Great Orcus Dungeon IV , Liberators and Meet a Vampire Princess

--- Tortus, Great Orcus Dungeon ---

--- Lower level 50th floor ---

Jin was standing near at the giant door, he didn't go in the door as he was just finished his new attire. The materials that he took from the shark-type monster that swam in the black substance if you step recklessly to that black substance you will find your body was melting immediately, as the temperature of that was could par the lava of a certain great dungeon or higher.

That shark-type materials was superb enough to withstand in that temperature as it's their habitat. He use a traditional way of hunting which is fishing, he use the big monster that he found in the forty ninth floor it was big as car fortunately the fishing rod was made of metal that can withstand in the extreme temperature except if it dip in that black substance.


Jin Nagumo --- Age: 17 --- Male --- Level: 70

Job: Sword Emperor


Strength: 8600(860.000)

Vitality: 8200(820.000)


Defense: 8550(855.000)

Magic: 9000(900.000)

Magic Resistance: 7900(790.000)


Battle God Mastery( Combination of Pinnacle Sword Mastery, Pinnacle Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Pinnacle Fire Arms Mastery, Pinnacle Spear Mastery, Pinnacle Hammer Mastery, Pinnacle Axe Mastery, Pinnacle Throwing Weapons Mastery, Pinnacle Rod Mastery, Pinnacle Shield Mastery, Pinnacle Dagger Mastery, Pinnacle Dual Wield Mastery ), Superhuman Strength (Herculean Strength), Grandmaster Magic Mastery ( combination of basic, medium, advance, forbidden magic mastery), Metamorphosis Magic( Devil Transformation, Dragon Transformation), Armor Proficiency ( Boosted Gear Forms), Skill Copy, Skill Grant, Enchancment Magic Mastery, Foresight, Steel Skin, Death God Technique Mastery(Pinnacle Assassination Arts Mastery), Language Comprehension, Acrobatics Mastery, Health Regeneration ( Troll's Regeneration Level), Precise Transmutation, Mineral Appraisal, Increase Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Aura Mastery, Eagle Eyes, Shadow God Technique Mastery(Shadow Clone and Shadow Path Technique, Shadow Possession, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Devourer), Body Tempering Mastery ( Muscle Compression Technique), Air Walker, Aerodynamics, Monsterous Legs,.Superhuman Speed, Adamantine Stomach (Iron Stomach), Gale Shredder ( Higher version of Gale Claw), Thunder and Lightning Manipulation, Plasma Field ( Combined version of Thunder and Lightning Field), Monsterous Arms, Mythical Bear Vitality, Gale Manipulation, Petrification Resistance, Medusa's Eye, Extreme Cold Resistance, Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Poison Resistance, Debuff Magic Mastery ( Poison, Paralyzed, Sleep, Curse, Frozen, Burning, Brittle Armor( Def. Debuff), Brittle Weapon ( Atk. Debuff)).


He checked his status card as he sat down to check the Durability of the weapon, there was many skills that he obtain in the monsters that didn't mention in the Canon. Besides the Gunsword he create many weapons such as Anti-Materiel and Anti-Aircraft Sniper, Great Spear, Battle Hammer, Battle Axe, Heavy Rod, Twin Kukri and Throwing Knives. After mastering many weapons, except the Anti-Materiel and Anti-Aircraft Sniper, Twin Kukri and Throwing Knives he melt the weapons to create another combination weapon, it was based on Bardiche with a thick blunt blade on the top as instead of Hammer Head, there was a spear edges on the end of the Bardiche it was based on the Cavalier Lance, there was a shield that covers the entire upper body that fixed in the handle.

" This will be called 'Guardian's Demise', even strike of this weapon was enough to shattered a mithril and adamantine to smitten." Jin said as he stared on the two statues that guarding the giant door he knew this monster is called Cyclops, current state was in a statue like Gargoyles, this time he walked to the front of the two Cyclops as he threw two throwing knives.

" Let's dance!" Jin yelled as he draw out his Guardian's Demise.

"" Rrrrrwwooooaaarrrr!!!!! "" the two Cyclops who was in statue mode was returned to their original form their color was different each other, one was red the other was blue, they was angered by Jin as they roared together, they rushed at Jin with a club in their hands.

" Now now whatcha lose temper ehh wanna bit cool down!" Jin said as he raised the Guardian's Demise above him as he strike the red one with a lightning speed attack even if they have a Foresight they could not evade even a single bit.

* Crruuuussshhh!!!*

The red Cyclops was teared into two, Jin was careful enough not to destroyed the eye of the Cyclops. As he look at the Blue Cyclops who was stopped it's advancing as it saw his kin was brutally killed in one strike.

" Come on I said let's dance, what is it, you gotta cold feet? well look at your color, you sure you have!" Jin provoke the Blue Cyclops.

"Rrrrrwwooooaaarrrr!!!!" the Blue Cyclops who was wary to Jin was angered as it rushed at Jin again.


The club of Blue Cyclops was landed in the floor where Jin was previously standing it was enough to create a deep fissure.

" Whoa nice one nice one, how about this!" Jin said who dodged the Cyclops strike with a nimble movements.

" Ora ora ora oops, it's look like I overdid huh." after he strike the Cyclops repeatedly, he look at the corpse of the Blue Cyclops who was nothing except the eye and arm anything else was turned to powder.

-- Tortus, Town of Horaud --

--- Third person POV ---

" What! tell me this is a lie right? Jin was not dead right!there was a chance to find him, please find him." Aiko who learn the news that Jin was fall in the abyss, her mind was chaotic as she knew that Jin was strong, impossible that he will fall like unless there was a traitor among the group.

" Tell me who was the traitor." she darkly said to the group that Jin's with which is the group of Hajime, Shizuku, Kaori, Kouki, Ryutarou and Suzu. The group was feel the negative emotions in Aiko as they shivered because this is the first time they saw this kind of her side.

" The traitor was Hiyama Daisuke while were in the midst of pushing down the Behemoth to the abyss, he use his opportunity to push Jin via magic." Shizuku said with a bit sadness for Jin.

" Where is he?" Aiko asked the group.

" Death via Torture." Kaori said without even a bit emotion.

" Please leave me alone this time." Aiko said calmly but her eyes was filled of tears.

The whole group except for Shizuku and Kaori was left.

" Jin...Jin..waahhhh!!!" she couldn't control her emotions as she cried out loud.

" Sensei we will try to find him even it was impossible, we knew that Jin was not let himself fall like that." Shizuku said as she hugged Aiko in her arms, she knew how much painful when the important person to you was suddenly gone.

" Yeah there was no way for Jin to let his guard down I'm sure there was a reason we don't know why, we will do our best be it show himself or find him! " Kaori cheered up Aiko as she also hugged her.

" Mmn."Aiko nodded as she also hugged them both they shared a feelings for Jin as she knew there burden.

--- In another room ---

- Hajime POV -

" Aniki how many secrets that you not told me." Hajime said as he found a voice recorder created via Transmutation with a certain restrictions that only Hajime can be heard anyone else will induced to sleep.

" Hello hello mic test *tok* *tok* oh well, Haji when you hear this then, I am currently in the abyss that called by the others but in truth is this is called True Great Orcus Dungeon, you hear it right?you hear it?" Hajime who was open the recorder heard a first word he couldn't help but his mouth was twitching from the tone of his twin brother, all his sadness was suddenly wipe out as he want to beat him up but alas he could not, strength wise he was far to get him serious.

" The Great Orcus Dungeon that you currently diving was nothing but a cover for the true dungeon the strength of the monsters compare to the True Great Orcus Dungeon far cry, the behemoth that you called a formidable monster was enough to kill by the little rabbit in the Lower floor." Jin's voice through Recorder was speaking as he was implanting a knowledge for Hajime.

" Wanna a hear the reason why there was two dungeon in a same place? Do you remember the talk we had when I gave you a skill that compatible to you? The Creator of the Great Dungeons giving their Skill it was so called Age of God Magic to those who conquer their dungeon. These Creators was called themselves Liberators, it was a group of people, just like us some of them was summon from another world or natives in this world with the power of Age of God Magic which is granted by Ehit who they called Mad God, who see the war as Game as he inciting them to bring more chaos via holy war, where two religions was battle each other till no one will survive." Jin explain the summary of the story in the novel to Hajime.

" Those Liberators who battle among the two camps was learned the truth behind the wars, they tried to stop the war as they told the truth of wars, but their effort was futile, a words from Ehit was enough to turn tables against them, Many believers of the two Religions was hunted down any group of Liberators as they branded as Mavericks or Heretics their number was reduced until the last seven Liberators was left. They didn't want to waste the effort of their peers to disappeared like that, this seven Liberators was build their Dungeon with a prize of their perspective Magic. And yes this is what you called The Seven Great Dungeon." The recording was almost finished but Hajime still did listening to the recorder.

" Hey do you wanna learn how to become stronger that you will called Strongest in this World? It was simple and dangerous that you need an item called God Crystal, a water that purified by the God Crystal it was not exaggerating to call it Elixir because it can heal anything. You should read about the monster in the library, it sure that it contains Poison and deadly enough for eating them and gains strength and skill but in exchange you will throw away your humanity and you will experience an beyond pain that you like to kill yourself. Anyway this conversation will be secret with us the less the people know the safer to us bye bye 😉.

P. S. when we meet again please you can get me a serious in our fight." the voice in recorder was finished as there was many cracks in recorder it was sign that it was unrepairable.

" Damnit to many burden you gave to me aniki." Hajime said while smiling wryly, now he knew what's the meaning to make the Hero Party to become a Decoy while conquering the other dungeons.

--- Lower level 50th floor ---

After he killed the two Cyclops, he cooked the two remains as he started to eat the monster meat.

" Argh." he grunt while finishing the second portion, he checked his status card.


Jin Nagumo --- Age: 17 --- Male --- Level: 74

Job: Sword Emperor


Strength: 8900(890.000)

Vitality: 8500(850.000)


Defense: 8950(895.000)

Magic: 9200(920.000)

Magic Resistance: 8000(800.000)


Battle God Mastery( Combination of Pinnacle Sword Mastery, Pinnacle Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Pinnacle Fire Arms Mastery, Pinnacle Spear Mastery, Pinnacle Hammer Mastery, Pinnacle Axe Mastery, Pinnacle Throwing Weapons Mastery, Pinnacle Rod Mastery, Pinnacle Shield Mastery, Pinnacle Dagger Mastery, Pinnacle Dual Wield Mastery ), Superhuman Strength (Herculean Strength), Grandmaster Magic Mastery ( combination of basic, medium, advance, forbidden magic mastery), Metamorphosis Magic( Devil Transformation, Dragon Transformation), Armor Proficiency ( Boosted Gear Forms), Skill Copy, Skill Grant, Enchancment Magic Mastery, Foresight, Steel Skin, Death God Technique Mastery(Pinnacle Assassination Arts Mastery), Language Comprehension, Acrobatics Mastery, Health Regeneration ( Troll's Regeneration Level), Precise Transmutation, Mineral Appraisal, Increase Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Aura Mastery, Eagle Eyes, Shadow God Technique Mastery(Shadow Clone and Shadow Path Technique, Shadow Possession, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Devourer), Body Tempering Mastery ( Muscle Compression Technique), Air Walker, Aerodynamics, Monsterous Legs,.Superhuman Speed, Adamantine Stomach (Iron Stomach), Gale Shredder ( Higher version of Gale Claw), Thunder and Lightning Manipulation, Plasma Field ( Combined version of Thunder and Lightning Field), Monsterous Arms, Mythical Bear Vitality, Gale Manipulation, Petrification Resistance, Medusa's Eye, Extreme Cold Resistance, Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Poison Resistance, Debuff Magic Mastery ( Poison, Paralyzed, Sleep, Curse, Frozen, Burning, Brittle Armor( Def. Debuff), Brittle Weapon ( Atk. Debuff)), Vajra Skin, Heat Sensor, Cold Sensor, Shock Resistance.


" Now then time to save the princess." he said as he stood up from the campfire as he picked up the two Cyclops Eyes, he walked to the door three holes, that two holes could fit the Eyeballs while the other one was fitted the arm of the adult person.

" This hole should be for generating the Mana of the person as a final confirmation to open the door huh." Jin said as he put his arm on that hole as generate a Jet-black colored Mana. After he eat the first monster meat his Crimson colored Mana was turning into Jet-black as the pressure was tripled.

* Grrrrrrrggggrrrggg!!!*

The giant door was opened, Jin entered the room as there was no light source in entire room. As he was almost near in the center of the room, the entire room was lit up he saw a big cube with a length of 150 cm same with a width, he saw the head of the girl in the cube, which is just regain her consciousness as she look at Jin.

" P-pl-please h-help me." the girl said to Jin who was walking near to her.

" As your command." he jokingly said but he was unlocking the seal to freed the girl.

* Crack!!! crack!!! crack!!!!*

The cube was slowly to disassemble as the girl was freed in the cube as she was about to collapse.

" Whoa be careful!" he catch the girl in his arms.

" Tha-thank you." her voice was dried because of the long time that she was sealed here.

" Here drink this." Jin said as bought out the pouch of leather with contains of water that purified by the God Crystal. He bought the lid of pouch to the mouth of the girl.

- 15 minutes later -

Fortunately the water pouch that he bought was the one he brings during the one month training regime. With the inscription that allow him to store an almost unlimited amount of water and allow to maintain the temperature even in the extreme weather. For sure that staying in this room in 300 years even you have immortality you feel like you want to die but it cannot.

" Please don't leave me I don't want to betrayed again." the said while she was hugging him tightly as she didn't want to let go.

" Are you sure? if that what you said you will never leave my side again." Jin said to her who was looking at his face, Her eyes which is void of light, it was suddenly lit up when she heard that she will never leave his side, she nodded her head as she bought her head in his chest as she found the most comfortable place in her life.

" I, Jin Nagumo as a Red Dragon Emperor who will dominate the world will not broke my oath, those who will become mine will not leave my side as those who hurt them, will face my wrath."

Jin solemnly said as he make his oath just like give his Oath to Aiko, Shizuku and Kaori.

* Shhiinggg!!!* a bright light was lit up in the room. After a few seconds the light was dim out, there was a strange mark between underdeveloped chest of the girl.

--- To Be Continued ---