Chapter 3: Blissful Feeling of Leveling Up

"Open" as soon as those words were spoken a blue portal opened in her room. Checking her status one more time and making sure she was ready for this she proceeded into the dungeon.


[You have entered a dungeon. You cannot exit the dungeon until you slay the boss]

Lisa looked behind her to see the portal close she could only shake her head as she already expected this.

Walking forward to see what the dungeon has in store for her she saw torches illuminating the surroundings.

"Aren't there usually illumination crystals? Why are their torches? Whatever I guess the dungeons generated by the system are different"

Continuing forward she heard something moving around in the dark. Because of her sharp senses that came with being a dragon slayer plus being enhanced by the system she could vaguely hear it circling around behind her.

'So you plan to attack me secretly' she thought as she heard the footsteps coming closer.


Lisa turned her body sideways as a knife slides pass her diagonally.

Looking down on who attacked her she saw a green little creature. The creature quickly attacked again since it's first attacked missed. The attack came approaching her stomach diagonally.

Grabbing the wrist of the creature she started squeezing it.

"Ewwwk" the creature screamed out as it dropped the knife.

Lisa pulled her left arm back covering it in a dark aura before shooting out a punch taking the creature's head clear off.

"Thank you for being my stepping stone. Goblin!"


[You have leveled up]


Lisa looked up to see a horde of goblins looking at her with savage eyes.

"More Goblins. Have you come to avenge your comrade?"

They didn't reply as they started rushing forward.

"Futile efforts but again thank you for being my stepping stone"

After saying those words she slapped both of her hands down onto the ground.

"Shadow Dragon Secret Art: Impalement"

A black arc rushed forward connecting to the shadows of all the goblins. Then multiple dark arrows came out of their shadows impaling them in different parts of there body.

Some had an arrow through their heads. While some had multiple black arrows through their stomach and chest.

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

The system voice announced in her head three times.

Lisa stopped advancing forward and checked her status seeing that she now had 12 remaining system points from leveling up four times she started to think about the best way to use it.

"Intelligence is directly related to mana. Let's just boast this the most for now"

After saying that she started poring in her points into intelligence.

"That should be good for now. My total mana has increased tremendously and so has my other stats"

Continuing even further down the dungeon Lisa ran into all kinds of monsters from wolves to red monkeys. Right now she was standing in front of a goblin elder its name was in orange meaning it was stronger than the rest so far.

"Sorry little green I don't have time to play with you right now"

"Shadow Dragon: Roar"

A burst of energy made out of shadows was released from Lisa's mouth. The attack was fast and powerful killing the Goblin Elder in an instant.

[You have leveled up]

" I have leveled up three more times since earlier boasting my stats. I should be strong enough to kill the boss. After all, I would be disappointing my stepping stones up to this point if I wasn't"

After saying that she started laughing before walking forward to the ginormous blue door in front of her pushing it open.


[You have entered the boss room. You may not leave until the boss has been defeated.]

[Good luck host]



Name: Lisa Ann Sanchez

Level: 10

Title: Infinite Player

Job: None

HP: 600


MP: 700


Strength: 27

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 27

Stamina: 18

Sense: 16

Remaining points: 9



Passive: Unknown



Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic: (9/10)
