First meeting with Aiko and Sword Hand

*Beware of violence and gore of this chapter*

---- Earth, Japan, Yaegashi Dojo ----

-11 years later -

* Shing!!*

* Tsuuk!!*

* Clang!!*

A sound of clashing metals was resounding around the dojo, fifteen people was chasing a shadow which throwing many types of projectiles such as kunai, shuriken and etc at the shadow. But it was futile because the shadow was easily them and sometimes it was block by sword. This is Jin and Yaegashi's Shinobi including Kouichi, Kirino and Shuuzou this is their daily routine if Shizuku was not present.

-15 minutes later-

" Jin thanks to you I think the Shinobi clans will rise again because of you" Kouichi said with a smile as he saw a hope in Jin to continue the legacy of Shinobi.

" Yes that technique of yours was amazing it did not need to rely on the traps as it can use anywhere" Shuuzou said as he agreed to his son.

Due to a constant training that Jin give them they was able to wield a chakra that requires to use the Ninjutsu Advance technique like Shadow Clone technique, Shadow Path and etc.

The Shadow Clone technique saw a technique in Naruto that could create an identical clone was able to use your 40 % of strength. Shadow Path technique which able to travel in any place via shadow if this use in the night they will be the most terrifying enemy. Of course this technique only given to Kouichi, Kirino and Shuuzou, they could teach this to Shizuku as they could not teach even to their students in the dojo as they know the importance of this technique.


During his years in dojo Jin was mastered any other sword style at the age of nine including their family secret sword technique. After that he mastered many kinds of Ninjutsu technique sometimes he will teach them a technique that did not need to use Mana, he taught them the Muscle Compression Technique instead of using mana he modified it for chakra users with that Shuuzou looks like he was younger at least in 30's while Kouichi and Kirino they went regressed into 20's. He achieve the < Balance Breaker > and and his mana that he absorb was 99%, with the help of dragon heart which exchange of his heart the mana surge in his body. His physical strength was increase dramatically that no one could par with him in the Earth even his durability was increase by absurd level even nuclear weapons was like body massager to him if he succeed to conquer his devil he could not imagine his strength. Before he exchange his heart the mana that he absorb was 70%, with the dragon heart it sudden turns to 90%, because of sudden surge of mana, many excess mana that did not integrate in his body as he reintegrate his excess mana.

He also met Kaori, Ryutarou, Kouki when they visit the dojo, sometimes Kouki was challenging him but he was always ending up crying with a black eye on his eyes as his ideology was not accepted by Jin, even Ryutarou was trembling in fear and did not want to look at Jin's eyes. But different from Kaori which is charmed by his personality , as he remembered in the novel that Kaori has a weird quirk was the reason to fall in love to Hajime.


Jin was driving a motorcycle in the streets which become a habit of him after he train or absorbing mana. He was thinking if he can transfer a mana to his parents to be able to use the Muscle Compression Technique to them.

" Let me go!!" a cute voice could be heard in the alley as Jin was near in the source of the voice.

" Little girl acting like an adult in the clothes ehh !!! wanna become an adult with us" a male voice could be heard as many sounds laughing it seems that came from the thugs beside the man. Jin stop his Motorcycle as he walk to the alley, he saw a girl around 14-15 years old was surrounded by people with tattoos on their body as the other one looks like a giant was pinning down the girl in the wall. The looks of the girl was familiar to him though he saw only in the novel and manga it was Aiko Hatayama aka Aiko-chan, he grit his teeth as suddenly disappeared as his figure appeared out in the thin air in the back of the man who was pinning down Aiko and he wave his hand as a wound could appeared in the back of the neck of the man.

" Arrrghhh" the man screamed out loud as he could not move because his spine was severely cut by Jin.

""""""" Boss!""""""" his minion was in panic as they saw the scene much more they saw Jin as they trembled in their spot because they saw the most terrifying person in their life.

" S-sword Hand" one of the thugs screamed the identity of Jin.

Sword Hand which is titled to Jin when he mastered the sword at pinnacle level. It is also an Identity to him in the underworld as many of their member was killed by him, their try many times to kill him with many weapons but it cannot penetrate his skin no matter what.


Jin was not the first time to kill, back then because of them they planned to kidnap Shizuku & Kaori who was going to Kaori's Home if not for Jin to Mark them with his mana signature to locate them, then it was too late to save them. His devil was almost controlled him as his emotions was in turmoil, he rushed at their location as he killed many thugs on his way without hesitation because of the traits of the dragon that given him through dragon heart which is turned him to Dragonborn a humanoid race that can turned into dragon, he feel tha this property was being stolen. He leave them with incomplete body, he did not notice the that there was a three shadows was following him because of rage. Those three shadows none other than Kouichi, Kirino and Shuuzou they were shock in the scene that they saw many people was cut by hands not even a trace of blade could be seen in any victims. As they went to the old factory as many corpse was lying on the floor as they saw Jin was holding both Shizuku and Kaori in his arm fortunately they have a blindfold on their eyes to not witness the view, he jump through the roof while holding both of them to the opposite location of old factory.

" Underworld people as long as you show yourself to me you will never leave alive" Jin made his oath as his hatred to that kind of people was increased.


" Please spare us" one of the thugs said as his pants was soiled because of fear.

" Underworld people, thugs are the same to me so please die" Jin said calmly as he wave his hand as their head was separated to their bodies.

" Kyaa!!" Aiko screamed as she saw a horrific scene to her eyes as she faint.

Jin walk towards Aiko as he snap his finger he activate a simple mind manipulation as he erase the part of killing in her memory as he remain the part of he save her from the thugs.

He picked up her belongings and Aiko in a princess carry to left the alley.

----20 minutes later----

Aiko POV.

She wake up as she found herself was sleeping in the lap of unfamiliar young man, she hurriedly get up as she confront the young man.

" E-excuse me who are you?" she said to the young man.

" I'm the one who save you earlier it must be a shock to you which you faint after that so I carried you out from the dark alley " the young man said seriously.

Aiko was looking again at the young man as she saw his face, even though his looks is above average while adding the long black hair with a red color on it tips and his eyes was brown with a streak red color on it which is making it more charming . She noticed her look through to the young man, she have bit blush on her face as she try to remember the incident earlier, as she saw that scene in her memory she hurriedly bow down to the young man.

" Thank you for saving me if it's not for you, I will lost my hope to live thank you" Aiko said with gratitude as there was tears on her eyes, she feel a warm hand on her cheek as it wiped away her tears.

" Don't worry about that I'm glad that I arrive on time" he said with smile as he embrace her body to him.

" Wahhh!!" she cried out loud as she hugged his body tighly.

--5 minutes later--

3rd person POV.

" Are you okay now?" Jin said with concern as he didn't bother about his wet shirt.

" Mnmm" she nodded her head.

" I forgot to introduce myself my name is Jin Nagumo how about you?" he said to her.

" Aiko Hatayama" Aiko said as she trying to cheer herself.

" Then Aiko-chan" he said with a smile.

" Moo I'm 24 years old I'm an adult you know" she said with a pout as she look up to Jin while unknown to her that she still hugging him.

" Okay then Aiko let's go I will escort you to your home ah have eat a dinner? if not then let's go to the nearest cafe it's my treat." Jin said as he look down to Aiko which is not let him go in embrace.

" I haven't time after work in school as I hurriedly walk to this street for shortcut to my apartment but I was surrounded by those thugs, are you sure that your treat? I will also pay for the food it's embarrassing to let pay them all." she said that as she let go his body as she hurriedly look down to hide her blushing face as she realized her deed.

" It's okay after you have a bit trauma after that it sure that will affect your work" he said as ride on the motorcycle as he beckoning her to hop on the back.

" Thank you Jin then I will accept your offer" she accept the treat as she hop in the motorcycle.

" Hold tight on my waist or you will fall" Jin said as he give her his helmet.

" Mn okay" she hold his waist tightly she could feel his abdominal muscle.

-- The end --