Chapter 10 : The Last Month

The last Month was hard for both of them , Oussama had some mental problems , and Fatine too , but he was always there for her and he loved her more then anything , and she did too , but because she loves him and she doesn't want to hurt him , she decided to end their love story , just to help him not to get hurt , Oussama knew why she did that , he knew she had some mental illness and personality illness too , so he helped her too by telling her that he will support her by giving her time and space , but it was a bad decision , fro him and i guess for both of them , he could have helped her by being by her side and not by going with not answers for 30 days or more , he regretted it , but it was all for her . Do you thing it was a good decision or what ? , remember when i said he screwed it up , this is what he've done .