassure me. But there was always a creeping suspicion that would lay in the back of my mind, something was wrong, something was happening to her. And I, I was away letting this happen. Sunday morning came and I was ready to return when I was informed that I'd be forced to stay another week. I called her and when she picked up it broke my heart her voice seemed so fragile. It was quiet and hoarse, but I knew it was her. I ignored my employer and rushed back to her. The chain of the ruby necklace it hung loosely from the ceiling, the room was dark, but I could hear heavy breathing from the dining room. Turning on the light there she was, her beauty had faded and her red hair had turned white. I called to her 'Dear, please feel me you're alright!' Her body was cold. I walked in front of her and there I was met with a sight that's been burned into the deepest reaches of my psyche. In place of her throat lay the ruby from the necklace, it had four barbs on each side that had dug into her skin, seemingly aware of my presence it red hue grew brighter and brighter as my lovers body began to shake. Her corpse whispered to me 'you, you, you did this to me! You left me and you let this take control of me!' With a monstrous power it threw me to the floor, breaking my arm in the process. It hurt me, but what was before me was no longer my loving second half. Red light illuminated the room and as I pushed the pen through, a red fountain burst out of her throat. For this reason I stand here in this disgusting cell, but I belong here I caused this to happen didn't I!? If I hadn't bought that damn ruby she'd still be alive, right!? RIGHT!?"