Oscar Winners!

"I need to find Syna first, then I will personally apologise to Jade."

Sinclair knew that it was not the right moment to chase after Jade because the lady was going through an emotional ride due to her second pregnancy and would not understand a thing, or perhaps she should forgive him?

Sinclair rolled the cuffs of his black shirt upto the elbow tucking it neatly inside the fold, before he could leave the cabin.

"I should ask someone from that floor."

The Lord picked up his cellphone and glanced at Syna's, which was resting near the tea cup.

"This silly little thing, you have caused me much trouble today!"

Indeed Syna gave him a lot of hectic day, Sinclair was on the edge of dying out of worry because the Lord acknowledged it clearly, many enemies were out there, after her life, knowing that the naive bride was his Achilles heel, although once the couple had shared intimacy and Sinclair had already marked her.