Chapter 56: Shameless

As Jin and Amy Shen were not around, Qiao An tried her best to ignore Shen Jun Shan as it was awkward for her when she remembered what Shen Jun Shan did before Amy came home.

"An An, did you hear what I said?" Shen Jun Shan sat beside Qiao An; he kept on waving his hand in front of Qiao An to check if she was awake.

Qiao An jolted awake from her flashback to see Shen Jun Shan beside her. She tried so hard to act as if she was not affected, but her reddening ear gave her away.

And Shen Jun Shan smiled because he knew.

"I'm saying that I'm going to borrow your new keys as I want to check your house tomorrow afternoon. Why are you so distracted?" The smile on his face made Qiao An felt as if Shen Jun Shan was smirking cunningly at her.

Qiao An thought that it was such a good idea for someone to go and check her house. Since Shen Jun Shan volunteered, Qiao An felt that it was even better. "Thank you, Jun Shan. You are indeed a good person."

Shen Jun Shan kept on telling Qiao An that he is a good person, but he always feels as if Qiao An did not take him seriously. Having to hear that he is a good person from Qiao An, herself, he got new confidence to persist.

"I'm just asking this because I'm curious, but An An, do you have anyone in mind that you think might want to enter your house?" Shen Jun Shan was serious all of a sudden.

He did not tell Qiao An about the mugs because he did not want Qiao An to feel afraid or down as it could be a case of a stalker.

"Not really. You see, I don't have a lot of friends. I don't think I offend anyone. Even my interaction with people is limited." Qiao An was thinking hard but she could not think of anyone that might want to enter her house for whatever reason.

"How about your senior from university?" Since they could not think of anyone, they might as well they just put everyone in the suspicious list.

Immediately, Qiao An remembered that she left the poetry book Joel gave her in Jin's car. Did she ever tell or mentioned to Joel that she liked poetry? Did she say anything about a book to him during their theatre class?

"Well…" Qiao An looked at Shen Jun Shan. "This might sound absurd, but if you just listen to me, maybe it could be a clue."

Shen Jun Shan nodded.

"Just now, Joel came to me when JIn and I were about to go to the Misty bar. He gave me a gift, saying that it was a gift. He gave me a poetry book, the one I really wanted but couldn't buy yet as it was number seven in my to-buy-list."

Qiao An stopped talking because Shen Jun Shan laughed at her. She frowned at him, and Shen Jun Shan stopped laughing. Then, he gestured for Qiao An to continue talking.

"But I don't know how or from where did he knew of my interest in poetry. Do you think he could be the one trespassing my house?" Qiao An seemed to be in deep thought. "But how?"

Since nothing can be decided yet, Shen Jun Shan did not dwell too much on it.

Both of them were quiet, and Qiao An felt that the situation got awkward. So, she decided to go to Amy Shen's room to stay there.

Shen Jun Shan grabbed her wrist right after she stood up. Qiao An looked at his hand on her wrist. "Why?"

"Stay with me." Shen Jun Shan smiled.

If Qiao An let her imagination run wild, there were a lot of ways in which she could interpret what 'stay with me' means. But thank god, Qiao An kept a tight rein over her imagination.

"Why?" Qiao An asked for the second time.

"Because I want to see your face, so stay with me." Shen Jun Shan pulled Qiao An's hand softly, so Qiao An complied and sat back on her seat; her face was looking at Shen Jun Shan.

After some time.

"Are you done watching my face? Can I go now?" Qiao An wanted to stand up, but Shen Jun Shan held her hand.

"Why do you want to run away from me?" Shen Jun Shan grinned. He put both his hands on Qiao An's cheek. "Do I need to spell everything for you?"

Qiao An did nothing. She was just looking straight at Shen Jun Shan. Usually, she hates it when people touch her but not Shen Jun Shan.

Seeing that Qiao An did nothing, Shen Jun Shan tried to take the chance.

With both his hands, each of Qiao An's cheek, Shen Jun Shan scooted closer until there was no more gap between them.

"You see, An An, friend don't do this."

Then Shen Jun Shan's hand went down from the cheek to Qiao An's hand. He took her hand and held it tight. "Or this."

Shen Jun Shan circled his hand to Qiao An's body and engulfed her in a hug. "Or this."

He let her go and stared at her. Both of them were very closed to each other. Qiao An could smell the body shampoo on Shen Jun Shan; the smell of citrus - Qiao An loves Oranges.

Shen Jun Shan inched closer to Qiao An's face, and as if she knew what Shen Jun Shan was about to do, Qiao An closed her eyes.

"Brother, I think I know…" Amy Shen opened the door to see her brother's face was only a few inches away from Qiao An.

Qiao An opened her eyes; The three of them were surprised.

"Agh damn!" Amy Shen closed the door immediately, and the force she exerted was quite strong as the door went 'baam!'

Shen Jun Shan recovered quite fast. He dived in to peck on Qiao An's lips. "Or this."

Qiao An was already in shock because of Amy Shen's sudden appearance, and now, Shen Jun Shan pecked her lips. Her brain could not process everything at the moment.

Shen Jun Shan messed up Qiao An's hair and stood up. He walked towards the door to check on his sister, who might still be outside.

As Shen Jun Shan opened the door, Amy Shen was crouching on the floor, and she was scribbling something on the concrete floor with her fingers. She looked up to see her brother with a smug smile on his face.

"Brother, you are shameless."


Joel looked at the man in front of him, who sat on the sofa like he owned the house.

"Until when are you going to stay here?" Joel tried hard to hold back his anger.

The man on the sofa looked at Joel and smirked. "Until I get my money." The man patted on the seat beside him. "You sit here."

Joel did not budge, and that made the man annoyed. "Shall I remind you that your parents owed my parents a lot of money? We, loanshark, are not running a charity here. Should I get my people to break their leg? What do you think, senior brother?"

Begrudgingly, Joel sat down beside the man. "As your senior brother, I hope you can leave Qiao An alone. She has nothing to do with all these. I'll pay for my parents' loan, I promise you."

The man laughed maniacally, as if Joel had said the funniest thing on earth.

"You are right. She has nothing to do with you, but her brother insulted me. I'm not letting her off because of that." The man stood up. "Just continue pursuing her. When she falls for you, squeeze her dry. I can't believe a rich girl like her has nothing valuable in her house. Truly disappointing."

Joel clenched his fist. He felt helpless.

The man walked towards the door. "Make sure you follow the plan." The man stopped and turned around to look at Joel. "Or else."

The man went out of Joel's house. "See ya."

And then he shut the door.