Chapter 4: Boss Fight

As soon as Lisa entered the boss room the system's voice sounded in her head wishing her good luck.

Torches started lighting up the room revealing a figure.

Lisa looking at the figure saw words floating over its head.

[The leader of goblins. Hobgoblin!]

This title was floating above the boss monster's head in red.

This Hobgoblin was clearly different than the other goblins. He was taller with a bigger build holding a long sword by his side.


The Hobgoblin suddenly disappeared. A sword appeared in front of Lisa clearly aiming to take off her head. When the sword was mere meters from hitting her she dodges by leaning her body backward.

When the sword passed her she kicked off one leg spinning her body in the air landing a kick directly on Hobgolin's face.

To Lisa's shock the Hobgoblin didn't even budge an inch it went to grab her leg but she jumped back. Before she could catch her footing he was already in front of her swing his sword down. She turned her body sideways avoiding the attack. Only for the Hobgoblin to turn his sword swinging it horizontally.

She leans her body back once more barely dodging the attack.

"Enough of this," she said angrily.

"Shadow Dragons: Roar" a black beam made of shadows directly left her mouth hitting the Hobgoblin head-on.

Using this chance Lisa retreated a few meters. Looking at the Hobgoblin he seemed to be gravely injured.

"I'll show you the might of the Shadow Dragon"

"Now once more using all my mana. Shadow Dragons: Roar" a bigger black beam made of shadows left her mouth hitting the Hobgoblin head once more.


[You have slain the dungeon boss]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

"As expected of a mob boss. I leveled up four times" she grinned devilishly tightly clenching her fist.

[Would you like to claim the rewards? Y/N]

"Ahh, I almost forgot. Yes, system show me the rewards."


Reward one: Full recovery of current physical condition.

Reward two: Key to Aincrad

"Aincrad? Do you mean the floating Castle Aincrad with one hundred floors?"


"Interesting. System how do I leave this place?"

[Simply say the word return]

"Okay then. Return!" after saying she disappeared from the dungeon.

Appearing back in her room Lisa looked at her stats before distribution her points from leveling up efficiently.

Looking into the mirror she saw her appearance with blood all over her.

"I look a bit chaotic. Let's go take a shower"

"But before that... Status"


Name: Lisa

Level: 14

Title: Infinite Player

Job: None

HP: 900


MP: 959


Strength: 33

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 31

Stamina: 24

Sense: 22

Remaining points: 0



Passive: Unknown



Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic Lv2: (1/10)


She nodded her head at her own progress before grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom to go shower.

After her shower, she went directly to bed falling asleep immediately.

The next morning she woke up yawning. Getting out of bed she walked in front of the mirror.

Looking at herself shock was visible on her face.

"Did I get taller? Also, my body looks more defined and muscular"

Pulling up her shirt looking at her stomach she saw abs.

"Holy crap"