First meeting with Shizuku and The 'Debt'

---- Earth, Japan, Kindergarten School----

At the classroom filled with children at first they reserve to talk each other, but a few minutes later some of them had group each other.

When Jin & Hajime was entered the room, the room filled with silence as they look at the twins. Even though they saw a twin but this is the first time they meet a twins with same and different characteristics. As twin was finding their seats beside the little girl with a semi long black hair that tied in ponytail with a red pupils was seating on the back row, twin sat down while Jin beside her and Hajime beside him.

" Hello what is your name?" Jin said with a smile to the girl beside him.

" Shizuku Yaegashi what about you?" she said with a slight blush as she staring at him.

' Shizuku?' he was bit surprise but he took his hand to handshake at her which is also the latter took his hand for handshake.

" My name is Jin Nagumo, this is my twin brother Hajime Nagumo nice to meet you Shizuku-chan" he said to Shizuku, while Hajime gave a small greeting . Fifteen minutes later there teacher was in front of the classroom, she was at least early 20's wearing a teacher uniform such as Blazer, Shirt & Tight skirt.

" Good morning class I'm your teacher until the end of school year, let's have introduce yourself to know each other, My name is Yuri Sakaki I will start in the front row to call you and introduce your name and likes.

--10 minutes later---

When the three of was next to stand Shizuku was the first one to introduce.

" My name is Shizuku Yaegashi , I like kendo and **cute things**" She said while the last word did not heard by everyone except Jin who was beside her. After her introduction she sat down hurriedly as she tries to hide her face, but she failed to hide her ear which was a bit red. While Jin who stand up for introduce himself.

" My name is Jin Nagumo I like training and cute girls" he said with small smile which captivated a many little girls in his class. He tap the shoulder of Hajime who was next to introduce himself.

" My name is Hajime Nagumo I like anime and Mecha." he sat down after as it was nothing a big deal.

--- End of class ---

Outside the school we're many parents was waiting for their child to go home. Jin and Shizuku walking together while Hajime has found group who like mecha's .

" So your Family was owner of dojo? I want to apply to learn kendo( Ninjutsu )." Jin said as he look at Shizuku gently.

" Really, then that's a promise okay." when she learned that he was going to her dojo, a bright smile matches in the scattered leaves of Cherry Blossom in her back. Even though she was just 5 years old her beauty was radiating which stunned him daze, when she noticed his look Shizuku hurriedly look down to hide her blush. The did not notice that there was parents that looking at them with a smile while the other was giving a thumbs up, even though Jin was mentally matured he was still embarrassed in many people that giving them that kind of attention.

They noticed their parents was in front of them, their parents was chatting together the one was Sumire while the other one was looks like Shizuku but a mature one it should be her mother while the man behind the Shizuku's mother was looking at him with a slight smile.

" Oh Jin-kun it seems like your spring now eh" His father said with a grin on his face while the two women was stop their talk as they welcome their child.

" Ara ara Shizuku-chan has got a 'friend' you should introduce him to us did you?" Shizuku's mother said with mischievous smile, while the latter was blushing reach in her ears as she knows the hidden meaning in that word.

" Mom stop it, umm h-his name is Jin Nagumo we are sitting together in the class." she said as she did not dare to face Jin. At this time the man who's behind in Shizuku's mother as walk in front of Jin with a small smile on his did not vanish.

" Jin isn't do you want to come at my dojo if you have a time?" the man said as found something interesting in Jin, Unlike the ordinary people they could not anything strange about Jin, being a Kendo(Ninjutsu) specialist he also need a Keen eye to observe his opponent or his student or sometimes they could find a talent/ potential about the person.

" Sure uncle, I just want asked permission to my parents first to apply to your dojo but it seems it was not necessary as you could tell to my parents." Jin said with a smile as he look towards his parent as they heard their conversation.

" If it's something you like Jin-kun why not , I know you like training so, looks like you found your teacher." his father said as he was supported to his son.

" Why not I think Shizuku-chan will be happy if you go to their dojo right?" his mother said with meaningful smile at Shizuku who looking down on the ground as she hide blush again,

As they agreed to let Jin to come their dojo.

" Then see you next time Shizuku-chan" he a

said as he headpat her head which the latter was turning into deep red due embarrassment and feeling good in his hands. Because of that they earned a meaningful smile from their parents, the former surprised because how can he handle a girls at his age, while the latter which surprised because their daughter have found interest beside the Kendo(Ninjutsu) and cute stuffs.

" Mom,Dad I found my classmates who also like Mecha." Hajime said with proud face as he introduced them to their parents as he earned a sweet smile.

" Ara good for you Hajime-chan" Sumire said as she gave Hajime a headpat, but latter brush out his head with blush he was embarrassed because he was in front of his friends.

After the little talk they said goodbyes return to their home. At the night Jin was sitting in the balcony as his right arm was covered in crimson gauntlet with a green orb on the top of his hand with golden claw as as his fingers, he was integrating a mana on his body while the green orb was blinking.

[ Boost... boost... boost... boost.. Transfer] while the gauntlet was vibrating as surge of strength was transferred to Jin. He found this method as successful as he could get 3% of Mana per integration to his body, as for now his progress was 30% percent. With a help of Boosted Gear it allows him to enchance his body temporary as the absorbstion was increase drastically as his strength was gave him a drastic change, as his eyes was turning to sharper and his looks gave him also a changes as giving a devilish vibe. After the absorbstion of mana he stretch his hand forward as he generate a small shockwave, he was doubting himself if his body was modified by Celestia because how could he easily gain strength which is even in the wuxia novels they at least ten years to get this kind of strength. Maybe she added a instant comprehension he thought himself.


"Hchuu!" a cute sneeze came out to the goddess.

" Hmm it's been a while but you were thinking of me" Celestia said with a smile, she thought a while as she remembered the words that creator god said to his children.

--Flash back---

" If the Demons Seal carrier was that live in second life has to reach himself/herself in the strength like you they have a chance that will be your spouse" He said while he touching his beard, a certain hand was stretch out as Creator God notice it as he smiled at her.

" What is it Celestia" he said as he look at Little Celestia as they was question in her mind.

" Why do we need to make them spouse I thought their duty as a carrier are finished after they Reincarnate." she said as she was looking at the Creator God eyes.

" A good question, yes their duty was finished but even they reincarnate there was a small trace of Demons Seal on the soul they have a higher chances to reappear which is stronger than the former. They need a certain requirements to permanently vanish and the chance of appearance of Demon God turn to nihility was a union of god/goddess and the carrier, but they need a certain strength hold that could par in gods." he said not only Celestia many God/Goddess was enlighten from his words.

" But if someone could not reach the strength of god" Celestia said to him.

" If that's the case we need to annihilate the soul as soon before the eruption of the seal." he said with a bit of sadness as felt a pity towards the carrier.

--- Flash back end ---

She felt a bit sad but she was relief as he secretly added a fourth wish by herself, even though Jin did not like to overpowered at the young age which is called 'Limitless Potential' which she use her half of reserve of her Divinity.

The Limitless Potential aka Anti-Bottleneck Physic is the body that can strengthen themselves without limit they will not go in the boundary of bottleneck. Their strength will soar that can par with Creator God.

--- Earth, Japan, Nagumo Household---

' Well whatever this is my debt to you Celestia I will repay no matter what' he said as he look up in the sky as he remember the face of Goddess Celestia.

--- The End ---