Sunflowers And Chocolates

Back at Inspira Resorts and Hotel's main office, Liu Feng was stuffing his cheeks with his food cravings. He was busy eating and releasing his frustrations when his phone suddenly beeped, a notification that he got himself a text message.

He quickly put away his chopsticks and grabbed his phone within a second. A two-word reply came from Tang Yiyi herself.

"No thanks."

Liu Feng's phone fell from his hand the next second he had read her reply as if the phone was steaming hot. His face scrunched up in an awful frown. He can't believe someone dared to turn him down except for Tang Yiyi, she surely got some guts. Most of the time, girls are the ones who delivered themselves to him personally.

Slowly a smirk formed on Liu Feng's face. "Tang Yiyi you're really something. I'm starting to like you even more."

The rest of the day ended with the person on one side frustrated and the other one is immersing himself on his computer.

Days passed by quickly, as always Zhen Wei was doing her work while looking for a job that would work out best with her degree. She was getting ready to end her shift and just took a few more orders before handing it over to her coworker. She went over to the locker room and changed back to the clothes that she wore earlier when she entered the café. As she went out, she was busy rummaging inside her bag to find her phone.

A man walked towards her direction with a bouquet of sunflowers at hand and a heart-shaped box full of chocolates. Zhen Wei noticed the presence in front of her and looked up to see the man standing opposite her.

Li Shen looked at her with a gentle smile on his face. Truth be told, he was really nervous that she would turn him down immediately without hearing him out.

"Xiao Wei, I'm sorry. Will you please hear me out?"

Li Shen had spent his days in his home without even stepping out. He filed a leave at his work in the hospital but didn't forget to remind his other coworker that handled Zhen Xiu Ying to take care of her in his stead. He had also informed Liu Feng about the matter and was exasperated as soon as he heard about it. He'll be attending another boring meeting yet again.

During the whole duration of these past few days, Li Shen was preoccupied. He was used in being excellent at everything, his IQ was high but he felt that his self-esteem suddenly went rock bottom after Zhen Wei's rejection. He had a hard time thinking about everything thoroughly. In his twenty-eight years of living, it was the first time he had difficulty in grasping information. He had pondered about it for a while before having the courage to do something he thought would be right, thus he bought flowers and made the chocolates himself. Although Li Shen was pretty calm on the surface, deep inside he was very nervous that he would mess up.

Zhen Wei remained silent, she was caught off guard with Li Shen's actions to the point that she can't even find her voice to respond.

Li Shen took her silence as yes and mentally prepared himself again before speaking. "I'm really sorry if I made things difficult for you. I should have known that I took things deliberately and pushed you on a corner."

He let out a sigh and gave off an apologetic smile. "Please let me make it up to you. This time around, I promise to take things slowly."

He extended the bouquet and chocolates in his hands with a smile that can melt thousands of maiden's heart. "Will you please go out with me?"

A few passersby looked at them with smiles on their faces. Some were jealous at the sight of them. Mostly, they were just caught up with Li Shen's handsome looks. Noticing that they were gaining attention, Zhen Wei felt shy as her cheeks burned. She slowly reached out her hand to receive the flowers and chocolates as she diverted her gaze slightly.

Li Shen felt delighted but stopped himself from hugging the woman in front of him. His smile seemingly widened at Zhen Wei's way of showing her approval. "Thank you." He said genuinely. He even offered to hold the stuff he gave her, although she felt reluctant, Li Shen managed to make her hand the box of chocolates at least.

"Have you eaten?" Li Shen asked trying to ease up her shyness. Zhen Wei simply turned her head sideways, her head slightly bowed to avoid his eyes.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked. Zhen Wei shrugged her shoulders, still trying to remain silent as much as possible.

"Should I cook for you then? That'll be much better." Li Shen smiled and held her hand to lead her towards his car making her blush furiously because of his gesture. He opened the backseat and placed Zhen Wei's stuff before opening the passenger seat for her, then he made his way to the driver's seat afterwards. Seeing Zhen Wei hasn't buckled her seatbelt yet, he leaned forward and did it for her, causing yet another ripple in Zhen Wei's heart. She fought hard to suppress it so he wouldn't notice, thankfully Li Shen did not seem to notice anything.

He smiled at her before finally putting back his focus on the road. After what seemed years for Zhen Wei, they finally pulled over in front of a mansion. She roamed her eyes on its exterior and asked. "Where are we?"

Li Shen unbuckled his seat belt and said, "My house. Didn't I said that I'll cook for you?"

He stepped out of the car and made his way towards Zhen Wei's side and opened the door for her. As soon as she stepped out, Li Shen's butler came to greet them. "Welcome back young master. This is?" The fifty-four year old butler asked.

"She's Zhen Wei." Li Shen answered looking at Zhen Wei with a smile that seemed unusual for the butler. His young master didn't smile often, to be exact he always had a stern look on his face that made him look endearing and not approachable despite his outstanding countenance. He was quite shocked seeing him bring a woman to his mansion, moreover, he even smiled in front of this woman. She must be someone special, he directly concluded. Other than madam, Li Shen hasn't smiled that genuinely in front of anyone.

Qiao Wu Fang smiled at the sight of his young master. He was delighted to see such improvements. Ever since he was a child, he always had this serious look on his face. Such drastic changes should be something he should be happy about!

"It is nice to have you here, young miss." He bowed politely in greeting. "I am Qiao Wu Fang, Li Shen's butler." He introduced after.

Qiao Wu Fang leads them towards the dining hall as what Li Shen had said. He hasn't recovered yet about on his shock when he was given another wave coming his way. Li Shen said to tell the cook that he would be cooking lunch for today. This time he was quite dumbfounded, it took some time before he regained his senses and did what he was instructed. The young master actually dared to cook for someone! His old heart felt it was going to jump out from his throat. Too shocking for his own good!

It must be the young miss that made his young master normal!

Zhen Wei seated herself in the dining hall. Her eyes scanned the entire room. The walls were white with intricate black design. The entirety had black and white as its concept. The other side of the wall was a floor to ceiling glass and a small pond was sitting not too far away as the green grass stretched its way all over the garden. Flowers were on full bloom and sunlight graced the wooden floor of the veranda. The furniture inside was modern, having the table in white while the chairs were black. Unlike the ancestral house that she went with Li Shen last time, the mansion she was in right now is modern in every aspect. She can't help but think that every time they would meet they will always end up eating. Does she look like someone who loves food that much?