Chapter 53: Kabedon

Jin hung up his phone after Qiao An gave him an earful of 'advice' about his method of breaking up with girls.

Snowy and Orange gave him a sympathetic look as if they understood that their owner was just scolded.

From what Qiao An told him over the phone, Cleo was somehow in City L at the moment. Cleo went and scratched Qiao An's car because she thought that Jin broke up with her because of something that Qiao An might or might not say. Amy Shen somehow scraped her elbow while she tried to catch Cleo.

Jin sighed loudly. How come there was a lot of drama that happened when he left City L for just one day?

His phone rang again. Jin took his time to answer the phone. He needed to brace himself to get nagged by his sister still. Jin looked at the caller.

Unknown number?

He rarely gets a call from an unknown caller. It was almost nine o'clock. Jin wondered who would call her at night. Moreover, this was his private number. Only a few people know this number.

"Hello?" Jin answered the call out of curiosity.

"Tang Jin?" A soft feminine voice could be heard.

"Yes. You are?" Jin did not give out his number to just anyone, even if they are beautiful girls.

"I'm Shirly Wang. You can call me Shirley." The caller, Shirley, hesitated before continued speaking. "I got your number from Uncle Tang. Uncle said that you are in City T now. Why don't we have breakfast together tomorrow?"

Jin did not know Shirley Wang, but he heard that the Mayor's daughter is beautiful and smart. He never gets to see her before this, but at the moment, Jin was not interested in a blind date or arranged marriage.

Jin tried to refuse her politely, saying that he needed to return to City L the next day as he had an emergency there. The disappointment was evident in Shirley's tone as she bid him good night.


Qiao An went to work the next day as usual.

Since they already knew about the culprit who scratched Qiao An's car, and Jin will pay to fix the scratches, Qiao An felt much more relaxed and lighter in her heart.

The thing with her car and someone might allegedly enter her house, even though she was not sure about it herself, Qiao An almost forgot about Joel who said that he wanted to meet Qiao An because he has something for her.

Like usual, Qiao An refused him by saying that she has something going on at the moment. Qiao An felt quite bad because she kept on declining Joel, but he just won't get the idea. But it was true though, Qiao An did have something going on with her life at the moment.

In the afternoon, Qiao An received a text from Shen Jun Shan, telling her that the locksmith had finished installing a new lock. Shen Jun Shan said to her that the keys were with him, so Qiao An had to wait for him.

When Qiao An got off from work, she went to Shen Jun Shan's house. Surprisingly, he was already home.

"You get off early from work?" Qiao An did not bother entering the house. She waited for Shen Jun Shan at the entrance.

"I stayed in your house with the locksmith to monitor him. Just making sure everything is alright and safe." Shen Jun Shan went out of his house and stood in front of Qiao An with a broad smile on his face. "Don't you think I'm a pretty decent guy?"

Qiao An made a serious face and said 'no,' but the little hook on her lips betrayed her. So before Shen Jun Shan could see her smiling, Qiao An turned around and started walking up the stairs.

Of course, Shen Jun Shan saw the almost-smile from Qiao An. He has been staring at her since he opened the door. Not wanting to expose her, Shen Jun Shan trailed behind her without saying anything.

Shen Jun Shan tried the new locks and entered the house. "I think you better stay with us for tonight just to make sure everything is safe. If let's say something happened even after we changed the locks, I need we need to take other safety precautions."

Qiao An told Shen Jun Shan to go back to his house first because she needed to take a shower and change. After that, she will go down to meet him downstairs. Shen Jun Shan refused to go down first. He told Qiao An that they would go down together.

Even though Qiao An felt uncomfortable having someone waiting for her in her house, she went to her room to get a shower anyway. When Shen Jun Shan heard the clicking sound of the door lock, he smiled.

Is she afraid that he will enter the room?

Shen Jun Shan went to the kitchen to check things out. He remembered the mug collection last time. At that time, Shen Jun Shan saw a lot of mugs lined up in the cabinet, but he never gets to see it.

Shen Jun Shan opened the cabinet and saw two of the mugs' handle were on the left side.

Carefully, he turned the mug handle back to the right side and closed the cabinet quietly before he went to the sofa.

Yesterday, nothing was changed or moved in the house except the book. Shen Jun Shan saw it clearly when Qiao An showed him the mugs collection. All mug handles were on the right side.

If it were not a person, the only explanation would be a ghost. And Shen Jun Shan refused to accept that ghost has something to do with this.

Shen Jun Shan tried to remember the time he and the locksmith came this afternoon. Both of them come together as Shen Jun Shan waited for the locksmith at the parking lot. So the possibility of the locksmith to change the position of the mug can be ruled out.

If that was the case, it means that someone had been in the house from the duration of seven in the morning until noon.

"Why so serious?" Qiao An came out from her room, freshly showered, and there was a small bag on her hand.

Shen Jun Shan shook his head and stood up. After making sure that everything was locked, they went down to D1006.

"When will Amy Shen come home?" Qiao An asked when Shen Jun Shan tried to open his door. "She must be on her way back home, right?"

Shen Jun Shan opened the door and entered his house. Qiao An tailed close behind him, so when Shen Jun Shan stopped abruptly after taking three steps inside the house, Qiao An bumped into him.

"Argh!" Qiao An touched her forehead. Qiao An was about to whine as of why he would stop abruptly like that, but Shen Jun Shan turned around with a weird smirk on his face.

The smirk looked dangerous. Qiao An could not help but step back, but Shen Jun Shan's long hand pushed the door and closed it behind Qiao An.

Qiao An stopped retreating. "What are you going to do?"

Shen Jun Shan smiled wider and took another step towards Qiao An while Qiao An took another step back.

"You can't step back anymore." Shen Jun Shan spoke while smiling cunningly. He put up his hand to the wall and enclosing Qiao An in a kabedon pose. "Why are you asking much about Amy? Are you afraid of being alone with me?"

Qiao An gulped and looked at Shen Jun Shan. "Yes."

Seeing that Qiao An answered earnestly to his question, Shen Jun Shan laughed. She could just kick him or shout at him; she did not have to answer honestly.

Still in kabedon pose, Shen Jun Shan spoke again. "I am a good guy. You being like this makes my heart flutter. I have someone I love. Do you want to guess who?"

Before Qiao An could reply to him, they heard someone put a key on the doorknob and tried to unlock the door.