The Portal

Mark and Rebecca met up at school and a few minutes later Dallas arrived. The lights in the building were still flickering as there was red staines on the windows. Rebecca pointed at the spot where there used to be bikes. "That's where I saw the Dime." "What's a Dime?" Dallas asked. "Dog-Slime....put them together." Rebecca answered. "Oh..." Said Infinite. They walked up to the not protected school and walked in the front door. A shiver went up Dallas's back but, they continued forward. They made it to the commons where Dallas and Infinite went to Utah Studies yesterday. Infinite stopped and looked in a room across from them, what they all saw was a Demon Dog or A Deg. It leaped at them and didn't do anything but, sit next to Infinite's leg and purred. The group was confused at what it was and why Infinite. As they made their way down the halls the Deg followed them and shined his teeth at dust. "Let's keep him." Mark suggested. "Sure...and his name will be Tooth." Replied Dallas. Tooth walked curiously down the halls, sometimes ahead of the group. A 7 foot goat on 2 legs came around one of the corners, the group went silent and stiff and so did the goat creature. They stood there for what felt like forever, until the goat let out an unholy scream making the group run a hide, but luckily the goat wasn't going after them. Infinite decided to shine his flashlight on something moving in the dark, and out popped another Awaken. Dallas took Mark's gun and shot the head making it explode. Just like last time all that was left was organs and a beating heart, they shot the heart and like before the black thick cloud was back and went up and disappeared. "I feel like this will be important later." Rebecca said sarcastically. Tooth sniffed the organs and ran out into the hall. "Where ya going are you going." Infinite said with confusion. The group ran after Tooth as he turned and there was the goat demon again, the group was slowly moving around but not firing or running or speaking. When the group finally made it around the goat Dallas and Rebbeca accidentally put one foot into a slime hole on the floor, they immediately trashed they feet out. "What is that." Dallas And Rebecca said in unison. "Looks like a por-." Infinite was interrupted by Tooth jumping into the hole, because they liked Tooth they all jumped in after Tooth. What they found they at first couldn't find words but, then Mark said "Is this where they came from." Tooth turned around looking at everything. This place was our world bur dark, cold and swarming with demons outside and on the second floor. The group decided that they should go out of the portal and find more, in hopes of finding more demons to kill. They exited the portal and went outside the school and found a portal in the field, then suddenly Tooth bit something making the something drop to the ground, it was a new type of demon a wolf that liked also slimy but, was standing on 2 legs. Infinite stomped on it's head, making the head explode. When the head exploded his heart was thrown out of it's chest, however the group was terrified they move nor shoot, and because they didn't shoot the heart exploded and a baby Awaken was sitting there, so Tooth thought of something smart. Tooth's idea was to eat it, and that's what he did. "What time is it, cause I know we left at 7:32 a.m." Dallas said. Infinite looked down at his watch "Dude, it's 6:12 p.m." "OH CRAP, WE GOT GET HOME!!!" Dallas said frantically and dramatically. When they got home Dallas's mom and dad didn't question anything, "lucky I Guess." Dallas thought. They ate, showered, slept and then got up for more hunting, at this point you would think that the parents were suspicious...they weren't. Dallas got Mark's gun and reloaded it since Mark's dad has like infinite ammo apparently. Speaking of infinite ammo, Infinite finally walked outside with the rest of the group after being inside for 42 minutes. "Where have yo- no..." Dallas stopped talking knowing exactly what he was doing, he was 12 after all. On the way to the school they were talking about Stranger Things and other different things as usually but, but then they stopped when Infinite asked "When will this all be over." "I don't know, bro...hopefully soon." Dallas said calmly. Dallas and Tooth have somewhat of a conversation, and Infinite and Rebecca talk about their feeling for different people and what not. "Hey, were talking about mature things...oh wait, you wouldn't understand because your just the narrator." Infinite snapped. "Were here." Dallas said as they arrived to the school. Dallas held up Mark's gun which he claimed was his now. A car went by them, but stopped in the middle of the road. The group panicked and ran to the school doors and pulled but it didn't open, the car was now making a U-Turn. They panicked even more and used the crow bar that Infinite brang and the door opened and they ran inside and went as far from windows as they could. When they saw the car pass the school, they all sighed relief and went around the building looking for the portal but, it was gone. The group was looking for it for like 20 minutes and came up short. It would seem like the portal was gone, but they didn't give up, so they decided to try to get a demon scared enough to run away by entry of a portal, flawless logic really. They finally found an Awaken and just like the plan it fled into a portal but, then it closed, again flawless logic. "It was good in our eyes." Dallas and Rebecca said again in unison. They both blushed but continued onwards towards the cafeteria which Infinite thought "Food..." So he said "Hey you guys wanna see if the food in the freezers is any good?" "Sure." Said Mark. They were able to find a lot so they all only took a bowl of yogurt with fruit and granola. They should just be getting out of there but no, they wanted to eat yogu- the group can hear me can't they? "Yes said Dallas and Infinite. Ok then, now where was I....oh yeah, The group followed Tooth down the hall towards the bathrooms. "I have to go into the boys and you have to go into the girls." Rebecca said sarcastically. "Oh my god that's right, we can't leave anybody outside, well if I have to, let's go into the boys first. They walked in both bathrooms and nothing they kept following Tooth until they realized it was pointless to follow a Demon around with nothing coming up. They started to go the school's doors, however when they reached to open the busted door it was locked. "Uh oh." Said Dallas. The group looked around outside and suddenly the door came right open making the group fall outside. They walked away from the building, maling sure that there wasn't anyone stalking, maybe even something stalking them. The group made it back home at around 5:21 p.m since they left at 12:33 p.m. They ate dinner and showered and then went to bed but this time they all slept in the same room, apparently if more then one boy was in there with one girl it was ok for them all to sleep together. The room wasn't big so Mark had a sleeping back and Rebecca had to sleep in a bed with Dallas and Infinite, now before you stop reading don't worry nothing happened. The next day they didn't want to go to the school since they basically killed all the demons there, so they other places that had been attacked: The Gateway Mall, The Platinum, etc. So first tjey went to they went to the mall know that new demons would be their, and they were right. It would seem that 2 new demons exist now The Meta and The Ultra. The Meta has like a mech looking demon very strong. Then we have The Ultra a demon that just can't die, well not to bullets or physical damage at least. The Ultra is like an actual demon Wings, horns and powers, on the other hand The Meta takes 10-12 shots to the head to die, luckily the group has infinite ammo, huh. They ran outta ammo with they escape form an Ultra so they ran back home earlier then usually, ya the time is like 3:01 p.m, also let me remind you they left at 11:06 a.m. "I'm Tried." Said Infinite the rest of the group groaned. "Open the door! Infinite said while at Mark's house, the reason why they were there is because Mark wasn't with them all day at the mal- "Actually he hasn't been with us since this morning." Infinite explained. Well I'm the narrator and- wait that is all day, from morning to now...yeah I was right, anyways the group walked into the house but, everything in his house was replaced and put in different places. "Maybe he moved." Rebecca said. "First off, he would bof told us and second off we saw him and his parents yesterday." Dallas said trying to prove that he knows Mark better then the rest of the group. The door locked behind them and when Infinite tried to hold the door open, the door spit out slime making him let go, now his hand has a scar just like his eye, which is still unknown how he got the eye scar. "Enough, about me narrator, on with the story." Infinite said kinda calmly. Ok fine, The group truned around at a sound that sounded like a human but almost possessed. They got a bat they found on the ground ready to swing, and what came out was An Awaken. The group shoved the bat downt the monster's face hole and it bleed upwards and jumped into a portal. Now usually they wouldn't just jump in, however Mark was gone and an Awaken was at his place. They jumped in the portal without hesitation. The demon was now impossible to kill so they jumped back through. "When an Awaken is in it's world it's indestructible, I just read a lot of IT and watch Horror movies." Dallas said, and nodded. The door flung open so the group ran out, running right back to Dallas's place, their basic Headquarters. "So as far as we know...Mark is I guess...dead." Dallas said with a shaky voice. "No don't say that! He's just lost inside somewhere!" Rebecca said trying to hold back tears. They group started to argue and the augring turned to the whole group bursting out in tears. Dallas's mom came into to hug them all, and their moods were instantly going back to normal, brave and happy. The next three days was preparation for the funeral of two people. Gavin that turned up dead and Mark. Gavin was Dallas's older brother, Dallas loved Gavin and now that a demon killed his loved older brother, he wanted revenge. This is sorta like Dallas's breaking point, but not to the extent of insanity. "Tomorrow we kill every demon we can find in Salt Lake City." Dallas said with intent. Cause of sadness and anger the group all sat around for 25 hours watching all of Stranger Things. The group went to sleep in the same house, in the same room again, but this time Dallas felt something, something unusual. Don't worry reader he's 12 years old he doesn't know to do anything and this is not a mature book. "What was that!" Dallas said as his door flung open.