Visiting a Dojo and Sparring

---- Earth, Japan, Yaegashi Dojo ---

Jin was standing at the entrance of dojo that Shizuku's family own. While he was waiting he could feel a four presence in the ceiling of the building and another four was in the pillar and this time was a four presence was walking out to entrance of the building which is Shizuku and her parents while the other one was elderly man looks like in 50's.

" Jin, welcome to our dojo." Shizuku said with a smile while oblivious about the eight presence in the ceiling and pillar.

" Ah we forgot to introduce ourselves in the other day my name is Kouichi Yaegashi, this is my wife is Kirino Yaegashi and this old man is my father is Shuuzou Yaegashi. " Shizuku's father named himself together with Shizuku's mother and his father.

" Umu, your right you found something a promising kid indeed." Shuuzou said as he look at Jin from head to toe as he could see through the strength in his body( thought Jin showed his strength at 10% while the other though this is was his all strength).

" Ara ara why not talk inside dojo its seems uncomfortable to standing here at entrance all along." Kirino said suth a smile as she beckoning them to enter the building. While the eight presence was slowly starting to move as Jin has entered as they approach him , he already knows their intention.

******* Wusshh!!!********

A eight shadows approaching him without a single sounds from their feet, four in the mid-air while the other was crawling with unimaginable speed all of them was holding a bamboo sword (Although they use 30% of strength it was more dangerous enough to the child like Jin, even though they don't know his strength) but they didn't expect what happened next.

Jin leap towards nearby wall while dodging in the mid-air and walking in the wall with no effort after 1 minute he slide down to the floor, he take a look at everyone all of them was dumbfounded look except for Shizuku that there was a star in her eyes.

" Kouichi are you sure that the that you find promising kid is from an ordinary family not in the Ninja clan?." he said to his son who was a same expression as him , but the latter was starting to laugh because he found something unordinary skills in Ninjutsu.

" Ne Oya-ji it looks like we found a successor of our clan isn't?" Kouichi finally look to his father with a bright eyes, while his father was nodded his head.

" Ara Shizuku-chan looks like your future is bright isn't?" Kirino said as mischievous smile was appeared on her face as she look at her daughter who was excited and wanted to ask Jin how could he do that, she nodded her head repeatedly but after realizing what her mother mean there was a bit blush on her face.

" Good good how about tea inside." Shuuzou said while laughing as he tap the back of Jin which he mysteriously appeared on the latter back, Jin knows he will not harm him as he let it be.

---- 40 minutes later ----

*Bang!!! bang!!!! bang!!!*

A sound of clashing echoes though the dojo, many people who was wearing a Kimono and Hakama was sitting cross-legged each side of the hall as the two people was sparring at the center, The one was tall and the other was short , they are Kouichi and Jin.

--- Flash back---

Kouichi asked Jin if he have basic experience in Kenjutsu while latter said he did not experience as he practice a Footwork and basic Close Combat Training. Kouichi nodding his head as he call out Jin and entered to the changing room to change their clothes into a combat attire as he explained to Jin the basic way of sword.

- 5 minutes later -

Because he was not used to wear those kind of clothes even in his previous life, he took more time to wear the Kimono, Hakama and Armor which includes head protector. He walked out in the changing room with Kouichi while they move at the hall as many students who was standing each side of the hall except the two people was carrying 2 pairs of bamboo sword and 2 pairs of wooden sword.

" Choose one which is your preferred one." he said to Jin who was beside him , Jin chose the wooden sword as he swing it downwards as he feels like weight was enough to him as he walk to the center of the hall followed by Kouichi was also holding a wooden sword. At the center of the hall two people was facing each other as they hold the wooden sword.

" Now then come at me." he said to Jin.

" You will not teach me the basics?" Jin asked as he thought he will teach him the basics as he position his wooden sword in front of him.

" It's much better to teach this way it more easily to learn than hitting a dummies. I will also tell your flaw and correct through sparring." He said to Jin as he entered his stance.

" Come!" he said as watch Jin.

" Hah!" Jin yelled as a sudden burst came from his feet as he accelerate to Kouichi while his stance was using is piercing stab, which is was lethal attack style in Kenjutsu adding the fact that his speed was fast enough to caught off guard of many opponents.

* Clang!!*

Kouichi hurriedly block the incoming strike from Jin, due to sudden strength of Jin's strike he unconsciously took a step back as he readjust his stance.

" You sure have a great at your huh, well it was a great stab even though your a beginner, your footwork is great I don't need to teach you that, your way of positioning in your sword was okay I will teach you that later how about a you attack again this time I will counter your strike back." Kouichi said as positioned his wooden sword in parrying style.

" Hahh!!" Jin yelled, this time his attack pattern has change into Iaido style.

His lower body was positioned into Horse Stance, his left foot was in backward as tip of his left foot was planted in the ground while his right foot which is positioned to the front as sole his right foot was planted on the ground.

Kouichi notice the change of attack pattern of Jin, he raised his guard. If the stab was enough to make him step back because of the speed of strike, this time he was not sure about the speed of his Iaido.

* Slash!!! shhnng!!tok*

' Crap' Kouichi thought

The wooden sword in his hands was cut apart by Iaido Slash, he look down at the broken wooden sword as he look again to Jin.

" Are you really have no experience in sword?" he asked suspiciously to Jin as if he saw a monster.

" Yes this is the first time to I use a wooden sword" he nodded is was not a lie that was no experience as could only do that in the video games.

" Then where do you learn the Iaido?" he asked Jin, because force of his Iaido was at least mentor level.

" That Iaido was from the video game that I played last year" Jin said with serious expression, but to the others was opposite some of the people in the dojo lost their balance as they planted their face on the floor while the other was dumbfounded as they could not believe of what he said.

" How about the true sparring using a blunt sword it was a real sword without blade do you agree." while rubbing his forehead as he said a challenge which is impossible for the child, because the wooden sword that they use durable enough to break a concrete wall was easily break in Jin's strike.

" Really?, a real sword I just dream to hold a real one even without a blade but it looks like it granted now, I accept the challenge." Jin said that it couldn't hide his excitement.

"Then this time it should be no holding back on strength use your any technique that you know in Kenjutsu I will use the technique for you to learn." he said while beckoning the two people to bring a blunt sword, a few minutes later bring the two identical blunt sword was sheethed in the scabbard the one was given to Jin, while he was holding a blunt sword.

" Be careful this time even the blunt sword has no blade it was enough to injure someone or worst is to kill someone, so ready your mind. " he said as unsheathed his sword.

" Start!"

---- Flash back end ---

Many people was wondered where he can pull out his strength that could par to the master level. Jin was unleash all his strength (which it could par to lion) with the aid of boosted gear his integration on his mana to 37% absorb by his body.

Two swords, has broken through sparring as Jin was lying down on the floor was out of stamina. While Kouichi was much better because of experiences and tough body, he did not mind about the broken blunt sword because he find something like a national treasure.

" Hey how it does it feel compare to the video game? " he said to Jin who was struggling sit up.

" This is the best fight I had" Jin said with excited face.

" Hey you forgot this old man, I wanna spar with you too it's seems like my skill was rusted a bit" Shuuzou suddenly appeared beside them was holding a blunt sword

A clashing sounds that resounded through the whole dojo.

--- The End ----