The Frostbite

The door flung open with force stronger than earth's magnetic field. Dallas grabbed Mark's gun and shot into the living room, instantly killing what came through the door. The shadowy figure dropped to the floor. Dallas's mom screamed "You have a gun!?!" "It's hard to explain, I'll tell you tomorrow, ok?" Dallas said softly. *Tomorrow* 

While eating breakfast that morning, Dallas had explained everything that was going on that week, from the demon hunting to find Mark. Dallas's mom said they can continue to fight just try to avoid the cops or govt. Dallas quickly agreed. Dallas got a flashback just then of something he had never been through before. 

*Flashback* "IT IS TIME." A voice said mysterious. The place that he saw was just like where the portal leads. He snapped back into reality where he was somehow outside with his friends. "You ok Dallas?" Rebecca Asked. Dallas nodded. They walked all the way to Mark's house, however when they arrived this time it was HIS HOUSE. The group walked in the house, and the door didn't move even when they were deep inside the house. They went there to see the house for the last time before leaving, so they did, but when they turned around to walk out Dallas felt something wrong. "Wait..." He said. "What?" said Rebecca. Dallas walked out, and in the confusion the rest of the group followed. Dallas went home so he could rest, he apparent body temperature was 23°. So because they still had demons to kill, the group pressed onwards towards different demon affected areas. The group was basically split up so Rebbeca was on her own. She, however was brave and wanted revenge for the death of their friend Mark. She went to the school and yelled "YOU TAKE OUR FRIEND...WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME!?!" She almost teared up, but then she knew she couldn't show weakness here. When she got it together and walked around until she found a demon, a Meta. The Meta lunged towards her and she stares it in the eyes. Dallas looked all around his house but couldn't find his gun. "What are you doing?" Infinite asked. "I can't find my gun." Dallas replied kinda angry. "Oh..." Infinite said while thinking about how the gun isn't his. Rebecca had a backpack on her, so when the demon jumped at her she shot the monster knocking back into a wall damaging it even more, but to make matters better it fell down damaging even more! She shot 3 more bullets into the head, basically killing it and like usual the demon exploded, she shot the heart and thick black cloud goes into the air, and again like usual it disappears. An Ultra appeared and she left in a flash. As she's running out a shadow touches her. 

*Switch To Dallas*

Dallas looked around his house and suspected that Rebecca took it, or his parents of course. His mom took his temperature and his body levels were fine, so he ran out to the school. He found a pile of dust by the front door and remember that they cleared all dust and dead people from the building the 3rd day that the school was attacked. Dallas put the dust into a jar and wrote something on the jar "Rebecca". "Hey Dallas whatcha got there." A voice said. Dallas turned around and there the voice was...Rebecca. "I thought you were-" "Dead...nah." Rebecca interrupted.


Rebecca was ready to turn to dust, however when she looked up she saw someone just walking by, she sighed then she remembered where she was and hide.

*End Of Flashback*

"Oh, I'm just glad your alive." Said Dallas joyfully. Let's fast forward to December, 12th. The snow outside was colder than ever so instead of going out and killing demons, that would just respawn anyways, Dallas and Rebecca build snowmen, had cocoa, had snowball forts and fights and sang Christmas songs around an electric realistic looking fireplace. It would seem they were done with demons or got over the death of Mark. No matter what the reason they were happy, and so were the parents. Dallas and her had been closer this month and blushing was a normal thing now, and Infinite would bring up a joke every now and then saying "You two should kiss now." And they would normally laughing every time. Dallas and Rebecca were rushing into the kitchen cause they heard there was eggnog. So when they ran into the kitchen, they looked up seeing a mistletoe. They both stopped and Infinite saw he said "Oh my's happening." They went closer to each other until Dallas's parents walked in through the door, so they Dallas stepped into the kitchen, making sure his parents wouldn't find out. "Darn." Infinite said angrily. Their parents brought something in, but Dallas and Rebecca were forced to close their eyes until they said to open them. Dallas's parents went upstairs and said they can open their eyes. For the rest of the day Dallas and Rebecca heard wrapping upstairs. They smirked at each other. Rebecca took Dallas's hand and basically dragged him into their room to watch Stranger Things and Christmas shows. Infinite looked at the reader. "There're aren't gonna kiss reader....yet." He said confidently. Dallas then got an image in his head, the image was words (For The Reader To Decode) the words said "...enoG YLLUF toN sI kraM" Dallas snapped back into reality and looked up at the screen just in time for a Christmas classic. Rebecca looked at Dallas in worry, but when he looked at her with a smile, she was assured it was fine. They went outside around 6:23 p.m It was dark, but that wouldn't stop them from having a snowball the dark. They fought, but then they both looked outside the fighting area seeing two glowing eyes and a mouth that was also glowing but some parts of the mouth were missing since it was dark. Dallas threw a snowball at it and Rebecca sorta chuckled, Dallas wasn't sure exactly. Rebbeca and Dallas soon started throwing and chucking snowballs at him, until Dallas and Rebecca found an area full of ice balls. They started throwing the ice balls and the creature started to be pushed into the light, revealing branch horns and Dallas and Rebecca could've sworn that his body was made out of tree. They pushed him fully into the street lamp and they could now see him clearly. They saw his skull like face and everything, they both agreed to call this type of demon A Frostbite. They ran inside and the monster walked off. They decided to just sleep, seeing as if they didn't they would probably go insane. They first watched the demon and saw a kid walk through and not notice it like it wasn't even there. They decided to sleep thinking that they were just imagining it, cause if it was a demon it would've attack them...right? They fell right to sleep after a such long day. 


It would seem like they would like to know what that thing was, and now that they think about it. How are they able to see the same thing at the same time. "It's not possible!" Dallas exclaims. "And what about the demons?" Rebecca said. "Fair point, but that still doesn't explain it." Dallas said. They heard a creak from behind them. They turned around to find a pile of dust and an empty skull. They examined the skull and found that the skull would flash Orange from the eyes and mouth every couple seconds. Tooth kept try to take the skull somewhere, but we didn't let it. The farthest it even got was 2 inches from them, otherwise Tooth can't even get it up off the ground. Dallas checked the time "Holy crap, we gotta finish that snowball fight." The morning snow was still falling "You mean the snowball fight that was interrupted by The Frostbite." Rebecca said. Dallas nodded, and they ran outside to finish the snowball fight and this time they weren't interrupted. They came back inside at dark, in fear of what would happen this time if they stayed outside. Before you ask, yes, Tooth was allowed to be kept but only in Dallas's house, and yes the parents allow them to have Tooth. Rebecca kept sneaking into Dallas's bed when everyone went to sleep because she apparently couldn't sleep normally with all the demons and stuff. Dallas caught her one night, and she didn't even try to explain. She just laid next to him and he didn't care, he was kinda happy not to be alone. 

*The Next Morning*

Just like normal Dallas knew where Rebecca slept that night, so like normal Dallas and Rebecca were being silent. After breakfast they went out looking for some Awakens to kill and some hearts to explode. They raced outside but stopped at the sight of a body across the street, they rushed the body inside and later they got the body tested for who it was. The doctors said "For legal reasons, I'm sorry but...we can't tell you." Dallas and Rebecca nodded their heads, but they had a plan. A plan to break into Utah Labs and find out who it was. They waited for the day that they would be not found, like a blizzard or some workers day off, but then they remembered the day that 90% of scientists and guards get off...December 25th. So they waited and after they opened presents and ate a feast and were full, so they went to Utah Labs and surprising they actually broke in and hide in a tight closet, thinking of what to do next. "I think we should go straight across the hall, I saw the door and it said "Names of the dead." Dallas whispered. "Ok." Rebecca whispered back. They heard no noise so they ran across the hall into the room, which was luckily not armed or even had any people inside. They looked for a while and finally found a cabinet that said "Recently Dead" so they opened it and found what they thought (and kinda counted) 100+ files and names. They looked the files and found one called Dead before Christmas, opening the files poured out more names and then found a file labeled "Mark Harrison". They looked at each other and looked back down at the file. They quickly cleaned up the mess and somehow got out and went home. They read the file "Mark Harrison

Age: 12

Birthday: December 26th, 2006, at 3:10 a.m."

They were horrified "His birthday was Tomorrow." They said sadly and in unison. Infinite normal would make a love joke for them being in unison but this time he fell silent. They went over to his house, but when they arrived it was empty, Mark's parents never wanted to see Dallas or Rebecca cause his parents blamed them for killing their son. The owner of tbe house let's Dallas and Rebecca kinda use it as their own house, saying online and to people that the house was sold. The owner said not to have tv's and not to tell anybody that they basically stayed there. "That body wasn't real." Dallas said. "Are you ser-" "Yes, the body felt lighter than a human. Also when they weighed him Mark was only 76 lb, all that Utah Labs said was the body was dead so lighter." Dallas said interrupting Rebecca. Rebecca and Infinite now knew...he was right. They walked back home from their new HQ and saw someone watching and following them. They turned around finding a kid shaped figure in the distance standing in the darkness with a light outline. They put their hands in Dallas's backpack to find a flashlight. They finally found it and shined it in the woods revealing a...