Conquering the Devil and first meeting with Yuka

---- Earth, Japan, Mt. Fuji ---

A few days later after he saved Aiko he also reach 100% of mana that he absorb from his Devil Gene, he went out to find a place which is rich of natural energy such as mountain the taller they are was the better as natural energy dense. He rode his motorcycle to the foot of mount Fuji, forty minutes later with a maximum speed of motorcycle he finally arrived at his destination. Fortunately it was a night time as he activate his Shadow Path technique till he reached to the top of the mountain, the cold temperature did not affect him after reaching at the Pinnacle level on this world, he sat down on the largest rock on the mountain as he focus on his mind.

" Now then I will start to conquer you." Jin said with a smile as he entered in the Mindscape, as he saw who was waiting to him while sitting on the throne was silhouette of the man with a goat-like horn each side of his head with a pale white skin, he was wearing a dark scalemail armor except his head was protecting his body his wings that looks like a dragon wings was folded in his back his face was Identical to Jin, he was the Devil Jin like a counterpart of Jin.

" Human you finally want to confront me I'm waiting for ages." Devil Jin said as he flew towards the platform as he lands at ten meters in front of Jin.

" So you are not like those Mishima devil huh?" Jin said as he look to his counterpart.

" Don't compare to those Devil who impatiently wants to create a havoc for a short term entertainment " Devin Jin said with disdain as he didn't want to compare to the fools.

" Heh if that's the case then if I defeat you, your power will be mine."Jin said as he summon the Boosted Gear in his right arm.

" Hahahaha fine then if you lose I will take your body to create a long term havoc in your world" Devil Jin said as he make stance himself with familiar fighting style which is Mishima Karate style that is ingrain to his life.

" [ Balance Breaker] activate!!" Jin said as he cast his Boosted Gear, a light in the orb in the gauntlet.

"[ Welsh Dragon Emperor ] "the voice echoed through the gauntlet as a Crimson light was covering Jin, as the light fades Jin was covered in Red Scalemail Armor from head to toe it looks like the armor of Issei Hyoudou in Highschool DxD but for Jin there was a spike sprouted out on its shoulder and back and the spine like tail on it's back that the tip was elongated like sword and his gauntlet on each arm was a bit thinner but the claws was long at least 6 inches which is perfect for his fighting style that it gain a name himself as Sword Hand.

" Hoh what a great armor you have I will sure that I'm going to steal your body to possess that armor of yours." Devil Jin said as he suddenly disappeared and reappeared in Jin's back as he unleash a kick which is covered in dark thunder on it's foot.

* Clang!!!*

A clashing sounds of metal could be heard in the Mindscape as the finger was blocked the incoming kick from the Devil Jin.

" What!!" Devil Jin shout on his surprise as his kick was easily block by a mere finger as anger filled him inside.

" I activate this because I need to finish this as soon as possible I have a work to finish on deadline tomorrow so just surrender to me" Jin said as his other hand was turning in to a short sword as he plunge through towards Devil Jin.

" Insolent how dare you to mock me human!!!" Devil yelled as he pointed this both arm which is the crystal was embedded on each hand was releasing a bright light as the laser beam shot through towards Jin who was going to stab him.

* Clang !!!! *

" It's useless even nuclear weapons was useless to me even your laser could par to that level they are nothing will affect me." Jin calmly said as he did not stop to stabbed his hand towards Devil Jin.

" You human, how can a weakling race race like you could compare to me!!" Devil Jin curse at Jin.

* shhiink* * shhrrreeeddd* a sound of flesh that shredded on it's body could be heard.

" You are wrong I'm not human anymore I am a Dragonborn, a dragon blood run through my veins " as he look down to Devil Jin who was cut down to half, as Devil Jin was defeated as his body was vanished as leaving behind the dark orb which is radiating a ominous vibe. As he picked a pick it up , the orb was suddenly flew towards Jin as it entered through his body, a little discomfort could feel on his body as intense pain all over he is body.

" Arggghhh!!!!" Jin roared in the as he endure the pain.

- 1 hour later-

" We may have both large amount of mana but your way was different to method to me which is you didn't tempered your body as you relying on the armor" Jin muttering his word as he look at the throne, he walked towards the throne as he sat down like an Emperor.

" This how you feel huh being a ruler" he said as he didn't notice the change of his armor, as the spikes grows longer, the wings of the devil was sprouted in his back as spine tail on it's back was grows long and more deadlier as the sword like tip was turning to sharper even a slight touch in the object will cut easily. The helm of the armor was also changing as there was a goat-like horn was coated in Jet-black color and the over all color of the armor was a Jet black as base color while the Scalemail, spaulders, shinguards and gauntlet was coated in darkish red as the orb on it's chest was Darkish green with a tint of purple on it's center.

" Now then time to go " as he vanished at the Mindscape, as wake up he use his Shadow Path technique as he arrives at the foot of mountain, he rode back to his home with motorcycle.

-- The next day ---

- At the certain cafe -

Jin was parking his motorcycle at near in the Cafe which is appointment with his editor. Yes he is a author of certain novel which it started when he was Middle School as he though about the occupation of his parents is a Game Developer and the other was Shoujo Manga Artist, though Hajime has a goal which is Game Developer that he follow their father's footstep for his Job to be, he starting to write his own novel without doing a plagiarism like One Piece, Naruto or etc. he create a novel with the genre of Action-Romance with the title of Dance of Death.

At first no one will bother to read his novel after 4 days many people was hooked to the story. After 1 month, one of the company who was publishing many novels was offered him to transfer his work to their company which is also give him a exclusive editor to work with him.

Today he will submit the volume 5 of DoD (Dance of Death) to his editor. As he entered in the cafe, he was greeted with cozy feeling in the cafe.

" Welcome to our cafe." a feminine voice wake him up from his mind as he look at the source the voice as was greeted by the girl who was a same age as him. With a wavy Chestnut hair that reach in her shoulder and green pupils which is perfect match on her pretty face was wearing a waitress outfit while holding a menu in her hand.

" I have a appointment with my co-worker she said this location that we will meet." Jin said to the girl in front of him.

" Ah are you Jin Nagumo ?" the girl asked Jin while the latter was nodded.

" Then I will lead you at her table." she said as she walked a bit slow for Jin to follow her pace, they arrive at the table which is occupied by the woman in her early twenties was typing something in the laptop, as she noticed the two people as she look at familiar one which is wearing a black parka and black pants, she stood up to greet them.

" Good morning Aren sensei I would like to look at your latest work." the woman said to Jin.

" Sure why not." he replied as he took a book which is comprised of large stack of papers was binded by a book binder from his bag as he handed it to her.

" A-aren sensei it couldn't be the author of Dance of Death?" the girl asked surprised as she look at him which is also a same age as her, while the latter was nodding his head as he sat down across to the woman.

The name of the his Editor was Mio Tachibana , she before she become a Exclusive Editor to him, she is as new employee in the company. But she has a rich experience as a editor, she become an Editor in Training during High School, she become an Assistant Editor ( which is assisting the editor for assessing the work to publish the novel) during her University. Her boss was assigned her to become an Exclusive Editor of a certain author, she doubt it as she though because she was a new employee. But after reading the DoD she didn't notice her flaw of time as she continues to read till end, she changed her mind as she wanted to meet the author as soon as possible. She went to the Chief Editor office to accept the job, that is the time when Jin and Mio have they first meet.

-- 3 hours later --

" What is it? did it get pass." Jin said as he saw that she finish to read his latest work.

" As always your work was masterpiece as you are the quickest author to be able to finish the work within one week, it sure many people will flock any books store that selling the DoD"

Mio said as she took out the briefcase to put in the latest work of Jin, she took out her phone as the latter phone was vibrating. Jin knew what is the content so he did not to look at his phone.

" Your salary was in your bank account see you next time as I will notify you which is the schedule of your work." she said to him.

" Then I will leave it you then as always see you next time." he said calmly as he stood up and left at the cafe while leave behind a money paying for the meal that they ordered including the tip for the waitress.

" Umm please wait a minute." As he was near to his motorcycle, he heard the familiar voice as he look behind. He saw the girl in a waitress outfit while holding a book which is familiar to him, it was a DoD volume 4 he smiled as he. know her mean.

"Yes what is it." he said as he turn around.

" Um Aren sensei please I want your autograph I am the fan of your novel." she said while she lowered her head as she stretch out book in her hands towards him.

" Hm okay keep it secret between us right what's your name?" he said with as he took out a pen as he signed an autograph to the book as he gave it to her.

" Yuka Sonobe I promise that I will keep this as secret Aren sensei " the named Yuka tell her name as she was excited about the autograph personally sign by him.

" Yuka? then see you next time." he said as he though the familiar name in Arifureta, she is entitled as Demon King Mistress.

" Thank you very much, Please have a safe trip." Yuka said as she watched him to left with his Motorcycle.

--- the end ---