Chapter 54: Stay away

Amy Shen opened the door to see a flustered looking Qiao An and her brother near the door.

"What are the two of you doing behind the door?" Amy Shen glanced at her brother and then to Qiao An.

Nobody said anything. Shen Jun Shan just walk away from the door towards his room, leaving Qiao An to fend for herself.

"Nothing much. Just playing some guessing game." Qiao An turned away from Amy Shen and went to the sofa.

The atmosphere was weird. Amy Shen had a feeling that something significant happened right before she opened the door to her house. Seeing that her brother tried to evade her, Amy Shen was sure that something was going on between Qiao An and Shen Jun Shan.

Amy went to her room and heard that Qiao An's phone rang. Qiao An was speaking monotonously towards the phone as if she was not interested in speaking at all.

"Was that your brother?" Amy Shen went out of her room and sat beside Qiao An. Amy Shen meant to ask if the caller was the man whom Qiao An went for dinner with last time. Since asking directly seemed impolite, Amy Shen had to go around to ask about the identity of the caller.

"Yep. He's coming here to get me." Qiao An huffed and puffed.

"Is your brother the real heir of the Tang Properties?" Amy Shen thought that Jin was super free to come to their apartment far too many times.

"He is. Why?" Qiao An stared at Amy Shen. "Is it hard to believe how free he is to come and get me?"

Amy Shen grinned. "Yeah. I thought all rich heirs are busy working like those from the drama. He sure has a lot of time to look after you."

"My brother has not taken over the family business for now. He is running his own company, so he has a lot of free time to fool around. But I'm not sure, though… If he is here to look after me or because he has some other motives.'

Qiao An looked at Amy Shen with a meaningful look. "You see…"

Before Qiao An could finish her words, someone knocked on the door.

"Ah, speak of the devil." Qiao An went to open the door. "Hi brother, do you want to come in?"

Jin entered the house and saw Amy Shen on the sofa. Amy Shen threw him a smile that made his heart beats faster.

"Thanks for taking in Xiao An when I'm not in town. This is for you." Jin handed a shopping bag to Amy Shen.

Qiao An tried to peek at the content of the shopping bag. Inside the bag were a few bags of birds nest and skincare products. Judging from the packaging, all the gifts inside were suitable for a woman.

But Shen Jun Shan helped her a lot too, why would her brother treat Shen Jun Shan as if he does not exist at all? Qiao An frowned at Jin. Why is the favoritism so blatant?

"I'm staying the night here. I've changed the locks of my house. I'm just trying to see if someone can break into the house even after I changed the lock." Qiao An explained to Jin. "So, if you are thankful, then buy us dinner."

Jin was not happy that Qiao An chose to stay with the Shen siblings instead of him, but when he thought about it, it could be a good thing for him too since he can see both Qiao An and Amy Shen at the same time.

Wait a minute.

Why would he want to meet Amy Shen too? And why the heck did he buy the skincare product for her?

"Let's go out, and order take out from the Misty Bar." Seeing that his brother could not take his eyes away from Amy Shen, Qiao An pulled his wrist to go out before Jin got busted and scared Amy Shen with his stare.

When Jin and Amy Shen reached the parking lot, a man came out from the corner and called Qiao An loudly.

It was rare for someone to call Qiao An loudly in public. One, because she did not have a lot of friends and two, because her friends knew that she did not like that.

Joel came from the corner of the building with a gift box on her hand.

"I waited for you in case I can catch you when you came from work. Since you are busy, I did not manage to give you this." Joel handed over the gift box to Qiao An.

Qiao An felt a bit guilty because Joel had to do that. She took the bag from Joel and thanked him. Joel wanted to say more, but the man beside Qiao An looked like he was about to kill someone.

Joel excused himself after exchanging a few words with Qiao An.

"That guy… you stay away from him." Jin was serious all of a sudden.

Qiao An rolled her eyes. Jin was always like that when a guy gave her gift or tried to get close to her. She opened the gift box and saw a box was inside the box.

The Captain's Verses by Pablo Neruda.

That book was one of the books in Qiao An's to-buy-list. Since she had a lot of books on her list, the poetry book has not reached its turn yet. Qiao An took the book out of the box, and below the book, there was a bookmark with the whole poem of 'The Queen' printed on it.

Qiao An read the whole poem, and Jin was listening to it with a frown on his forehead.

After she finished reading the poem, for some reason, she did not want to accept the gift anymore even though she likes the book, and she wants to have it.

"That guy… he's from your university, right?" The tone of Jin's voice was serious, unlike his tone while they were conversing earlier.

Qiao An said a simple "hmm" and put the book back into the box.

"How does he know you like the book?" Jin tried to look around the corner to see if Joel still lingered near the building, but since it was dusk, Jin could not see clearly.

"I don't know. Maybe he guessed it." Qiao An put on the seatbelt and did not want to think about the gift anymore.

Jin was silent for a moment before he drove away from the complex.


Shen Jun Shan came out from his room in comfortable clothes as he had just finished showering. "Where's An An?"

"Brother Jin came and took her away." Amy Shen paused to see the reaction from Shen Jun Shan.

Shen Jun Shan said 'oh' casually as if he did not care about it, but Amy Shen could see the disappointment from his face.

"Brother Jin took her away to order takeout from Misty Bar. You know they don't do delivery. Brother Jin is going to buy us dinner; An An said she'd order a lot of food for us."

That explanation made Shen Jun Shan smiled broadly.

"What's all these birds nest and skincare product?" Shen Jun Shan took the birdnest and read the price tag on each product in the shopping bag.

"Brother Jin gave this as a thank-you gift for taking care of An An." Amy Shen pushed the shopping bag towards her brother.

Shen Jun Shan stared at the shopping bag without any intention to take it from Amy Shen. His sister said that it was supposed to be a thank-you-gift, but why does it seem like the product was a gift, especially for Amy Shen?

What are Tang Jin's motives by doing this?