The Beginning

Dallas and Infinite are 2 kids that play together because, why not. Infinite is one of Dallas's personalities, he has more but the are not important to the plot or any other books. So Dallas is walking to school like he had normally done for 2-3 weeks now, but this time it was different when Infinite asked "How come this school has bad food but normal teachers, and other schools have good food and bad teachers." Dallas was confused on why a question like that would be asked so he replied "For reasons, man." "Ok." Said Infinite. Now off to school you two. "We're going!" They both said angrily. 

"Has 50 minutes really past." thought Dallas as he reached the doors to the school. As he reached for the doors he froze. "There she is." Dallas said with hate and anger. He of course was talking about Rhyan Hansen. A girl that overreacted on a knock on her door. As she past, Dallas stepped in the school building and walk straight to the breakfast line. He grabbed yogurt, grape juice and a muffin. "This will sure fill me up for 3 minutes." Dallas thought as he realized what Dalco meant yesterday. *Yesterday* "Vhat do you think that Stranger Things is really about." Dallas raised an eyebrow.

Dallas walked to his locker but, then froze when he had a feeling of something strange, a shiver up his spine. "почему мы должны идти в школу/Why do we have to go to school." Kazimir said following up with a yawn. "Cause we just do Kazimir, cause we just do." Said Infinite with his normal deep voice. The bell rang signalling Dallas and Scar (Infinite's Nickname) to go to multimedia. Multimedia wasn't much, just Dallas messing around for an hour doing nothing. "When do we get out again." Whispered Infinite since he had to use Dallas to talk. Dallas whispered back "Soon." 

The bell rings but, the bell sound cuts out in the middle of the ring. Dallas thinks of something else while this is happening. Dallas rushes to Utah studies, as seeing he would be late. However when Dallas looks up at clock 1 more minute but no music like normal. However, Dallas is more focussed on getting to class. Everyone took their seats but there was no teacher at all. Everyone started talking like normal when a teacher wasn't present, but some caught Dallas's eye, a gun handle. "WHAT THE-" Dallas looked around and everyone was looking at him. He forgot he was in a school, so out of embarrassment he pointed to the gun with a fake fierce look. The room went dead silent. The lights started to flicker, but everyone else was worried about the gun. Everyone, even the popular kids/bullies were quiet and didn't move, just staring at the gun handle. Infinite took Dallas's body and got up and opened the draw that was holding the gun inplace like that. Out came a beating heart, organs and the gun. Everyone screamed, nobody had ever seen such a thing before, well except for horror movies. Kids started calling their parents but everyone's phones were weirdly dead. Dallas looked at his phone, with surprise, it was dead. Dallas thought this was weird since we plugged it in, and when he checked his phone an hour ago it was at 98%. Every kid went into panic, but then all of sudden *Boom*. Everyone saw what looked to be an 8 foot shadow on the wall, the blinds were closed and the lights were flickering so what shadow was being made. The shadow touched a kid and he turned to dust. Everyone ran out into the commons (Outside hall area by classes) screaming "DEMON!!!" 

Dallas ran out into the (actual) hallways and went into the office. When he arrived he saw 3, 7 foot slimy looking creatures. He ran back out, out of instinct of course. "What they hell were those things!" Infinite quietly yelled. "I don't know!" Replied Dallas with a shaky voice. The demons watched Dallas and when Dallas made eye contact back they turned to dust. Dallas was confused but didn't need confusion, he needed answers. 

Dallas had enough crap today so he decided to run around trying to find kids but the kids he found were running and not stopping or dust. He stopped when he saw someone crying in a corner. "Are you ok?" Dallas asked quietly. "No! Could you please help me!" Replied the girl. They both ran out of the school and made it to the field. "Hey, I never asked for your name." Dallas said out of breath. "It's Rebecca but, you can call me Reb." She said also outta breath. "He Reb, I got something to tell ya..." Dallas said nervously. "What is it?" She asked. "I know we just met but....I have multiple personalities..." Dallas revealed. "Oh my god! That's so cool." She answered with joy. "Really?" Dallas said confusingly. "Yeah!" She said.

The school had kids pouring out of it, and Infinite was worried about his crush that he never talked to. "Really funny narrator." Infinite said with a real fierce look. It was true though, anyways back to the story. Dallas tried to lighten the mood by saying "Welp, I guess no school." When Dallas said this Rebecca chuckled. "But, what were those things." She said. "I'm not sure, Reb." Dallas said kinda slowly. 

Both Dallas and Rebecca went to their houses where the police were with them to tell the story. Dallas's and Rebecca's Parents were shocked that this was real. Dallas walked past his parents to his bed when he collapsed onto it. He kept getting flashbacks every minute about the deaths he saw: from kids being killed by the Demons to the dust that was being made. He whispered a name that stuck with him "The Awaken." "Yeah that's what I'll call the Demons. Then, I'll call the Shadows, well Shadows." "Wait, why did this happen today." Dallas thought with curiosity. "To be fair it was a random day." But then Dallas realised: The bell, the music and all of the clocks saying 6:66 ??. He hadn't noticed it until now. "What in the f-" Dallas's mom sat beside Dallas and just hugged him with no words escaping her mouth.

"The Awaken are what I am gonna call the Demons." Dallas said to Rebecca. "So why The Awaken?" She asked. "I don't know if it's just the first word I thought of." Dallas replied. Dallas however didn't just want to kill these things, he was gonna try to. Dallas didn't have anything but, he was determined to get back at those Demons for what they had done. "Reb..." Dallas said carefully. "Yes." She instantly replied. "Help me kill those things." Dallas said with bravery. "Sure!" She said. "Wait, really. Dallas said with confusion. "Well yeah." She said with sass. 

As Dallas, Infinite and Rebecca run outside saying that they are going on a walk to their parents. "So where are we gonn-" Dallas points at a melted human face, interrupting Infinite. The melted head looked at them, they pulled a branch from the ground as the creature looked at them. The Awaken's face shifted into a circle with a hole in the middle of its face. That face hole had teeth, as it shifted Rebbeca drew the branch. The Awaken jumped forward towards the kids. Rebecca swings and it has no effect on The Awaken. The Awaken puts up it's hand and throws them back into a wall. The Awaken retreated though when a screech was heard in the distance. "What in God's name was that." Infinite said out of breath. "Let's just go home, ok" Dallas said basically frozen. Rebecca decided to force the 2 boys along to find a Shadow, cause that why they were out there. They searched and searched, then finally it came apparent to them that they had to go the school. They snuck in past the swarming cops, some how, and were now in the school. "Where do you think this thing is." Dallas said quietly. "There." Infinite pointed. A Shadow, 8 feet tall walked towards them. They decided that a flashlight would kill it so they shined it, and surprising it went away. 6 more shadows came with 6 Awakens as backup, long story short they got outta there. While running outside they stumbled across a dog shaped creature, that turned into slime and sucked in a bike and got bigger. They finally made it to Dallas's house, where Rebbeca said "Did anyone else see a dog." "Yeah." Dallas and Infinite said. They all walked upstairs and stopped when they saw there door wide open. The group walked through the door, and when they said hello their mom said "I'm cooking so I had to open the door due to the steam." Infinite had a shiver go up his spine when he told the group "Mom doesn't have a and mom are gone." The group slowly closed the door and walked out again. Within 2 seconds the door is busted open from the inside revealing an Awaken. Dallas and the group have a balcony right by them, so Infinite decides to push The Awaken off the edge. When The Awaken hits the ground it crawls with super speed into a sewer grate. Even though they are scared, they forced themselves to go after it. The sewer grate was just small enough for everyone to fit through, just barely though. They got the flashlight back out and shined it in the almost pitch black sewer. Something ran by them, so Dallas stretched out his arm and stopped this thing in its tracks. "Why did you do that yo-" Dallas stopped, seeing a kid his age. "W-What..." The kid said. "Want to join us to kill The Awaken, ya know the demon?" Infinite asked. "Sure, also my name Mark." "Oh....well nice to meat you Mark." Dallas said calmly. The group walked down 1 pipe and found it, but this time they weren't afraid of death, they just wanted to kill an Awaken. The Awaken lunged at them, Infinite picked up a crowbar off the ground, and swung. This time the Awaken was thrown across the pipe they were in. Mark touched a shine object in his pocket, and waited a couple seconds, then he revealed a gun. "WHAT THE F-" Dallas was interrupted by a shot from the gun. The bullet landed in the Awaken's shoulder. With no hesitation Mark shot into the monster's hole in it's mouth. The bullet holes had black ooze coming out, but it was oozing into the sky instead of down. The Awaken exploded and the group was covered in slime. All that was left however was a pile of organs and a beating heart. Because Mark had never seen the beating heart he shot it, and a giant thick black cloud went out it, the cloud then made it's way into the sky where it disappeared. The group was in awe at what just happened. "Let's actually go home." Rebecca said with fear in her voice, the group nodded. After a couple of hours they all showered and Mark was introduced to the families of Rebbeca and Dallas. It was getting late but Rebecca wasn't going home, instead she called her parents to ask and they said sure. Dallas and Rebbeca wanted to sleep in the same room as Dallas, but Dallas's parents said that she had to sleep in Dallas's sister's room, Dallas sighed in relief. Mark went home to his house and Infinite lived with Dallas so they slept in the same place, the headspace. "Oh yeah, reader the headspace is where when nobody is controlling a body the personalities and the host go inside the mind." Infinite explained. Rebbeca snuck into Dallas room and said "Tomorrow we go to school." "Ok??" Dallas said. She walked back to her room.