Chapter 08: Rejected

Not long after Fiona left, Fayaz also returned to his group though he still wanted to chase after her. But his little Fiona wasnt still used to him. He wanted to give Fiona some time so that she can get used to him. He will deal with her patiently. He was satisfied with his plan.

The group was observing Fiona and Fayaz interaction. Kim even made a bet with Lisa if Fayaz could successfully persue Fiona or not.

For some reason Kim thought Fayaz wouldnt be able to. Fiona didnt seem to be an easy girl.

Lisa was thinking otherwise. Because who was Fayaz. He was Fayaz Shen. C.U. 's No. 1 hunk. Looks, intelligence, background and money everything was owned by Fayaz.

Even If the girl was a dumb, she wont reject Fayaz.

Fayaz approached Ramisa directly, " Hey Rami. Give me her wetchat ID. "

Ramisa was shocked. It was the first time Fayaz asked about something. But it was about Fiona. She doesnt dare to think about her.

She pretend, " Whose?"

Fayaz frowned, " You know who I am talking about. " Ramisa refused to give in.

Kim asked, " Why didnt you her? " Fayaz barely darted him a glare. "Damn, dont tell me you actually got rejected!! ", Kim exclaimed.

Lisa fumed, " Who does she think she is?"

Kim tired to calm her down. Kim said, " Calm down. Calm down. Fayaz dont feel bad. Don't you know, ' Failure is the pillar of success'."

Fayaz : "...."

Everyone else : "...."

Fayaz turned to Ramisa again. " Rami, come on.", he tried to persuade her. Ramisa helplessly said, " I'm sorry."

Lisa said, " Its just a wechat ID. What's there to fuss? " Ramisa sighed. But didnt said anything.

Kim said, " Okay, Just tell her full name. It should be enough. "

Ramisa : "...." She muted herself.

Fayaz sighed, " What's so secret about her?

Rami, I actually wont take advantage of her."

Ramisa :" Then do you love her?"

Everyone gasped. Fayaz caught off guard. His heart skipped a bit. He didnt think of this.

He gave Ramisa a look ' I-dont-know-yet '.

Kim asked, "Do you like her then?"

Every eyes were at him. Fayaz : " Look I dont know yet. But How would I know if I dont try?"

Ramisa wasnt convinced. She cant take any risk. She said, " listen if she agrees to date you only then I can help you. Before that I'm really sorry."

Fayaz aroused his eyebrow, " If she agreed why would I need you for? Huh. " Then he left alone.

Ramisa was speechless.

Everyone : "..."