Great Orcus Dungeon V and final farewell

--- Tortus, Great Orcus Dungeon---

--- Lower level 50th floor ---

" This is?" the girl asked him with a bit blush on her face.

" Thar is the Dragonic Mark, it was use by the alpha Dragon to mark his mates as it also a signal when his mates was in dangerous situation." Jin said as he was rummaging his large back pack that contains many minerals and spare clothes, as he found his searching he pulled out the big large tank top which is made from the shark-type monster, it was large enough to call it a one piece dress for to the girl in front of him.

" Are you perhaps a Dragonborn?" the girl asked with respect, because when she heard that Mark was originating from the dragon, she made a conclusion that he was a Dragonborn, she read many books related to the Dragonborn it said that only a Dragonborn can Transform into a human.

" Yeah, you don't need to be polite as you are one of my mates, ahh this is a temporary clothes for you." Jin didn't deny his race and he was proud for it as he gave her his clothes, his figure was returned to normal as he use the Muscle Compression Technique to revert his former physique while his status card has not changes.

- 2 minutes later -

" What's your name?." Jin asked as he starting to collecting the cube's materials as he was also looking for the magic stone that contain of video recordings of her uncle.

" Umm... can you give me one? I don't want to remember the past." the girl said as that name her uncle gave her and she hate it because of his betrayal to her.

" Then how about Yue." Jin said as he picked up the magic stone. as he stood in front of the girl that he gave a named Yue.

* Pshuu!!!**pshuu!!!**psuuu!!!*

As he was waiting for her response, a sudden strike was momentary aim to Jin who was clearly an Invader.

" Damn this insect don't know how to read the mood." he look up to see the preparator, it was a giant Scorpion who sticking itself in the ceiling which is watching his every moment.

" Ddraig I think I need your help now to finish this insect as soon as possible initiate Balance Breaker!" Jin said as he summon the Boosted Gear in his right arm.

[ Welsh Dragon Emperor ] a voice could be heard in the gauntlet which is Yue was stared of then then she look at the giant Scorpion which is aiming it's tail towards them. A sudden bright red light surrounded the whole body of Jin, after a few seconds the light was vanished as Jin was covering in Crimson Full body Scalemail Armor.

" I, who was about to awaken, am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of Domination from God, I laughed at the "Infinite" and I grieve at the "Dream", I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination, I shall sink you to the depths of the Crimson Purgatory." Jin said as he chant the another skill that allow him to transform to the stronger form.

[ Juggernaut Drive ] the voice could be heard Jin was covering by another Crimson light as there was a six pairs of Wings made out of crimson bones on his back, his form it looks like the same from Issei Hyoudou but with a greatsword made from the crimson bones in his hand.

" I will help you!" Yue said with determination to help him during this kind of crisis.

" Okay."Jin said as he prepare to lunged to the giant Scorpion with a greatsword in his hands with a single flap in his wings he flew with a speed of light he was beside he near at least thirty meters as he let Yue cast her skill.

" Azure Blaze!!" Yue shout the name of her magic, a supreme rank magic that could summon a sphere of blue-white flames 6 to 7 meters in diameter, that would everything melt in it surrounding.

* Bannngggg!!!*

A blue-white flame smashed against the back of the giant Scorpion.

" Kuuwweee!!!!" the giant Scorpion yelp for it's pain after a few seconds it felt it was like nothing happened to itself, because of it's hard shell it could par to the second toughest mineral in the Tortus.

" One more !" Jin said to Yue who was somewhat regain her peak after she drink the water that Jin gave her, which is purified by the God Crystal.

" Azure Blaze!!" Yue cast a same magic to the giant Scorpion. But something unexpected happens, Jin used the Greatsword as a electric conductor rod as he absorb her Azure Blaze, his Crimson greatsword lit up instead of usual Crimson color was turn to Blue-white color.

[ Boost boost boost boost Transfer!] the voice in the gauntlet resounded in the whole room.

"[ Azure Blaze Sword Wave]!!" Jin roared as he swung the Greatsword, a huge crescent moon sword wave shot to the giant Scorpion who was frantically jumped to the pillar as it tried evade his attack, but it was futile.

* Boooooooooommm!!!*

A huge sounds echoes through to the outside the room. Fortunately he control his power was enough not to turned to powder the monster as it only cut in a half, he undo his Juggernaut Drive and his Balance Breaker as walk to Yue who was awestruck to him as she witness the combination of her magic and his sword technique, with this she can help him as possible even the great odds are against him.

" Sorry about that , I don't want to be interrupted by the others who was not reading the mood as I want it erase it's existence as soon as possible." he said while looking at Yue.

" Nmm it's okay, but can I have your blood?" she nodded at his statement as she asked him for a favor.

" It is because of your race trait?" he asked her while the latter nodded her head as her eyes was shined a bit.

" Sure why not." Jin said as he open the collar of his coat to show his neck. Yue was walking with a bit seductively which is not match her petite physique but it makes it a bit immoral for him, she sat on his lap as she her hands was in back of Jin's neck as she bought her head in the nape of Jin. Her cute little mouth could showed her fangs as she buried it to the part of the where blood flow was plenty enough even she took an amount of blood.

" Hm." Jin grunt as he hugged her petite body, even though her body was a bit thin due to her lock in this room her skin was smooth as he want to caressed them until he addicted to it as her scent was sweet like strawberry, he didn't bother if the blood that she suck was excessive as his body was no longer a human as his blood will recover to it's peak with a few minutes of rest.

* Slurp*

When she finished her blood sucking she lick the part where he bite as she mark him as her blood chosen to make a blood oath a drastic increase in status of the person whom is chosen to suck blood from. She got addicted to his blood for the first time, she felt his blood was not just from the dragon, there sinister blood that should be coming from the evil being ( which is from Devil Gene), a blood that coming from a creature in this dungeon. Three in one it was enough for Yue to crave for Jin after first drink of his blood.

" Yue I found this magic stone it's seems an artifact because many magic runes that embedded in this stone." Jin said as he caressed her head who was looking at him with a bit seduction as making him urge to kiss her cute little lips.

The artifact shined, and suddenly an image was projected. Seeing the person that appeared there, Yue opened her eyes wide in shock and murmured in a daze.

" ...Oji, sama?"

In front of those two, the person in the image recording――Yue's uncle, Dienleed Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl slowly began to talk.

{…Aleytia. Long time no see, I wonder if saying that is a little wrong. I think that you are surely hating me. No, surely word like hate will not be enough at all. What I did...aa, that's not it. This is not what I want to say. Even though I have been thinking of various things, now that the time has come to leave my last will I cannot speak smoothly.}

While making a self-depreciating wry smile, Dienleed pulled himself together by clearing his throat.

{That's right. First let me say my thanks. …Aleytia. Surely, right now on your side there should be someone who you are trusting from the bottom of your heart. At the very least, that person must be a strong person who could obtain metamorphosis magic and able to challenge the true Orcus, a person who didn't abandon you from the guardian that I prepared and rescued you.}

Jin who was felt like someone was watching him as he look again at the projection if it really a simple recording or live as he could feel that Dienleed was looking at him.

{…You. You there who is close to my beloved niece. I wonder if you are male? Or else are you female? For Aleytia, what kind of existence are you? Are you her lover? Are you her friend? Or do you become her family, or her comrade? My apologize that I cannot meet you directly to say my thanks, but I still want to say it no matter what. …Thank you. For saving this child, for being close to her, thank you. I offer you my greatest gratitude in my whole lifetime.} Dienleed said.

Jin who was feel relieved as it just recording as tightly embrace Yue who was leaning her body towards him.

{Aleytia. Surely many questions are flooding inside your chest. Or else, perhaps you have already know the truth. Just why, that day, I hurt you, and buried you inside that bottom of darkness? What kind of existence are you, and who is your true enemy?} Dienleed added.

Namely, that Yue was born as a miko and she was aimed by Ehit. Dienleed who noticed that pretended to kill Yue in his coup d'etat with the disguise that he was blinded by greed, he then sealed her in the abyss, the room where she was sealed itself was a hidden place that could fool even the god. The sealing of Yue was also a bitter choice for him so that her presence couldn't be possibly detected even for a bit.

{I was hesitating whether to tell you the truth or not until just before that day. But, for the sake of deceiving those guys with certainty, I judged that I shouldn't tell you. I also thought that if you hate me, then that would be a motivation for you to live.}

Surely Dienleed also couldn't stay for long in the sealing room. That was why, after pretending to kill Yue at the palace, there was no doubt that there was also no time for him to talk with her.

Just how filled with bitterness that choice that he made, it was shown by the strength of his hand clutching at the other side of the image.

{Even so, it doesn't change that I had hurt you. I won't say anything like your forgiveness after this late. However, I want you to please believe only this. I want you to know this.}

Dienleed's expression changed from anguish, into an expression of smiling while crying. That look was overflowing with gentleness and kindness, at the same time, it was also filled with a hopeless sadness.

{I love you, Aleytia. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I have never thought of you as bothersome, not even for once. ――I thought of you as my daughter.}

"…Oji, sama. Dien-ojisama. I-, I too…"

Thought of you like a father. That feeling was flowing down along with the tears that traced through her cheek, unable to form into words. But, the strength of the hand that was clutching Jin's hand conveyed that feeling more eloquent than anything.

{I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything but to entrust you to someone in the future. I'm sorry that I act like a pathetic father.}

"…Such things-"

What was in front of their eyes was a recording of the past. It was nothing more but Dienleed's last will. But, such thing was irrelevant. Yue couldn't help but yell no matter what.

Something shining was gathering at the corner of Dienleed's eyes. But, he didn't let that flow by any means. While enduring tightly, he spun words toward his beloved daughter with all his heart.

{I wanted to be at your side, seeing your figure when you grasped your own happiness someday. It was my secret dream to punch the man standing at your side once. And then, after that, I wanted to exchange sake with him, and say "please take care of my daughter". It was the partner that Aleytia chose. Surely, he would make a firm promise with a serious face.}

Dienleed was looking at far away as though seeing a dream at the other side of the image. By any chance, there might be the Yue of the past at the direction of his gaze.

{It will be the time soon. There are more things that I want to talk, various things that I want to convey but…with my creation magic, I can only make an artifact of this degree.}

"…no-, I don't wanna-. Oji-sa, Otou-sama!"

Dienleed smiled wryly at the approaching limit of the recording, to that Yue reached her hand while crying. Her uncle, no, her father's deep and deep affection, and that tragically tough resolve fiercely shook Yue's heart, indescribable feelings were overflowing out. As for Jin, there was a bit of tears in his eyes even though read this through Light Novel it was different impact to him when he was the one who close to Yue, as he did his best to comforting her.

{I cannot be on your side anymore, but even if this life is about to run out I'll continue to pray. Aleytia. My beloved daughter. I wish for infinite happiness to shower above your head. For you to walk a path that is warmer than sunlight, and gentler than moonlight.}


Dienleed's gaze wandered. Surely that was because he was imagining the person who was being close with Yue.

{To you who is very close with my beloved daughter. It doesn't matter what kind of shape it is. Make that child, to be the happiest girl in the world. Please, I beg you.}

"…Naturally. I swear it with my life."

There was no way Jin's words reached him. But, without any doubt, Dienleed was smiling in satisfaction. Surely he was convinced of how the person in the future who listened to his words would answer. In various senses, he was a preposterous person. Perhaps it was just as expected from Yue's father.

The recording was fading down. Dienleed's figure melted into empty air. It was as though his soul was going away. Jin who could feel that Yue cannot take it anymore

{…Sayonara, Aleytia. I wish that the whole world that is surrounding you, to be filled with happiness.} Dienleed said his last word as he completely vanished in this world.

Inside the room, a crying voice echoed till the outside the room.

-- 30 minutes later --

" Do you wanna change your name or your existing name till now?" Jin asked carefully as he give his best for her.

" I will keep the name that you gave me and my family name as a last momento of Otou-sama" Yue said as she embrace the body of Jin.

" Now then we have another goal, including to bring you to my world to introduce you to my parents as you will not feel a lonely like before. We need to conquer the seven great dungeon and destroy that Ehit as he sacrifice himself because of Ehit. Are you ready to go with me to the path of strongest Yue Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl." Jin said with a smile even though currently he was hugging her it feels like he was giving her his hand to join him.

" Mm...* Kiss*" Yue affirm her resolve as she gave Jin a kiss on his lips.

Fortunately his Metamorphosis Magic was passed in minimal requirements of Metamorphosis Magic of Age of God Magic, which is the key to unlock the Magic Stone.

--- Great Orcus Dungeon Upper Level ---

--- Upper Level 65th floor ---

-- Third person POV --

In the sixty fifth floor there was a lone shadow could be seen a it was standing at guard rail in the bridge. This shadow was none other than Hajime Nagumo after he heard the voice recording of his twin brother.

-- Flash back ---

He was waiting in his room till at late midnight which is everyone was asleep. He sneak out from his room along with his weapons as well his Gunsword which is strapped in his back, when he was about to leave the inn he didn't expect that there was a person was waiting for him at the entrance, which is none other than Suzu his girlfriend and the one who could knew him beside his brother.

" Are you going to leave?" Suzu said to Hajime as she knew how stubborn he is be it competing against his twin brother or knowing that his brother was in danger he will rush without regards of safety himself.

" Yeah I know aniki was alive as he was getting stronger and stronger, I don't was to disappoint his expectations, if not for him I'm not the Hajime Nagumo that in front of you as I will not interested to a girl like you as I will continue to become an otaku without regards of the others." Hajime said as he was looking at the moon while embracing Suzu.

" No I'm not, I love you because who you are, otaku or not was no different to me I know how you put much effort to the level that you are now, I love you not because for your brother influence it is because you never gave up even the others was comparing you to your brother that's why don't underestimate your self too much." Suzu said that opposite to her personality as she also huge him back.

"Will you promise me that you will wait for me to you?" Hajime asked as he look down to see her face.

" Okay but make sure you will come back for me." she said with smile but her tears ruin her resolve as she knew the danger being alone to become stronger.

" Okay this is my gift for you to always remember me." Hajime took out a small box that contain a ring that embedded in the soft material.

" Yes!" she said as she let him the one to put the ring in her left hand ring finger.

" After the war was over, let's have our wedding together." Hajime said as he hold her hand which is contain the ring.

" Yes you should not break your promise right?" Suzu said as she reminiscing the ring as she couldn't wait to get married.

" Yeah , then let's meet again." Hajime let go her hand as he turned around and activate the Shadow Path Technique which is modified by Jin for specialized battle style.

They didn't know that there was a person was looking at them in the stairs, she is Eri Nakamura which she is supposed to obsessed to Kouki in the Canon but in this time line her obsession was bend to Hajime which is starting during a certain event. She clenched her teeth as she was looking at the duo.

' Why why, why you pick Suzu instead of me!' she whispered this word as she turned around to return to her room.

-- Flash back end ---

" Aniki one day I will surpass you with this method that gave me!" Hajime said with a smile as jump to the abyss without hesitation. Because he learned a method to jump in the high places such as waterfall by his twin brother, he was sure that there was water source in the abyss to decrease the pressure of his landing in the high places.

-- To Be Continued --