Great Orcus Dungeon VI & Overkill

--- Tortus, True Great Orcus Dungeon ---

--- Lower level Field of Flowers ---


There was two people was chased by the flock of Tyrannosaurus rex like monster. This is none other than Jin and Yue after the time they meet and watch the last farewell of Yue's Uncle, Yue was finally let go her hatred to her uncle and others but the fear of being betrayed was still remain to her. They travel deep down to reach the final floor where the room of the Creator of this dungeon to find the the exit point and inheritance of Age of God Magic. Currently they arrived at the floor were different from the other floors were the atmosphere was gloomy, this floor it was a forest with a wide grassland fortunately his Eagle Eyes was reliable this time as he saw the cave where the stairs for the next floor was located.

" Dammit too many of them, why do I feel like laughing than scared when I saw tyrannosaurus rex in this world ." Jin said as he currently given a princess carry Yue, because she cannot follow his trajectory while he was leaping in the trees.

{ Plasma Field! }

He got no choice but to use his skill to get a bit distance from them. Due too many skills in his status card he start to train them one by one to the point where his instincts can activate even in middle of battle. He used the Plasma Field in the middle of the group of tyrannosaurus rex as there was get paralyzed even they have thick scale on their body.

" What is funny?" Yue asked him as she was looking at the monsters who was chasing them.

" Well because despite their terrifying looks they have a flower on their heads, in my world the tyrannosaurus rex was king of predators during Prehistoric Era." he said while dodging the incoming strike on his back which is the one who miraculously survive in the Plasma Field, he was currently holding the Gunsword in his right arm as he turn a bit while he aim his Gunsword at the last monster as he pulled the trigger.


" Arggghhh!!" the last monster was killed.

{ Aerodynamics } { Air Walker }

After he killed the last monster he use another skill to arrive at the cave, he put down Yue to check his status card.

Jin Nagumo --- Age: 17 --- Male --- Level: 99

Job: Sword Emperor


Strength: 20.900(2.090.000)

Vitality: 19.500(1.950.000)


Defense: 19.950(1.995.000)

Magic: 19 500(1.950.000)

Magic Resistance: 19.000(1.900.000)


Battle God Mastery( Combination of Pinnacle Sword Mastery, Pinnacle Close Quarter Combat Mastery, Pinnacle Fire Arms Mastery, Pinnacle Spear Mastery, Pinnacle Hammer Mastery, Pinnacle Axe Mastery, Pinnacle Throwing Weapons Mastery, Pinnacle Rod Mastery, Pinnacle Shield Mastery, Pinnacle Dagger Mastery, Pinnacle Dual Wield Mastery ), Superhuman Strength (Herculean Strength), Grandmaster Magic Mastery ( combination of basic, medium, advance, forbidden magic mastery, Apocalypse Magic), Metamorphosis Magic( Devil Transformation, Dragon Transformation), Armor Proficiency ( Boosted Gear Forms), Skill Copy, Skill Grant, Enchancment Magic Mastery, Foresight, Steel Skin, Death God Technique Mastery(Pinnacle Assassination Arts Mastery), Language Comprehension, Acrobatics Mastery, Health Regeneration ( Troll's Regeneration Level), Precise Transmutation, Mineral Appraisal, Increase Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Aura Mastery, Eagle Eyes, Shadow God Technique Mastery(Shadow Clone and Shadow Path Technique, Shadow Possession, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Devourer), Body Tempering Mastery ( Muscle Compression Technique), Air Walker, Aerodynamics, Monsterous Legs,.Superhuman Speed, Adamantine Stomach (Iron Stomach), Gale Shredder ( Higher version of Gale Claw), Thunder and Lightning Manipulation, Plasma Field ( Combined version of Thunder and Lightning Field), Monsterous Arms, Mythical Bear Vitality, Gale Manipulation, Petrification Resistance, Medusa's Eye, Extreme Cold Resistance, Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Poison Resistance, Debuff Magic Mastery ( Poison, Paralyzed, Sleep, Curse, Frozen, Burning, Brittle Armor( Def. Debuff), Brittle Weapon ( Atk. Debuff)), Vajra Skin, Heat Sensor, Cold Sensor, Shock Resistance, Mind Immunity, Berserk, Trickery Mastery, Compression Magic Technique.


He could not gain any skills after they descending to the floor by floor but he could gain the stats from the monsters that he ate. Yue on the other hand was drinking his blood because she didn't like the taste of the monster meat as she can gain more benefits in Jin's blood than the monster meat.

" Huhuhu...." A soft laugher could be heard in the cave that they currently in, as sudden vine pop out from the darkness as is tried to trap them but it fail.

" Yue!!" Jin said as he embrace Yue in his arms as he leap to the side.

* Bannngggg!!!* a thick vine slammed to the ground that they previously stand.

" Huhuhu... you survived again, how about this." the source of the voice revealed itself to the two people. It was a Humanoid creature with so many roots on the ground as they're it's feet was moving towards them while manipulating the roots on the ground, with a body like a human but if could ignore it's many tree branches around it's body as it's skin was a vivid green. when it's head was shown it was no different from the face of Murlock with the flowers on it's head to make itself an approachable if it's not for the Sinister expression on it's face.

" Sham Alraune." Jin said calmly as he.look at the plant monster.

" Ara ara there was someone know my name." the plant monster said while it raised it's arm as many vines was form around it's arm in a shape of drill as it shot towards the end duo.

" Sorry I have no time to play, so please die!" Jin's said as he activate his left eye which it glowing with the golden light this skill was called Medusa's Eye, it was skill that luckily gain from the monster called Basilisk from the lower level second floor like the Claw Bear we're he get Mythical Bear Vitality it was a rarest skill while the monsters cannot easily use.

" What!" the plant monster shriek out as it feels it's own body was turning into a stone,

within a blink of an eye the Sham Alraune was turned to a stone statue that slowly vanish to their sight as they saw a stair that leading to the last floor where they could fight the Last Guardian of the True Great Orcus Dungeon, the duo didn't hesitate to walk down to monster that they will face.

---- Lower level 100th floor ----

Jin and Yue rest a bit to get ready to challenge the guardian, after a few minutes they walked to the territory of the guardian.

* Whoosh!!!* * ruuunnnggg!!!*

The sound magic could be heard as if they will summon a monster, there was a big magic circle in the ground that approximately within eighty meters, it was very big monster with a seven heads with a different colors such a Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Black, Green while the silver one was hidden on it's body was summon, this Guardian should be the Hydra.

" Yue your target is blue, white and red the rest leave it to me." Jin said while unsheathing the Gunsword to it's scabbard as he reload the bullets within the gun part.

" Mm.." Yue nodded her head as she starting to gather Mana on her right hand as it form into a three different elements such as fire , water and wind.

" Scarlet Spear!!" she says as she pointed the Spear that made of Scarlet Flames to the Blue Head of the Hydra.

" Air Cannon!!" she continued as she pointed the ball that Compress of winds to the White Head of the Hydra.

" Rupture!!" Yue cast the final spell to the Red Head.

* Bannngggg!!!**Boooooommmm!!!**puchi!!!!!*

A three consecutives spells that hit in the perspective target. Yue was much stronger than the Canon Version as she was constantly trained by Jin, he called it the BattleMage combat style it was different from the other BattleMage that needed the spear which infuse with a magic crystal between the blade and the end of the shaft of the spear. His version of BattleMage was mainly focus to their flexibility and balance with a Close Quarter Combat which is Yue was reluctantly agree to learn, he also give her the skill was suitable for Yue who was specialized in Magic called Compression Magic Technique as it name stated it was technique that compressing the same magic simultaneously into one magic, the fire power of each magic that applied by Compression Magic will increase dramatically.

" Good job!" Jin said as he look at the remaining heads but the silver one didn't revealed itself.

" Partner I need your aid." he said to Ddraig who was also watching the Explosions that Yue released.

[ No problem !] Ddraig replied to Jin which is that gauntlet form in the right arm of Jin.

" Initiate Balance Breaker: Demonic Scalemail!" Jin said as crimson light covered him.

[ Welsh Dragon Emperor] the Ddraig voice echoed in Jin's head, the crimson light was vanished, a Jet-black Armor with a Crimson colored streak around his armor while the Spike in his shoulder was pop out with a Sword like Spine Tail on his back and the Dragon wings spread out as his Demonic helm emitting a crimson aura.

" Should be the Yellow first." Jin said while he blink to the side of the Yellow head with a swing of his Gunsword to beheading it.


He could feel the great Resistance as the barrier was spreading around it's head. But fortunately the half of his blade was embedded near its head.

" You think my Sword was simple heh." he said as he pointed the Gunsword as it's muzzle of the gun to the Yellow head.

* Dopaangg!!* A loud gunshot could be heard during the battle.

" Rroooaaarr!!!" The Yellow head roared its last breath because the White Head was killed by Yue which it has ability to heal it's wound was not present anymore.

" The hindrance was killed, next is Black and Green." Jin said while floating in the air as he adjust his aim which is the Gunsword was emitting a Jet-black Crimson Light.

{ Apocalypse Sword Wave }

* Woooshhh!!!!!**Woooonnnggg!!!!*

A Jet-black Crimson crescent moon was released from the Gunsword towards the Black and Green heads with a speed of light. Naturally with that kind of speed the two heads was separated on it's body.

" Rroooaaarr!!!!!!!" Finally the silver head was showed this time, on it's mouth was releasing a silver light.

{ Silence } Jin cast the spell within his mind while finger was pointing to the silver head

" Gggrruuuurrrcckk!!!!" the Silver head was forcefully shut it's mouth as the Silver light was backfire to it's own.

* Tood!!* The Hydra's body was collapse in the ground without even twitching as the Guardian of the True Great Orcus Dungeon was slain.

" Come on there was a door behind the Hydra it should be the room of the Liberator who was creator of the dungeon." Jin said as he beckoning Yue as they ignore the huge corpse in they're way.

--- To Be Continued ----