
Song Yun and Yan Shu arrived at college the next day. Neither of them wanted to make breakfast so they decided to grab something to eat at the canteen. On the way there, their phones buzzed with messages from the Crazy Batch group.

"Hey guys, where are you?" Mu Ke asked. "I've just arrived in college."

"We are heading to the canteen for breakfast," Song Yun answered.

"You can join us if you want," Yan Shu added in.

 "Sure, I'll be there."

They met with Mu Ke a few minutes later. Bai Ying read the messages and also hurried to the canteen. The four were about to go in when Kim Bi Bum sent a message asking to wait for him and her sister.

While waiting for the siblings, they were spotted by Ye Yuyan and Han Shuya.

Han Shuya hesitated to approach Yan Shu, but Ye Yuyan practically dragged her to them. "Hey," her friend cheerfully greeted them. "Are you here for breakfast too?"

"Yes," Song Yun answered. "You can join us if you want."

"Sure, that sounds nice. Right Shuya?"

Han Shuya still hesitated to face Yan Shu. "Yeah… sure..."

"It's nice to have you." Yan Shu understood Han Shuya's hesitation and tried to make her more comfortable.

Han Shuya felt much better after that. When she decided to apologize, she had been afraid that Yan Shu wouldn't forgive her. But from hearing her words just now, she knew this wouldn't be the case, so she felt very happy.

She finally realized why everyone liked and respected Yan Shu so much. From that moment, Han Shuya decided that she would change her behavior and learn from Yan Shu. Thinking about it, she broke into a dazzling smile.

From Yan Shu to Bai Ying, everyone felt awed by her smile. They had never seen her smile like that. Ye Yuyan was an exception, but that only happened when they were alone.

Grinning from ear to ear and unaware of the turmoil that her smile was causing, Han Shuya threw hesitation out of the window. "Let's have breakfast together then."

Yan Shu was the first to compose herself. "Not yet, we're waiting for Kim Bi Bum and Kim Boo Ra first. We'll enter together when they get here."

Han Shuya nodded.

A couple of minutes later, the Kim sibling arrived. At first, they were startled by Han Shuya and Ye Yuyan being there but they said nothing about it. If Yan Shu herself didn't seem to mind, then it wasn't their place to comment.

They all entered the canteen and picked a large table to accommodate the eight of them. Han Shuya sat next to Yan Shu while Mu Ke, Kim Bi Bum, Song Yun and Ye Yuyan went to buy the food. It was still early so there wasn't much of a line.

When they returned with the food, everyone ate and chatted. In an unspoken agreement, no one mentioned Han Shuya's previous rivalry against Yan Shu.

Yan Shu talked to everyone, including Han Shuya, who felt very happy about it and continued to smile.

As time passed, more and more students came into the canteen, and they were all surprised to see Yan Shu and Han Shuya eating and laughing together. One of them even filmed it and posted the video on the forum.

People watched the video and commented on it. They commented on how much Han Shuya changed and wished all the best to her. After a while, someone mentioned Xia Heru, which made the comments change to a series of curses at her. "Bitch" was the most used term.

Comments continuously flowed in, unbeknownst to Han Shuya and Yan Shu who weren't even aware of the video in the first place.

This was in stark contrast to Xia Heru who wasn't even in the video but somehow had turned into the main target of the commenters. In another part of the campus, she gritted her teeth as she watched the video. To her, seeing Han Shuya and Yan Shu smiling was an eyesore.