The Start Of Her Journey In The Entertainment Industry

It was Sunday one in the afternoon and the sun was scorching hot, still, the streets were already busy packed up with people going in and out of the malls. It was already June fifth and some people were already busy planning and buying stuff for their vacation. They had smiles on their faces as they pick from the various swimwear that was displayed on the racks. Resort and hotels were already busy and the beaches were already crowded with people on vacation. Zhen Wei had a day off and she was currently in the hospital settling the bills for her grandmother. Zhen Xiu Ying went on with a couple of tests before Li Shen told Zhen Wei that her grandmother was good to go.

Li Shen's schedule was packed so he hadn't had the time to drop them off on their home, even if he wanted to, the only option he had was to see them off at the entrance and bid them goodbye.

Zhen Xiu Ying was aware of the relationship status of her granddaughter and Li Shen. She actually supported both of them, earning Li Shen a good backer.

Zhen Wei hadn't been living at her grandmother's home as she was staying in an apartment near the coffee shop. Today, she decided to go back with her grandmother. They were on a cab when Zhen Wei received an email. It came from one of the companies that she applied for.

Zhen Wei was a registered psychologist in profession, although at a young age, she had already gotten her master's degree back in Japan. The reason why she hadn't applied directly for a job as a psychologist because she was contemplating whether she really wanted to be one or not. She had a lot of job opportunities in front of her but she chose to lie low for now and enjoy. Her pay as a barista in Tang Yiyi's coffee shop wasn't that bad at all.

Actually, despite being shy, Zhen Wei had always been part of musical plays and theater when she was still in high school. It's just that the school she had been admitted to didn't really cultivate their skills for music and theater. Their talents were put into waste because of the lack of support from their school. At that time, their school valued sports while musical plays and theater were the least. Zhen Wei had always been passionate about both singing and acting that's why during her vacant time and days in college, she had enrolled herself in an acting school.

Although she was already a professional, Zhen Wei's credentials weren't put into waste. Because of her degree in psychology partnered with acting, she had a deep understanding of the characters she was given to portray. She was good at expressing and getting into character earning her a lot of approvals coming from her mentors and seniors in her acting school.

Zhen Wei wanted to find an opportunity where she can use her talent but it seems that it was hard to find one. Especially that she hasn't taken a big project yet so she hasn't had a portfolio that could help her get into the film industry. So she decided that as for now, she should just find a well-paid job to have a stable job and living in the meantime as she finds perfect opportunities for her to shine.

Zhen Wei opened the email and was greeted by a congratulatory letter. She had applied to various companies and got accepted into Stardom Entertainment as a junior manager in training. Stardom Entertainment has always been fighting for the limelight alongside Li Corporation's Elysian Entertainment. May it be in the film or music industry.

Even though Zhen Wei wanted to pursue acting, for now, she just wanted to be immersed in the entertainment industry. She thought that nothing is much wiser than knowing the environment and people in your chosen field.

The rest of the week passed by in a blur, finally, it was time for Zhen Wei to show up at work. She had already told Tang Yiyi about it and had made her spend the rest of the week to prepare herself to work.

Early in the morning, Zhen Wei woke up and prepared for her first day of being a trainee. She wore a white semi-formal long-sleeved V-line shirt that has a bow hanging on the neckline, she tucked it inside her pants and slipped herself on a pair of black stilettos.

She was done preparing herself when a soft knock was heard from her door. She pulled the door open and found Zhen Xiu Ying standing in front of her door with a gentle smile on her face.

"Are you done?" She asked.

"Yes." Zhen Wei answered back with a smile.

"Then you should get going. Li Shen is waiting for you downstairs." Li Shen heard about her acceptance at Stardom Entertainment, he then offered her a ride on her first day. At first, Zhen Wei wanted to reject his offer but Li Shen insisted that she should just let him give her a ride. It wouldn't be that bad because he can just drop her on his way to the hospital.

This time, Li Shen didn't come alone. He had Chen Long to drive him today. Li Shen didn't step out of the car and just rolled the window down to greet Zhen Xiu Ying who was sitting on the porch when Chen Long pulled over in front of their house.

Zhen Wei glanced at her reflection again on her vanity mirror before heaving out a deep breath. "Let's do this!"

She bid farewell to her grandmother before stepping inside Li Shen's car.

"Good morning Xiao Wei." Li Shen greeted with a smile on the corners of his lips.

Even though it had been a month already since her and Li Shen started dating, she still can't help but still feel flustered in front of him. Such a handsome countenance greeting her early in the morning!

"Shall we eat lunch together later?" Zhen Wei diverted her gaze and nodded slowly.

'Too dazzling!' She thought.

She can't get herself stare at him any longer and just kept quiet beside him. The whole drive was quiet. When Chen Long pulled over in front of Stardom Entertainment, Zhen Wei glanced at Li Shen briefly before speaking. "I'll be off now." She said.

"I'll see you later then."

The car door closed and Chen Long went back on the road. He still felt perplexed seeing his young madam going to work at his boss' rival company, he couldn't help but ask Li Shen about it.

"Boss, why would young madam work at Stardom Entertainment, why not at Elysian?" He was confused about why would Zhen Wei pick Stardom Entertainment out of all companies she could go work with, not to mention the young master of Li Corporation is currently dating her. Why not go to his company instead?

"It's alright, Xiao Wei has me behind her back." Li Shen knows that Zhen Wei has her own capabilities. He didn't want to meddle with her decisions, plus he thought that Zhen Wei didn't know about his entire background. He also thought that he didn't need to mention it to her. Even if Zhen Wei come to know about his whole identity, it would still be the same. He can somehow grasp Zhen Wei's personality, she was someone who doesn't rely on others to do her work.

Li Shen knows the way she is. He knows that she'll be able to pull through it. He believed that she's more than what meets the eye.

He smiled to himself. "Xiao Wei is finally making a move towards the big stage." The stage that only Zhen Wei is capable of standing in. The limelight that is hers only.

"Keep a keen watch on Xiao Wei on my stead." Zhen Wei is about to embark on her journey towards the entertainment industry. It is to be expected that she can't avoid troubles in this dirty industry. The least Li Shen could do is to watch her and not to get her into a mess. He knows that some of the people in this industry might look angelic on the outside but they have already dirtied their hands to get them to where they are.

'They can try messing with her, once that happens, they'll face me instead.'