Want To Kill Your Own Nephew!?

"Yes, ma'am. I had already instructed Miss Syna in that regard."

The sly woman knew how to play with words that would help her out to sneak away from what she had done, Chloe seemed to have been using a greater part of her brain comparatively Adriana, who reacted impulsively on the instructions given by Braille.

Jade ended the call and then faced Sinclair giving him an awkward smile as if she had caught guilty of some deadly sin and now is afraid of Sinclair's scolding precisely wrath, because his bride was his Achilles heal and his only precious possession.

"What did your secretary say? Where is Syna?"

Sinclair sensed that something was definitely wrong or else Jade would have already told him Syna's location and her activity. 

Jade didn't know how to form her words, the lady was still fighting a battle within her about what words she should choose, that would prove her innocent too.

"JADE, I'm asking you something, where the hell is Syna?"