Chapter 16: The Flower Sect and Mu Lan

"Fushin leave your vice captain in charge and come we'll be heading to the "Flower Sect" to speak with this girl. I would really like to see who she really is and where she comes from. Who knows we might get along." said Wang Chu


Yan'er had been walking for 20 minutes to the "Flower Sect" so that she could reunite with the Yang sisters and who knows maybe one or two more additions could be made.

Soon she made it to a large and colorful gate which had flower designs on them. She had finished climbing the stairs and was meet by guards at the door.

"May we be of service to this Miss here." said the guards with a respectful tone as they saw the quality of her cloths

Still, they couldn't keep their eyes still and were admiring the sight in front of them.

"I would like to enter to visit some one, is there perhaps a procedure to allow me in." asked Yan'er

The guards were immediately entranced with Yan'er ethereal voice and soon lost focus of their job


An elder suddenly coughed and asked, "Miss if I may inquire. What are your reasons for entering the Sect."

"I wish to meet some friends they are known as the Yang sisters or at least that's what they told me." said Yan'er

"Ohh so you've come to meet them I'll send someone to inform them." said the elder as he was about to send someone but suddenly, "The Sect Master would like to see her. So I'll be escorting her to the Masters Peak." said a young lady as she lead Yan'er to the Peak

While they were walking many people were shocked by Yan'er appearance and most men had dubbed her the 'Goddess' while the women had dubbed her 'Succubus' due to their jealousy for her looks.

On the way Yan'er was curious of the situation so she asked, "If I may ask what exactly does the Sect Master want with me."

"I don't know but it seems the she heard of you from the Yang sisters and now she is curious so she asked to meet you." said the young lady

Soon they finished climbing stairs and the young lady gestured as she said, "Wait here for the doors to open." then she left.

Just as she left Yan'er heard a voice, "Come in" as the doors opened for Yan'er to walk in

As she walked in she saw many books and surmised that this must be the Sect Masters office. Soon she reached the desk where a 1.6 meter beauty greeted her, "Hi My name is Mu Lan people call me the Sect Master and you might be.

"My name is Yu Yan a pleasure to meet you." said Yan'er as she introduced herself to Mu Lan

When she introduced herself she got the chance to check Mu Lan and she got surprised by her good body.

She had nice long black hair that reached her hips, red eyes with black eyebrows, a nice hourglass figure with nice perky boobs at least size E with a supple butt which begged to be squeezed. She wore a nice and seductive red Cheongsam which accentuated her figure.


P.O.V Mu Lan(Age:21)

This morning I was suddenly informed that a beautiful girl was looking for my disciples and so I informed my assistant to bring her to me.

A little later I'm informed she waiting outside my door so I proceed to invite her in but what I expected was some much more childish.

Imagine my reaction when I see a 2 meter tall 'Goddess' in my office, I was shocked who is she and how does she know my disciples. I mean she looked like a noble and her demeanor gave off the aura of an empress. This was especially so with the clothes she wore they were made from Tier 8 materials. I thought they might have offended an expert but soon this girl was checking me out which I admit got me a little moist. Then I see as she takes off her hood and to my surprise she has two protruding horns that look like they are forming a crown and those eyes I felt as if they were looking at me naked which naturally got me horny. Especially so when we shook hands.

After introductions I suddenly remembered my disciples talking about a dragon in the forest that's when I knew what was going on she was the dragon they were in love with but I somehow didn't care as I couldn't find myself hating this girl in front of me. In fact I kind of like her myself which is why I got closer to her and took her hand which got me even hornier. So I steeled myself as I leaned forward and kissed her.


P.O.V Yu Yan(Age: 16)

I truly wanted to conquer this fiery chick which is why I had activated my God Hands and Lust Meter.

To my surprise Mu Lan's lust shoot up to 20 right when she saw me and 40 when we shook hands.

I was surprised but it seems that she likes me somewhat otherwise it wouldn't be progressing this well.

After introductions I saw Mu Lan had a thoughtful expression on her face, but then her lust went straight to 70 and she looked at me with longing eyes as she held my hand once more as she leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised but I didn't refuse it as I continued the kiss.


There kissing went on for 5 mins as Mu Lan had to catch her breath but soon after she continued the kiss this time Yan'er pushed Lan'ers lips open as she stuck her tongue inside and played with Lan'er.

Lan'ers breathing was heavy as she walked up to Yan'er and sat on her lap to which the latter hugged her tightly as she continued to kiss passionately.

Soon Yan'er started undressing Lan'er as she removed her own outfit with the System. After they undressed Yan'er pushed Lan'er on to the couch. As she lay on top her she started kissing her neck and kneading her breasts which made Lan'er moan.

Lan'er was also kneading Yan'er breasts which made her moan as well.

"Eeeep" yelped Lan'er as she felt a finger enter her pussy. She didn't want to be the only one so she turned Yan'ers body so that she could play with her pussy as well. She couldn't take it anymore as she started licking Yan'er pussy which made Yan'er moan louder.

They went at each other for about 3 hours in which they had several orgasms. They paused to catch take breath for a bit before continuing.