Chapter 07: Forget Me Not

Fayaz wanted to proceed as he planned. He walked towards his dumpling. 'Ah, just thinking that Fiona was his dumpling, felt amusing. '

Obvious to his thoughts his friends looked at him like ' Are you really chasing after her. '

Ramisa blocked his way. When Fayaz looked at her, she was giving him warning glare.

" Ah, Rami am actually not playing around. "

Ramisa warned him, " Fayaz, she isn't someone to mess up with."

Fayaz said, " I will just talk to her. There is nothing wrong about talking, right? Didn't you just said she is your relative or something.

I can take care of her. Really really taking care.

Aren't you also leaving after graduation. I'll be here for her. "

Ramisa kept looking at him. Actually she knew that Fayaz was not someone to fool around. But what to do Fiona was her beloved 's little sister. She doesn't dare to hurt her love by hurting his sister.

Looking at her hesitant gaze, Fayaz persuade, " I will not cause any problem to her. I promise. "

After getting assurance from Fayaz her hesitation dimed a bit. So, she said, " Fayaz, she is really not some other girl. "

Fayaz wanted to ask 'Wasnt she just a distant relative? Why bothering so much? But that can wait. He cant wait any longer. He wanted to test the water. He thought, ' What kind of girl really she is? '

Fiona was drinking her fourth glass. She knew her can't drink much. But she just couldn't sit idly. She had a habit of always doing something. Though the content of alcohol in thia cocktail was really low she still felt a little dizzy. very very little dizzy.

She found someone approaching her. She looked upto the shadow. ' Ah, Isn't he the same male hunk whose friend just called her dumpling? '

She was someone who liked to hold grudges.

Fiona was 5'4" tall. But she qas sitting in a stool. So, Fayaz's shadow easily overpowered her. She found the air around her was a little chilly.

As Fayaz came near to her, he also sit on a stool near by. " Hey , Serve that blue one. Yeah. The one in your right. Hmm, This one.

Give me two glass of this cocktail. "

Done ordering, he turned to Fiona but said nothing. But Fiona didnt looked at him.

Seeing her slightly flushed face, Fayaz thought, 'Just this low quality acohol's few glass and her is like this! Tsk. Tsk. She is really naive.' He exclaimed at his own thought ' Did he just Tsked!!' Hah, after meeting her even if just a little ago, he is finding new things about himself. '

The bartender gave him two glasses of what he asked . He took one glass pushed the other one to Fiona. This time Fiona turned her first to the small glass of cocktail then to Fayaz. She thought, ' Shouldn't this guy first ask if she needed one? At least this was what written in the comics she read before.'

She gave her confused look to him again. Fayaz found it quite amusing. He laughed in his mind. He called her, " Fiona. "

Looking at her quite attitude he explained, This blue cocktail is called 'Forget Me Not'. Taste it. Its not that bitter. "

"Who are you? Why would I take your drink? ", she said with a stern voice.

'Damn, this girl actually forget his name. ' he thought. Calming himself Fayaz replied, " I'm

Fayaz. Told you my name before na? Am offer you with a good will! "

Fiona gave him a look as if saying ' Did I ask you to? ' Fayaz sighed, " Listen I dont plan to make you drank. Do i look like some evil guy? "

" Cant judge a book by its cover. ", she answerd looking directly into his eyes. He exclaimed, " Now you are mis-using the proverb. Listen the president is your relative and look, she is still looking at us. Do you think I can do something at this moment?


" Hmmmh" Fiona took the glass and smelt it. ' Hmm, the smell is not bad. It was her first time tasting a drink offered by someone. But for some reason she didnt doubt his intention.

She took a sip. She found the drink quite good to her buds and drank the whole glass by little sip.

Fayaz noted her reaction carefully. Her action seem like she wasn't a club-pub type girl. Maybe it was her first time taking a drink from someone, from a guy. ' Ah, that means he was the first guy from whom and with whom she take a drink for the first time. ' Not bad, he liked this feeling of being her something first. Hahaha. He laughed in his mind with satisfaction. Then he also drank his cocktail.

" Hey, As you drank the cocktail now, You have to give me you wechat ID. ", he said with a little smile.

Fiona gave him an odd look as if saying I-knew-you-had-some-ulterior-motive. He explained with patience, The cocktail is named as Forget Me Not. As you just drank now yiu cant forget me. Quick me your ID."

Fiona hummed and turned away from him.

She thought, ' Does this guy have some mental issue?'

Fayaz was displeased. He tried to reason, " Hey, You promised. " Fiona glared him saying if he was a mad. " I dont give my wechat ID to any stranger. " Saying she stood up and left his side. Fiona was angry at herself. She never talked so much with a stranger.