Chapter 18: Touring the City, Trouble

After that Mu Lan prostrated herself to apologize for advancing on her. Yan'er laughed at the sight as she lifted Lan'ers chin and kissed her after which she said, "You're mine now so apologizing is pointless. From now on when I leave this realm you'll follow me as I really do like you. But for now stay here and manage your Sect until I return for you."

Then she turned to the Yang sisters and said as she winked, "Let go it's getting late, I'll sleep in your room for tonight."


It was morning the next day and Yan'er had just woken up she looked at the sisters which were hugging her while naked. During the night they had an intense session and Yan'er believed they weren't going to wake up for their date with her which she didn't particularly mind.

But as luck would have it Yang Chi woke up and kissed Yan'er on the cheek after which she said, "Good morning Yan'er. Let's get ready for our date but first let me wake up my sister."

As she shook Yang Ling to wake up the latter kissed Yang Chi on instinct thinking she was Yan'er. Yan'er laughed at the scene which left Yang Chi petrified, "Sis you kissed the wrong person,now wake up for our date." said Yang Chi as she reprimanded her sister

Yan'er suddenly remembered she had no money for the trip so she asked Yue'er if the System could exchange currency which Yue'er answered with, "Yes the System has a designated menu to check exchanges for your current region."

[Currency Exchange]

~ 10 Spirit Stone = 100 Primal Points

~ 10 Platinum Coins = 1 Primal Point

~ 100 Gold Coins = 1 Platinum Colin

~ 100 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Coin

~ 100 Bronze Coins = 1 Silver Coin

~ 100 Copper Coins = 1 Bronze Coin

'Well then I'll exchange 1000 Points of Platinum Coins. I don't think Spirit Stones are popular among the mortals.' said Yan'er

"Okay girls once you're ready lets head out." exclaimed Yan'er

After they got changed they left for the city in which they toured lots of places, they bought clothes, well the twins did Yan'er didn't really like the clothes plus the outfit she had was already top class.

"The total will be 500 Gold if you may." said the shop owner of the clothes shop

Yan'er then got out 5 Platinum Coins and handed to owner. Everyone was surprised as Platinum Coins were usually rare and only used in higher grade city's.

People started murmuring rumors such as Yan'er was a pampered royal etc. Of course as always Yan'er paid them no mind as she felt they were beneath her.

After they left the shop the girls wanted new weapons and so they went to the weapon shop. As they looked around Yan'er was also thinking of something, 'I wonder what weapon suits me the obvious choice would be a spear or a lance due to my height but I've always been a katana lover. There is a katana which is just as long as my height. If I remember correctly it's name was 'Kokorowatari' which was used by Kiss-Shot in the Monogatari series. It seems I'll have to go into the Tower to check out forging and alchemy as they will be useful in the future."

After they looked around the store Yang Ling got a double-edge while Yang Chi got daggers they were both Tier 2 Mid class so Yan'er paid 30 Platinum for them.

Soon after they continued on the road to find a restaurant .

"Yan'er that restaurant is named 'Moonshine'

they have exceptional food let's go." said Yang Ling as she pointed at a tall white building.

As they went in they were greeted by a young lady.

"Greetings Welcome to Moonshine would you like a table on the first floor or the VIP Section." asked the lady

"We would like a table in the VIP Section." said Yang Ling

As Yan'er and the others were lead to the VIP Section people stared at Yan'er with lustful and fearful eyes. Some were scared because Yan'er was a dragon and by now everyone in the city knew of her existence.

After that sat down they were given the menu after which they ordered food.

Suddenly outside a carriage stopped in front of the restaurant and a Young man stepped out as he walked into the restaurant.

"Look isn't that Jian Chen the third prince of the Jian Empire wow he's so handsome." talked a women in the restaurant

"I would like a table in the VIP Section if you please." said Jian Chen

"I'm really sorry but the last table was just filled earlier."said the young lady

"Ohh I would like to see which person dares to disobey me. Take me to them now!" said Jian Chen with a livid tone

As the lady brought the prince to Yan'ers table (which by the way were eating) the prince looked at the sisters and was amused then he saw a beautiful lady's long white hair and was mesmerized as he walked to them.

Once there he said as he pointed at the sisters , "You girls leave this prince wishes to sit here."

"Hmph trying to mess up our day out your courting death." said Yang Chi as she got mad due to the disrespect of the prince

"You" said the prince while he pointed at Yang Chi, "I sure this beautiful lady doesn't want them here to interrupt us right." said Jian Chen as he talked to Yan'er totally ignoring the sisters

"Hmm as you were saying we truly don't want interruptions. But your the pest here so leave." said Yan'er without even looking at him

The prince was fuming as he said, " Hmph I tried to be nice but you just courting death. Guards kill those twins and bring this one to me I'll see how she begs for more when I'm done with her."

As the crowd watched this scene they felt sorry for the prince as they knew who and what Yan'er was. Before the guards could move they were scared by the pressure Yan'er was releasing. Soon after Yan'er turned around as she spoke straight into the soul of the prince, "This empress here would like to see who's courting death. Young man scram before I send you back in a coffin." said Yan'er with a terrifying smile

The prince was about to leave running but was stopped once again, "Wait I'll be taking this so you won't cause other girls problems." said Yan'er as she shot and energy wave to the mans groin

"Ahhhhhh, y-you will pay for this." said the prince as he pointed at Yan'er after which he ran out

"Goodbye Sissy Prince." said Yang Chi to which the crowd laughed

"Let's continue with our dinner now that the pest is gone." said Yan'er as she sat back in her seat