Aaron now is facing Superman. The godlike hero that is able to handle the Justice League alone but like anyone he has many weakness. Kryptonite, the green crystal, red sun rays and magic.

Aaron knew that he can be injured Superman with Gae Bolg. No matter how tough or durable Superman, his body can be hurt by his Gae Bolg.

Cu Chulain or Setanta, the Child Of Light, a demigod, the offspring of a mortal woman named Deichtine and the deity, Lugh the God who governed the sun.

Demigod is recognised as a strong being in the DC universe. For example like Wonder Woman. So that means in this world his status as a demigod will make him stronger than ever.

The wolf amulet on his neck will make him go faster and he felt his body just got stronger than before.

He stared at Clark Kent. He knew by engaging a fight with Superman, he will gain the attention of Justice League and even some of the villains.

He did not mind that as he promised to himself that he will fight or worse kill anyone who gets in his way of handling the villains.

After all, he has the backup of 13 heroic spirits that is ready to show their powers in this world.

"If only I got Kryptonite I can just throw at him and he will go down instantly. Then I stab him many times with Gae Bolg. " Aaron thought. He really should snatch Kryptonite from Metallo. What a waste.

He crouched down before moving forward to Superman who has his eyes widened seeing the blade of his red spear already near his face and he dodges it but his cheek got slash by the blade of the spear.

A punch is directed to his stomach and he blocked it but the punch sends him backwards for a little bit before many thrusts of Gae Bolg are being launched to Superman who fly upwards.

The figure of Lancer disappeared and something smashed Superman's back sending him back to the ground.

Lancer landed in front of him before launching a punch to Superman who dodges and tried to move away from him but sadly his cape made his move to halt.

Superman turns his head to see Gae Bolg stabbed his cape to the ground.

A punch hit his right cheek before many punches landed on his face making Superman's eyes shine red.

Aaron who sees this ducked avoiding the heat vision and uppercut Superman's jaw sending the hear vision to go upwards.

Lancer grabbed his spear before he dodges a punch that is directed to his face before laughing a kick to Superman's gut but Superman steps backwards.

Superman takes a deep breath and breath cold breath to Lancer who spins his spear at an amazing speed making the cold breath did not hit his body.

Gae Bolg shined in red along with Aaron's eyes before he appeared behind Superman who has his eyes widen.

Superman barely dodges his thrust but sadly a kick sends to his face that hit the ground very hard.

Lancer then steps backwards letting Superman get up. He gets his answer when a blue blur tries to ram him but he jumped up and thrust his spear to his cape making Superman halt his movement and he quickly kneed Superman to the ground.

Superman then zoomed forward making Lancer jump upwards and a red piece of Superman's red cape is on his spear."This is why I did not wear cape."Lancer muttered before avoiding a heat vision.

A punch is directed to his cheek and he got hit by the punch making him stagger backwards before replying back by punching Superman stronger than ever making Superman crash to a traffic pole.

"I felt that," Lance commented while running his cheek."Me too." Superman said before dashing to him and delivered many punches to Lancer who parried it with Gae Bolg.

Some of Superman's punches hit Lancer while Superman got hit by his thrust before Superman hit his chest sending him to crash a store.

Superman then fell to his knee while panting. His body is hurt. It felt like he got stung by many bees at the same time he is very painful and felt numb at the same time.

He can see the effect of the thrust on his body. It hurts very much.

"Damn. His punches are strong." Aaron thought before a hero appealed in his mind for Installing him.

"Fine. I will Install you. Rest up for a little bit Hound." Aaron muttered before standing up.

He cracks his body before his mouth opened."Install Shielder." He shouted and his body shined.

Gone were Proto's Lancer and he now wears a Greek Armour. The armour is gold coloured."Huh. This attire is like Achilles but this one is gold minus the red scarf that Achilles wears." Aaron muttered seeing his jew appearance.

On his hands are a shield and a spear."Never think that Ajax also is a spear. I only know that he has Rho Aias." He said while marvelling his weapons. A diamond-shaped shield and a spear that is bronze coloured.

I walked out of the store which I made a mental note to give this store's owner money to build the store back.

I see Superman is starting at me."Who are you?" He asked me."Lancer." I replied."You look different." He commented before I blocked his punch.

"I still kick your ass," I commented before Rho Ais burst pink energy that sends Superman backwards and thrust my spear to Superman who blocks it with his hands but the force of my thrust made my spear blade reach his chest.

I can see the painful expression on his face as my spear blade manages to stab his chest."How can this be?" Superman asked me.

"Fool. I am like Wonder Woman you know." I said making his eyes widened before I rammed my shield to his face sending him to crash too many vehicles.

I made my spear disappear. I then closed my eyes and felt the divinity in my body increased. Ajax is a descendant of Zeus as his grandfather, so that made me like Diana Prince though she is the daughter of Zeus.

I then made Rho Aias disperse and close my eyes. God's strength, one of Ajax active skills. It grants Ajax the strength worthy of a god.

I look at Superman who now has a hardened gaze."How about we settled this with our fists. Superman?" I said to him and he flew to me.

I days to him before we reeled our first and thrust it forward. Our punches met and created a shockwave that destroyed anything near us.

Superman started to overwhelm me with his quick punches that filled with his strength and I can only defend them by crossing my arms.

I waited for the chances to counter and I seized it. I opened my arms and step aside to let his right punch pass-through me before I wrapped my arm around his right arm.

"Sorry about this Supes," I said to him before breaking his arm joint. He grits his teeth to not scream in pain before punching my face with his other arm.

His first is planted on my right cheek but I did not budge and deliver a devastating right hook on his face making him move backwards before assaulting him with many punches.

My punches hit his faces and chest before he tried to grab my left arm but I managed to reel it back before delivering a roundhouse kick on his face.

I use my arms on the ground to launch me back to Superman deliver a combo of a kick to Superman who is guarding himself by crossing his arm.

I then jumped away from him before leap back to him and deliver a punch but sadly my punch did not hit him as he flies upwards and blasts heat vision to me.

I summoned Rho Aias and defend myself from his heat vision.

I then jumped towards him trying to hit him with the petal of Rho Aias but he punches me back to the ground.

I crash to the ground and quickly jumped aside avoiding Superman who tried to punch me. I raised my shield to blocked his heat vision and move forward quickly.

Then a pink petal flower is made and hit Superman before I smack him to a building. Superman stands up and dived to me and his punch met my Shield.

The force of his shield made the windows of the building broke while I just moved forward.

"Is that all you got?!" I shouted before throwing a left hook to Superman who got hit. His body hit the ground very hard.

I pant while looking at Superman who gets up and tries to ram me. 2 petals of Rho Aias appeared and Superman paused his movement.

Using that paused, I moved beneath him and uppercut him. He crashes too many buildings.

"I am starting to enjoy these battles," I said with Ajax also agreed to my opinion.

My adrenaline is pumping and the same goes for my instinct to battle.

Superman ram me and made me crash many buildings him but I use the edge of my shield and hit his back very hard causing him to scream in pain and let met go but I managed to kick his face to a building.

I spin my body on the mid-air and move my shield to let the shield hit the ground first.

I grin seeing the Superman landed in front of me. "Never I think an opponent that is able to push me this far. Maybe it is time I did not hold back myself for a little bit." Superman said.

He disappeared and delivered a punch that he is sure that Lancer cannot defend. His fist hit the shield and only made Lancer move backwards for a little bit.

The sound of petal break and Lancer can be seen grinning behind the shield."Me too." He said and Superman got a punch making him counter back with the same punch.

They engaged in punching each other that is making a shockwave. The city shook for a little bit like 2 godlike being clash with each other.

Superman then claps his hand very hard making Aaron fly backwards and take that moment to dive to him but Aaron already summoned his spear and stabbed it to the ground and spin himself around the spear.

He kicks Superman to a store before picking up his spear and goes near the store. He brings his shield forwards and rammed Superman liked a bulldozer sending both of them to crash too many building before Superman punches his shield sending him to crash to the light pole.

Aaron shook his head before his muscles start to tense as Superman is ready to end their fight.

His grip on his spear starts to get tighter as his battle instinct now is demanding him to beat and kill Superman right now.

Superman meanwhile for the first time enjoyed battling someone and this someone is able to handle him. He perfectly knows in front of him is a very skilled warrior and he had many chances to kill him with that bronze spear but decided to just punches him many times.

"Time to end this." Both of the combatants thought and they are about to clash with each other before a blur arrived between them.

Aaron sees it is Supergirl who now has an angry expression."Both of you better stop fighting right now." She said to us making us dropped our fighting stance.

"Look what have you done to the surroundings," Supergirl said to us and I sees many destroyed buildings. Crap. That is my fault. Also Superman's fault.

No wonder Superman hold back when he punches the villain. If he did not, the city will be gone after a single punch. The same goes for me too.

"Not my fault." I commented on making Superman glared at me."You are the one who started this fight." Superman said to me.

"Bizarro should be killed not to be spared," I said to him. Then I realised something."Wait for a minute. Where is Bizarro?" I asked making the 2 Kryptonians widened their eyes.

I immediately go to the location where we left Bizarro with Superman and Supergirl followed me.

I arrived at the location only to see Bizarro already gone. He has disappeared. I sigh in annoyance seeing this. Great. This must be ARGUS or Lex Luthor doing.

I look at the Kryptonians back only to see they have the same expression as me.

I then walk away from that location."Where are you going?" Superman asked me."Restoring the city back to normal dumbass." I replied before jumping on top of the talents building.

I closed my eyes and approached the Caster Class Card."Install Caster." I muttered and my body shined.

My attire has gone and I now wear Solon's attire that consists a white robe and white armour with gold outline beneath my robe.

Solomon's Rings can be seen on my fingers. I have become the King Of Magic. With his knowledge of magics, I can restore back the city back to normal.

I close my eyes to search for a spell that can return the city back to normal. I found one.

A magic circle appeared on my right hand before a large magic circle appeared around the damaged city."Restore." I said and my voice can be heard through the city.

The ruined buildings, roads and vehicles return back to normal. All the damages now have gone and the city is back to normal like no villains or the clash of me and Superman happened in this city.

The magic circle disappeared and I breathe in relief. Thanks, Solomon for that.

I heard Superman and Supergirl landed behind me. "I will return back to my base. May we see again Superman and Supergirl." I said before a magic circle appeared beneath me.

"Wait. Who are you?" Superman asked me."A Hero of Justice." I replied and I have gone back to my city.

A few seconds later, a jet arrived and a figure landed followed by 2 figures. They are Batman, Flash and Green Lantern(John Stewart).

"You are late. He already was gone." Superman said to the three heroes making Batman frown.

"How?" Batman asked."Magic." Superman replied.

"Supes. What's up with those injuries?" The Flash asked The Man of Steel. It is rare for Superman to be in that state as he is super strong. There are reasons why he is called Superman and The Man of Steel.

"Believe it or not but this is Lancer's doing," Superman said to them.

"Seriously? That new hero from Queens did these to you?" Green Lantern asked Superman and Superman replied by nodding his head.

Batman frown heart his. First, this Lancer beat Robin and Batgirl at the same time nkw he managed to hurt Superman to this condition.

"Tell me what exactly happened here," Batman said and Superman opened his mouth to explain what exactly happened here.


"Urgh. Superman's punches are so breaking strong and painful." Aaron commented with bruises can be seen on his body. His heroic spirits already told him that he will heal by next morning.

"Great. Now I am sure I already catch the attention of Justice League and the villains. I mean who is not surprised to see me go toe to toe with Superman with the result of our battle is a draw. Damn, I just about to unleash my Noble Phantasm to Superman to finish the battle." Aaron said before his eyes felt heavy.

"Why did I have to go to school tomorrow?" He gleaned then closed his eyes to fall asleep.

Aaron woke up the next morning and take a bath. He looked at himself to sees his eight has increased."Now I am looking more like 20 years old rather than 16 years old. Only a few months left before I become 17 years old.

Before my height is 160 now I can say that I am 170 cm. I have a great growth spurt. Must be because of heroic spirits.

I just about to walk out if my school before someone knock my door. Huh? Who will knock my door this morning?

I am about to open the door before I retract my hand. Caster told me there is a demonic aura in front of my door.

I am now hesitating to open it."Include Lancer." I whispered and Gae Bolg appeared on my right hand with my hair now has become blue coloured. My gaze now seems like a predator found its prey.

I opened my door and ready to attack the demon only to lower my spear as I see who exactly is in front of my door.

Raven, the offspring of Trigon is in front of my door and is staring at me. I retract my spear."Why did you come here, Raven?" I asked her.

"I need your assistance." She said to me."Assistance for what?" I asked her."Someone is hunting me." She said to me."Who?" I asked her."Nuclear Family. Look I do not know how to explain this but you must bring me to Zatana's places right now." Raven said and pulled my arm.

We are now walking in an alley before I stopped."Okay, Raven. Can you tell me what exactly happened here? " I asked her. I mean I know Nuclear Family. From the memory of watching the Titans live show, they hunt Raven as she is the daughter of Trigon.

"Zatanna can explain to you," Raven said to me before I pulled her to me avoiding a knife. Oh crap.

I see 2 men who are now pointing guns to me."Look here, kid. Give that girl to us and you will not die in this alley." One man said to me.

"Nope. Not gonna let you creepy guys take her." I said."Your choice kid." Another man said and released a shot to me.

I am about to dodge it but suddenly the bullet got deflected by a dark whip. I see it is Raven who did that.

I quickly dash to them and smack their guns away.

I deliver an uppercut to the man who shot me and a right hook to the other man. They both are knocked out.

I then looked at Raven."Now would you tell me what the hell happened here?" I asked before a something voice can be heard from behind me.

"I believe I can answer that Aaron Blaze." I turn my head to see Zatanna in her magician attire.

Now I am really lost right now."For now, let's go back to my house. I believe we are safe there." Zatanna said to us.

I followed them until we arrived at a mansion which I pass through."A boundary field. Maybe I should apply it to my place too." I thought in m head.

Then we go to the basement where the feeling of magic can be felt.

"Raven? What happened last night?" I hear Zatanna question, Raven."I lose control last night." Raven replied.

"Why?" Zatanna replied."They killed my mother."She replied making my eyes widened along with Zatanna.

"That caused me to snap and lose control of myself," Raven said to us while tears seem to be forming on her eyes.

"Bastards." I thought in anger hearing that. I know who I need to handle next. Nuclear Family.

Just a bunch of family with enhanced humans. But they are dangerous. If I remember, each of them has powers similar to one of the five states of a Nuclear explosion. Dad emits mammoth amounts of radiation. Mom is able to generate EMPs. Biff can generate thermal pulses. Sis can emit blast waves. Brat and Dog can transform themselves into the fallout.

Well, they are strong but with me here these 2 girls can assure their safety."So that is why they come for you?"Zatanna said before staring at me.

"What?" I asked her."What are you?" She asked me."Your body seems to hold something dangerous and ancient." Zatanna said to me. Forgot that she and Raven are great sensors.

"Well. I got possessed by an arrogant being in my body." I joked making Ruler pissed.

They started at me not believing my joke."What. It is a great joke. " I said.

"So you need me to assist you guys right?" I asked them."Yeah. Besides your aura felt stronger than an ordinary human." Zatanna said to me.

"Adding to the fact you are stronger than us both," Raven said making me surprised."This girl is sharp." I thought in my head. So what are we going to do right now?" I asked them.

"Goes back to Raven's house. There is an item that I left for her and she left it. That item will make her not to lose control again." Zatanna said to us.

"So many of you guys know on how we should go there?" I ask them.

"Public transportation." Raven replied."You are kidding right." I said to her."Yup." Raven replied."She replied with that blank face of her. Very funny Raven.

"We will go there by car," Zatanna said to me.

"You have car's license?" I ask her." No." She replied.

"But you said we are going there by car. So who is driving?" I ask her."Using magic." Zatanna replied making me stupified hearing that.

I followed her upstairs and enters the garage. She picked out a black car. We entered the car with me sitting behind them.

Zatanna then chanted something the car started to move.

Both girls are busy talking to each other while I am pondering which heroic spirits now should I use.

If I Install Lancer, that will blow my identity as the hero Lancer. Knowing Zatanna she will tell her father, Zatara who is the member of Justice League and then he will then tell the Justice League about me.

Of course, I can just Include the Heroes Class Cards, that way they will not recognise me as Lancer.

I kept staring outside while trying to remember about Nuclear Family. Let's see in the television series alive shows. the family hunted Raven and managed to capture her.

I remembered how suddenly Raven goes into the lair of Doom Patrol. Then I realised something. Doom Patrol.

In these series, their Chief captured Raven since he wanted to know what exactly Raven is. But that only makes things worse.

I mean it is not like we will stumble against Doom Patrol right?