Yellow Sun

"Darkness is a wonderful thing, is it not? Its inviting and warm and beautiful. Yet whatever can lie in that pitch black empty void is beyond me. So, like any normal person i'd have the light on. With an incessant presence its yellow glow would come through the room, following me with a sickly hold on my mind. It felt far worse than the darkness ever did. Off. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off... Off. An unfulfilling cycle would play on and on. It would always result in it the light turned off, but with every move, every time, every moment that i flipped the switch, the world became both darker and lighter. My eyes, my two eyes would see it. I, of course, couldn`t see it at first but it made its presence known. It danced and ran on the walls, it watched curiously with a splendor of horrid yellow. I know, I know it sounds preposterous, but if you, if the others had lived as much as I had in that yellow, and black space you`d know as well as I do. It was like the walls had been painted yellow and the ceiling an orange yellow. I'd like to believe that that is the color of hell. I know it can't be red, because, because, the devil's face was not that color. Red is the color of passion and yellow is the color of plagues and disease, happiness you say? No, if that were- No, its could very well be the color of joy, but it is our joy that it represents. I'm fully aware that this sounds, this experience sounds fake as all hell, but please allow me to continue. The yellow spirit on my walls would grow more and more active as the switch would flicker, On. Off. On. Off... Off. Like a command it would follow the differences in light. Then, oh but then! It had began to take form apart from the wall it was no longer the pixie i'd spend time with. On... On. I no longer felt like playing God with this creature. They say that all good things must come to an end, but imagine this. If it ends, was it ever a good thing!? Or what it but a trap? A sharp object would dig into my back as I looked away from the wall. Its tenacity grew to a fierce level. Finally, night came, and well, as if on command. Off. The light! The light! did it even exist in the first place or was it always dark? Because though I heard it turn off, and I know it turned off! It was white. So, what exactly was that yellow light? The thought lingered in my mind as a smile, slowly, slowly, but surely formed before my vision. Like the sun its bright yellow eyes were staring at me, its yellow fangs opening, closing, opening, Closing! Opening! Hahaha! It smiled! then for a moment, just a sliver of a second. Off. Off went the light as the smile disappeared. And as I caught my breath I looked into the mirror, as my eyes widened I realized something. It was not my eyes and smile that I was greeted with..."