Chapter 57: Confession

"Brother, you are shameless."

Still crouching, Amy Shen was scribbling something on the concrete floor with her finger. Shen Jun Shan smiled smugly.

"How come you kiss Qiao An when she is not even your girlfriend? Are you a rogue?" Amy Shen sent a disgusting glare at her brother.

"Two times." Shen Jun Shan stood at the door with his hands inside his pant pocket. "You disturbed us two times."

Having no intention to stand up and enter her house, Amy Shen continued scribbling on the floor. "So now it's my fault? Should you lock the door or at least give me heads up? Suddenly, I feel as if I need to get my own place."

Shen Jun Shan grinned at Amy Shen. He was quite annoyed being disturbed when he was about to make his confession, but his sister is dear to him too. He will never blame her over something like that.

"Aren't you coming in?" Shen Jun Shan turned around to see that Qiao An was nowhere to be seen. "Help me up a bit, will you sis?"

Amy Shen stood up after her fingers were scratched from scribbling on the concrete floor. She peeked inside the house and saw that there was no Qiao An on the sofa. Amy Shen knew that Qiao An must be in her room.

Amy Shen sighed before she entered her house. Then, after she stepped into her room, she locked her door so that Shen Jun Shan will not try anything funny.

Qiao An was on the bed with a pillow covering her face. Amy Shen stood beside her bed, not quite know what to do.

Like, what should she ask? How are you? What happened? How's the kiss? What are you doing with my brother just now?

Amy Shen had a lot on her mind, but she was sure all of the questions sounded weird if she asked Qiao An that.

And she could not pretend that she did not see anything either because they all knew what they saw. Amy Shen contemplated on what to say to start the conversation that she did not realize when Qiao An removed the pillow from covering her face.

"It is so hard to breathe" Qiao An removed the pillow from her face, and that jolted Amy Shen away from her dilemma. However, her understanding of the context 'hard to breathe' was totally off with Qiao An's context.

"Is it? I don't really know because I never kiss anyone". Amy Shen blurted out.

Qiao An's face reddened when she heard that. "What are you talking about? I'm talking about the pillow."

Amy Shen looked at the pillow and everything connected. She flopped into the bed and laughed. Qiao An joined her, laughing on the bed.

After they were tired of laughing, Amy Shen calmed down and got serious all of a sudden.

"An An, my brother is a good person. I'm not saying this because he is my brother, but because as a person, an individual, and a man, he really is a good person." Amy Shen smiled and looked at Qiao An beside her.

"I know." Qiao An smiled back at Amy Shen.

Qiao An and Amy Shen spent the time talking until both of them fell asleep. Shen Jun Shan was waiting in the living room, in case Qiao An would want to continue the topic with him, but after it reached midnight, Shen Jun Shan was sure that Qiao An would not come out of the room to talk to him about it.

The Shen siblings and Qiao An went out of their house around the same time. This time, Amy Shen purposely woke up late so that her brother and Qiao An had more time together in the morning.

Shen Jun Shan seemed to read his sister's mind and did not question her about it. Instead, he put the car key on the table and went out with Qiao An instead.

Qiao An was quiet the whole way down like she always does every time they met on the stairs. Shen Jun Shan did not mind at all as he was already used to it.

Qiao An unlocked her car and opened the driver seat. Shen Jun Shan went to the other side, the passenger seat and opened the door.

"Why are you following me?" Qiao An was still awkward with Shen Jun Shan. Probably because she did not respond clearly to Shen Jun Shan's action last night, she really needs to set things straight with him, but her heart beat like crazy, it was hard for her to think.

"I'm sending you to school first, and then I'll drive your car to the workshop. You won't have time to drop your car."

Well, technically, Shen Jun Shan was right. Qiao An had to work until five in the evening, so by the time she wanted to go to the workshop, she probably needs to let it stay overnight. Qiao An could not afford to leave her car in the workshop; she needed her car.

Qiao An nodded and went to the passenger seat. Naturally, Shen Jun Shan went to the driver seat and started the engine of the car.

"I'll pick you up after work, too, don't worry." Shen Jun Shan smiled sweetly towards Qiao An.

Qiao An was about to retort because she did not want Shen Jun Shan to miss his work, but considering that he owned the company, Qiao An guessed that the boss could do whatever he wants.

"Thank you." Qiao An's heart was moved by Shen Jun Shan.

"I don't know about your friends before this, but let me tell you, I won't do this kind of thing with any friend. I am doing this only to the people I love" Shen Jun Shan drove away from the parking lot.

In the rear-view mirror, he saw a man was wandering around near the end corner of the apartment complex while looking at them. Shen Jun Shan did not know the men or he has ever seen the man in their apartment complex.

Not wanting to dwell on the matter, Shen Jun Shan assumed that the man could be a passer-by or merely a random person who happened to be there and be looking at Qiao An's car driving by.

"You love me?" Qiao An looked at Shen Jun Shan straight to his face, feeling very brave at the moment. Since Shen Jun Shan must look ahead, Qiao An took the chance to really look at his face while he was not staring at her.

"I do. I have been crushing on you for sometimes now." Shen Jun Shan glanced at Qiao An. Both of them were quiet.

The answer was straightforward. Qiao An did not expect Shen Jun Shan to answer directly. So, what now? She asked, and he answered. By right, if he wants to continue the conversation, he should ask a question too. But why is he not asking anything? Should she ask a question again?

"Do you feel the same way about me?" Shen Jun Shan was looking at the road, and it was perfect camouflage for what he felt at the moment. His heart was beating like crazy, he was sure everyone could hear it.

Qiao An did not respond to that question. She turned her body to face the other side, the opposite of Shen Jun Shan. So Shen Jun Shan could not see her expression at all.

No one spoke anything after that. Be if Shen Jun Shan or Qiao An. Both of them were quiet until they reached the school gate.

Shen Jun Shan drove into the school and stopped at the school lobby to drop Qiao An, who was still quiet. Shen Jun Shan was pretty sure that Qiao An was surprised by his confession and maybe needed time to digest everything. So, he should give her time even though it means that he will be suffering for a while.

Qiao An went out of the car. She turned around to look at Shen Jun Shan, who was already looking at her. Qiao An smiled.

"Be careful. Come back to me."