Chapter 2: Magic


[Opening Random Box]

Reward: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic

Description: A form of Dragon Slayer Magic that utilizes shadows. It enables the user to transform their physiology into that of a Shadow Dragon, turning their body into a shadow that cannot be touched by normal means unless the user is in tangible form.

Lisa had her mouth opened momentarily from shock.

"This magic isn't it from fairy tail?"

She taught about it and she clearly remembered this form of Magic being used by Rogue.

"To think I would get something this good from a random box. Awesome!"

"System what are your functions?"

She wasn't fully aware of what the system was capable of. Infact there wasn't even a user guide.

Ding! " You have leveled up"

[Side Quest: Get to know the system by asking the important question.]

Reward one: 1 dungeon key

Reward two: 3 stat points

[ The system has five functions. Quest to help the user level up. Inventory for storage. Shop which is currently locked. Training mode currently locked. ????]

"What does the training mode consist of and what does the question marks represent?"


[Your level is currently not high enough to know]

[Traing mode consists of a training dimension where the user fight against various powerful beings. User can die in training mode but will be revived later.]

Lisa started wondering who made the system but knowing the usual plotline of how things usually go in this situation she didn't expect much when she asked the question.

"System who made you? In other words, where did you come from?"


[Level not high enough]

Lisa shook her head. As expected she didn't currently have the qualifications to know. She had a theory as to who could have possibly made the system from the many novels she read.

Looking at her status she decided to put one point into strength and two into stamina.


Name: Lisa

Level: 2

Title: Infinite Player

Job: None

HP: 100


MP: 30


Strength: 15

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 11

Stamina: 9

Sense: 6

Remaining points: 0



Passive: Unknown



Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic: (0/10)


"Now what's the best way to level up?"

Lisa went into the system inventory and saw the dungeon key. She clicked on the dungeon key to see the description.

Description: E rank dungeon key opens up a gate to a low-rank dungeon.

"Mmmm, I think it would better if I level up once more by completing the daily quest. Then practice my magic before going dungeon hunting."

"Let's return back home for now and rest"

She turned around and started jogging back home. When she arrived at her apartment she went directly to rest.

The next day she woke up quite early at 5 am sharp. She checked the system interference and seeing the daily quest as per usual she smiled. Who wouldn't be happy being able to level up? She got out of bed before doing the morning routine of brushing her teeth and eating.

'Let's get started with the daily quest.'

Before long she completed the quest and level up once more. But while she was jogging back home she discovered something interesting.

"System show the daily quest"


[Dialy Quest: Become stronger]

Push-ups 100 times: Complete (200/100)

Sit-ups 100 times: Complete (200/100)

Squats 100 times: Complete (200/100)

Running 10 km: Complete (20/10)


She discovered that she can do more than what's necessary for the daily quest. Because of this, she received five extra stat points plus the three stat points from earlier she now has eight. After distributing them accordingly she had a smile on her face.

Looking at her new status she nodded in satisfaction before deciding to practice her Dragon Slayer Magic. In her apartment, she tried to use her magic. Her body was enveloped by a light black aura it was covering her body like a fine lining. She concentrated her magic into her hands. Not long afterward her hands were covered in a black aura.

"According to Rogue for one to enter their own shadow, they must "feel" gravity to the point where their legs feel as one with the ground, thus allowing them to sink."

"Let's try it out."

She started trying to feel the pressure of gravity way down on her as much as possible while trying to sink into her shadow. A few minutes later she successfully sank into her shadow.

With a smile on her face, she said the word "Status".


Name: Lisa

Level: 3

Title: Infinite Player

Job: None

HP: 100


MP: 100


Strength: 18

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 14

Stamina: 10

Sense: 8

Remaining points: 0



Passive: Unknown



Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic: (2/10)


"Hmmm, watch out world I'm about to make my debut as the strongest hero. Cough cough I mean hunter."

"You know what forget it let's go hunting."