SYS Holdings

People chattered in the hall, including various prominent figures from other companies.

The bidding process would go through three selection phases. Yan Shu already passed the first phase when she submitted her project. It wasn't much of a victory, though, as it was only there to check if the projects were viable at all.

Now, they were going through the second phase, where only five projects would be chosen. The government chose to host a banquet where they'd announce the five finalist projects. 

There were various representatives in the hall, even from companies who hadn't been selected. Although they had no chances of winning, they still attended to mingle with the others. One can't overstate the importance of connections in the business world.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," the host's voice rang through the hall, causing everyone else to go silent. "Now, we all know why we're here, so I won't delay. The winner is… well, besides me, who managed to win the contract to host this event."

People laughed, more out of politeness than anything else.

"Now, let's get to it. The winners for the second phase are the San Groups, Chen Groups, Yang Groups, Zhao Groups, and finally, SYS Holdings."

The last name surprised most of the attendants. They all knew of the other companies, but this SYS Holdings was completely unknown. People were asking each other and even googling it on their phones when the host's voice sounded again.

"Now, I'd like to call to the stage the companies' representatives."