Chapter 8: I Push Her

As the exam finished Alice talk to me and confront me.

Alice? What are you thinking.Why did you let me fall asleep in your house and waking me up,why?she asked.

Hey Yesha don't rise your voice to me, didn't you remember I owned this school you have nothing to do with it.i said with pride.

Yesha pulled my hand roughly and take me to thw rooftop. I try to take her handa away but a

She was strong.

Hey put your hands out of my hand, i said angrily.

We reach the rooftop and she let me go.

What the hell are you thinking Yesha , would you like me to report this on the office they will believe me, i said with a loud voice .

She was started to cry when i said that.

Alice, why are you doing this to me ,? I though we were friends,then why you let me to sleep in that way. Do you want me to drop the exam??she asked.

I laughed to her and just push her away ,her glasses drop in the floor and I step to it and until its broken.

She push me also and confront me so eagerly.

I know your the owner of this school but that doesn't mean you can do anything you want.Why are you scared thay i will take your position and be on the highest rank?she said.

I slap her with power and she fell down on the floor. I pointed her and she was already crying.

Hey Yesha stop your daydream I never think of you as my friend ,you are not my friend and never be my friend. I don't want such a poor girl let into my life,you're just a daughter of what? A baker man such pathetic.

She stand up and shouted me.

Alice!!!! Don't you ever degraded my father he is not into this issue,yes we are poor but it more okay to be like this than to you, you have all the thing ,cars, beautiful clothing and everything but there's something you haven't had,and you know what is that it was a love from your parents,that is the real pathetic,she said loudly.

I can't take what she said , I push her again and take her hair and we had a serious fight.

We two don't want to end the fight and we still fighting as we can.

Let me go Alice please stop this !!!!!she said pleading.

I will not stop this your pathetic!!!! I hate you!! Gone you must be gone ,leave this university you moron!!!!

As we fighting I accidentally push her in the edge of the rooftop. And the it happened so fast. I was quivering and shocked on what happened. Yesha fell on the ground ....dead.

I was afraid so I hurriedly run down the floor and take my things, i was badly nervous,i take my car and run from what did, i was driving so fast and i hit a track.