Crazy Batch

"It's done," Ye Yuyan gleefully commented as soon as the video was taken down.

Han Shuya remained downcast. "I don't want to seem ungrateful, but what is that good for? The damage has already been done. I won't be able to show my face in college from now on." Tears started pooling in her eyes.

"Don't worry Shuya, I have a plan to prove you innocent and reveal how conniving those four are while we're at it." Ye Yuyan comforted her.

"We're getting revenge on those bitches." With a cold smile, she uploaded the video of Xia Heru and the others on the college forum.

It didn't take long for it to spread and the first comments to arrive. Some showed pity for Han Shuya; most cursed at Xia Heru.

Han Shuya was elated with the results. "Thanks, Yuyan, you really are a good friend." She then took Ye Yuyan out for shopping and then to her home, where she introduced her to her mother.


Xia Heru gritted her teeth in anger as she read the comments. She didn't expect Han Shuya to get back at her, even less so in such an effective way.

Other than the uploader themself, only members of the student council were allowed to remove videos from the forum. She knew Han Shuya wouldn't take down the video, so she tried the council members, but none of them were willing to help her.

Her three friends' expressions were a mix of embarrassment and irritation. They all regretted taking Xia Heru's side instead of Han Shuya's.

Han Shuya's words proved correct. They would all have to reap what they had sowed.


Han Shuya invited Ye Yuyan into her room and showed everything to her. They then sat down by the bed and talked.

"Yuyan, maybe I was wrong in liking Ho Joon Jae. I lost someone who could've been a good friend because of my foolishness. I wish I had a chance to apologize to him.

"Ye Yuyan looked back at her. "If you want a chance, then you need to create one. After today, he might have understood some of what happened. Why don't you try calling him?"

"You're right, I'll try." Han Shuya typed in his number on her phone.

"Hello," he picked up after a moment.

"Hey, can you talk?"

"Yes, sure."

"Well, I'd like to start by saying I'm sorry. For everything. It was all due to my foolishness. You were right about Xia Heru and the others. They were no good. I only hope that you may forgive me and for us to be friends."

There was a moment of silence from the other end of the line. "It's good that you've changed, and yes, I forgive you. I hope we can be friends too."

Han Shuya felt very happy. "Thank you Joon, let's talk more in the future," she said before hanging up the phone. After that, she turned and hugged Ye Yuyan tight. "Thank you Yuyan. We've only met today, but this has already been the best day ever for me."



Song Yun felt disappointed when Kim Boo Ra said that she doesn't know much of what happened with Han Shuya. For a moment at least.

The usually silent Bai Ying spoke up: "I know more."

Song Yun pushed Yan Shu to the side and started bugging Bai Ying for more information. Bai Ying said that they should eat first before their food went cold, but Song Yun didn't care. She wanted the gossip, and she wanted it now.

Resigned, Bai Ying then put her chopsticks aside and explained everything to the group, from the confessions to the first video that was taken down and ending on the second one that remained in the forum.

Everyone else, only now finding this out, took out their phones and checked the college forum. They couldn't help feeling sorry for Han Shuya afterward.

"Ok, now we know what happened. Can we get back to eating?" Yan Shu didn't wait for anyone's confirmation before turning her focus back to her food.

After eating, they all left for classes. It all went smoothly, and the final bell rang. Before going their separate ways, they all decided to exchange numbers and create a group on Weibo, which somehow ended up being named Crazy Batch.