Depression is a mood disorder that is common . it causes a non stop feeling of no interest and sadness ? Depression affect as how you behave , think and feel . It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems . you may have trouble doing what you would think was a normal activity , and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living . Depression isn't a weakness and you can't just get over it . Depression may require long term treatment . Most people with depression feel better with medication . psychotherapy or both . It is not exactly known what specifically causes depression . Many of different factors may be involved . Biological differences may be a factor involved . People with depression appear to have physical changes in their brain . The significance of these changes s still uncertain , but may eventually help pinpoint the feelings that occur with depression . Brain chemistry may also be a factor involved with depression . Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring brain chemicals that more than likely pray a role in depression . Research indicates that the changes in the function and effects of these
neurotransmitters and how they interact with neurocircuits involved in maintaining
mood stability may play a significant
role in depression and its treatment. The changes
in your body's balance of hormones may be involved in causing depression. Hormone
changes could be a result of pregnancy, problems with your thyroid, menopause, or
many of other conditions. Depression is also more common in people that are blood
relatives with someone with the condition. Some symptoms of depression can be very
serious. Some people just have depression once in their life but for many of people they
have more than one episode. During the episodes, symptoms occur for most of the day,
everyday. One of the symptoms of depression is feeling sadness, hopelessness,
loneliness, or emptiness. These feelings may also lead to frequent thoughts about death,
suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, or suicide itself. You may also see lack of energy, loss
of interest, weight gain or weight loss, sleeping too much, and many more. Depression
in teens differs from depression in adults. The signs for teens with depression can be
similar to the signs of adults with depression, but not the same.
Depression in young childrenmay show symptoms by being clingy, sadness, not
wanting to interact with other children, irritability, and others. Teens going through
depression may feel worthless, sadness, angry, and may also be lacking behind in school.
Adults with depression may show the signs by wanting to stay home so they don't have
to interact with others, have personality changes, an appetite change, lack of interest,
and more. The lab diagnosis for treating depression can be a physical exam, lab tests can
be done, a psychiatric evaluation, or a DSM-5. Medications and psychotherapy have been the treatments that have shown the greatest response. There are many of different kinds
of medication that can help with depression and it might take a while to find
the right
one. They can affect each person differently. There are also some strategies to help
prevent suicide. You can take steps to help control your stress, reach out to your family and friends for
help, get help at the rest
sign of depression, think about seeking long term treatment.
When a person has depression they may also try new drugs that you wouldn't have
thought of that person doing, isolate themself from other people they were close to at a
point, start having problems in school and with their family, they may also start self
mutilation such as cutting. There are many different types of depression and have
different effects on how you feel. Some people with depression joke about suicide to the
people around them and they think the person is just playing around, but people that
joke around about suicide may actually be having suicidal thoughts.
When thinking of teenagers in today's society the rst
thing that comes to mind is unresponsible, being careless,
laughter and fun times and memories. When it all comes down to it if you were to ask a teen if that statement is
correct they would most likely respond with "the reality stated is a fairytale'. Which is why this will prove to you why
adolescent depression is more serious than you think. What is adolescent depression you may ask? It is a very serious
mental health problem that can cause a feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities.
According to Teen depression – Symptoms and causes, "Some of the factors that may increase the risk or even trigger
adolescent depression include, peer problems, having issues that negatively impact self esteem, long term bullying or
academic problems, or even being the victim or witness of violence". (Mayo Clinic, 2013) According to the national
institute of mental health 11.3% of teenagers suffer from chronic depression. Many people confuse this mental illness
with regular sadness or maybe even laziness. Depression goes further than sadness to the point of a bad mental
health issue that could interfere with the sufferers ability to function in their everyday lives. In order to nd
out if you
yourself have depression, a health care professional may run routine lab test, conduct a medical interview and even a
physical examination. Depression can make you feel like it is hard to enjoy life or even get through the day. If your
doctor thinks you need medicine to help your depression, he or she can prescribe an antidepressant. There are a
couple antidepressants that have been studied and proven to help a lot of teens worldwide. (National Institute of
mental health Nd).
If your doctor recommends medicine to treat the depression, it is important to see the doctor regularly and tell your
parents or guardian about your feelings, especially if you start feeling worse or have thoughts of hurting yourself which
should be taken very seriousseriously. It's understandable that you do not want to tell other people that you have been
struggling with depression., But but know that depression can affect your relationships with family and friends, and of
course how you perform at school. Maybe your grades have dropped because you find
it hard to concentrate and stay
on top of school. Teachers may think that you aren't trying in class but maybe that is because you're feeling hopeless. (
National Institute of mental health Nd) Chronic stress is one of the biggest factors that can depress a teenager.
Chronic stress is denied as stress that never goes away or if it does it comes right back. Academic problems, separated or divorced parents, hormones,and many more may in some cases be what could
possibly cause your teens chronic stress. Some teenagers take on the stress of school which can cause major issues
along the way. Some parents do not realize how much a divorce or separation can affect the teens stress. Divorce is
painful. It's painful for parents, for kids, and for close friends and family. We all respond to pain differently depending
on who we are and our stages of life. Hormones is something teenagers are majorly effected by on constant basis, so
because of this most teachers and parents think that a teen who is unhappy is just experiencing hormonal effects
when in reality it is usually something much more serious than that. Improving lifestyle and behavioral choices are
essential steps toward increasing overall health and avoiding chronic stress. The key to managing stress is recognizingand changing the behaviors that cause it, but changing your behavior can be challenging.
Taking a small step to reduce your chronic stress and even improve your emotional health, such as going on a daily
walk, can have a beneficial
effect. Being active is a small but very powerful change you can make to manage chronic
stress. Physical activity increases your body's production of feel-good endorphins, a type of neurotransmitter in the
brain, and helps in treating mild forms of depression and anxiety. In addition, eating a healthy diet and enhancing
both the amount and quality of your sleep may also be very beneficial.
(American Psychological Association Nd)
Some people remember their childhood in a happy way like maybe going swimming everyday with your family and
friends at grandma's house, or even spending winters indoors with hot chocolate in your hands sitting by the replace.
Sadly, in reality not everyone has these happy memories, and as teenagers we are only a few years older than still
being children ourselves so for the most part we can vividly what horric
times we went through. A bad childhood
could be another cause of depression in teenagers. Brain development in infancy and early childhood lays the
foundation for all future development. Trauma in earlychildhood can result in many defects to our mental health as
we grow older. Early childhood trauma generally refers to the traumatic experiences that may occur to children ages
1-6 These traumas can be the result of intentional violence such as child physical or sexual abuse, or domestic
violence or can even be the result of a natural disaster, accidents or even war. Treating depression would also mean
changing a lifestyle, which in the end is not that easy to do. When you're depressed, it can feel like you'll never get out
from under a dark shadow. However, even the most severe depression is treatable. Which is why even if your
depression is keeping you from living the life that you want to, don't hesitate to seek help. Learning about your
depression treatment options will help you decide which approach is right for you. Some treatments can range from
medication, physiotherapy,hospital and residential treatment, or even the littlest things like taking care of yourself.
But what is the best way to help someone who is depressed ? , Depression is a drag. Everybody who has it encounters it in an unexpected way, yet we as a whole concur that it sucks.
Now and again, be that as it may, we think about whether individuals who don't have it understand , like truly genuinely understand , exactly how overwhelmingly difficult
it is. For instance, while it appears that individuals most
ordinarily use the term to express short lived feelings of bitterness or dissatisfaction, gloom is really an unendingphysical sickness with manifestations that are for the most part undetectable. What's more, despite the fact that we've
made considerable progress in our capacity to treat it, regardless we don't generally recognize what causes it or why
treatments work and don't work.
Acknowledge treatment is the key Depression is a therapeutic condition requiring medicinal care. As a relative or
friend, you can tune in to the person and give your help, yet that will not be sufcient.
If you remember this, it can
keep you from losing tolerance or getting basedwith them on the grounds that your earnest attempts don't "x"
their depression. "Individuals that are discouraged can't mull over off; they can't stay away from it," says Gollan. "You
can give care and support, however it won't take care of the issue." Be there. As per Serani, the best thing you can
improve the situation for somebody with depression is to be there. "When I was battling with my own depression, the
most mending minutes came when somebody I cherished just sat with me while I cried, or silently held my hand, or
talked warmly to me with proclamations like 'You're so important to me.' Tell to me what I can do to help you.' 'We will
out how to help you with feeling better.'" End up educated Not absolutely beyond any doubt what depression is
or what it implies for your friend? An extremely awesome initial phase in helping your friend is to discover more about
depression – which will enable you to better comprehend what they're experiencing. Try not to judge or criticize.
What you say can powerfully affect your loved one. As indicated by Serani, abstain from saying statements, for
example, "You simply need to consider things to be half full, not half empty" or "I think this is extremely all equitable in
your mind. In the event that you got up out of quaint little inn around, you'd see things better." Absolutely never Say
'You're Too Much': When somebody with depression is told "you're too much," particularly from somebody close to them, it can send them spiraling into blame and uneasiness and pulverizing trouble. Individuals with depression
frequently have twisted thoughts regarding how cherished and upheld they are, so hearing "I can't deal with you" or
minor departure from that topic from somebody they adore and trust can mean they sum up that opinion to
everybody near them. Abstain from offering advice: It likely appears to be normal to share advice to your loved one. At
whatever point somebody we think about is having a difficult
time, we long to settle their despair. In any case, Serani
forewarned that "While the facts may say that the depressed individual needs direction, saying that will influencethem to feel offended or considers, by more insufisent
and detach
further What helps rather, Serani stated, is to ask,
"What would we be able to improve?" This gives your affection one the chance to request help. "At the point when a
man requests help they are more disposed to be guided and take direction without feeling offended," she said.
and this is how to overcome depression and anxiety , Clinicians considered depression and anxiety of them to be two sides of the same coin. Because of different issues of
life, individuals have been suffering from anxiety and depression. Nevertheless, if the symptoms persist in such a way
that the ability to function normally is affected, seeking treatment is the best option. If the conditions of these
disorders become milder, there are several things to practice if you want to combat them.
To overcome anxiety and depression, you ought to find
out their roots. A common symptom is being nervous and
depressed, hence leading to anxiety as well as panic attacks. It is possible to stay away from depression and anxiety
disorders if you can practice to calm your mind as you relax. Consider these tips if you want to overcome depression
and anxiety:
Be Positive :
Having positive thoughts will limit the possibility of an individual's feeling anxious, depressed, helpless and irritated.
On the hand, negative thoughts can affect work performance as well as daily activities. Being positive is an effective
way of relieving anxiety and depression. Do not allow unnecessary issues to stress you.
Get Enough Sleep :
Some people feel anxious because they have a poor sleeping habit: they work continuously without resting. Getting
enough sleep is of great signicance
as far as dealing with depression and anxiety is concerned. Enough sleep helps
individuals to focus and feel fresh so that they may not feel depressed, irritated and tired. So, having enough and
quality sleep at night and if possible go to bed as early as possible. In fact, if you can fix
your sleep, you will find
it easier to fix
your life.
Apart from creating good health, exercise has several benefits.
During exercise, you will feel good chemicals are being
released into the brain. If you develop a systematic exercising program, it will be easier to train the brain to shift away
from its focus from just feeling bad.
Deep breathing :
If you practice deep breathing daily, you will not find
it difficult
to stay calm, even when you are stressed about
something or somebody. With deep breathing, victims of depression and anxiety have clear mind and thoughts, since
they are under control.
Journaling : People use journaling in different ways. You can consider keeping a record of sleeping pattern. Record things, for
instance the time you go to bed. With the record, it is easy to determine the sleeping pattern. The same thing can be
applied to anxiety and depression cases.
Affirmations :
If affirmations
are used correctly, they can be tremendously powerful. The best way of using affirmations
is saying
them out loud. Likewise, for them to be effective, they ought to be positive and always in the present tense.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy : According to the cognitive behavior therapy, emotions are created by individuals' thoughts as well as interpretation of
events of life. So, moods together with feelings can only be changed by changing or restructuring our thoughts. With
positive perspective, you will have a positive lifestyle.
But keep that in mind a low mood is not depression , Some people think that because they are in a low mood they are depressed. Women seem to use the word depression as often as they use the toilet. Depression is a state of mind whereby there appears no future, past or hope for a person. The person feels nothing but a void and will not envision a happy future or pleasant present without provocation. It is a default position that a person takes on a conscious level that bores its way into the subconscious, which creates a negative feedback loop.
But what about Bipolar (Manic depressive) ? , People may go through a tough time and become temporarily depressed. In fact, depression is one of the five stages of the Kublar Ross grieving process, and yet a tough time, even a very bad time, does not create bi-polar disorder. This is because the condition has a deeper root that is either nestled in psychology, brought on by biochemistry, brought on by something physical, or all three.
People with Bi-polar depression go through psychological cycles that to the outside observer appear to be polar opposites. A sufferer will undergo periods of extreme sadness and hopelessness where he or she only sees a void in their past, present and future. The sufferer is often unwilling and unable to do anything productive and will feel low and horrible most of the time.
The polar opposite also occurs where the person experiences great degrees of optimism and even excitement and passivity. The person is often highly motivated and pushes him or herself to do things that they wouldn't do otherwise. For example, if that person has been putting off re-paving the patio, then he or she may start right away by taking up the paving slabs and putting them on the drive to be collected. Many times, people undergoing such positive highs are often stricken with a negative low and their half-completed tasks remain uncompleted.
Causes can be environmental, biological, physical, genetic and psychological
Depression is not a mood, but it has as many causes as a mood. For example, if you were to define yourself as happy, which is a mood, it could be due to your environment, a drug, through a physical sensation, a psychological reason, and may even be because there is a gene that makes people predisposed to happiness. Depression works in a very similar way, except that the state of being depressed is far more serious and can be very difficult to get out of.
after all Depression has a number of causes and is more than just a low or a bad mood. It can be easy to get into, though it is sometimes thrust upon people without their prior knowledge, expectation or understanding. Furthermore, it is sometimes easy to get out of depression.