Chapter 20: Phoenix Mark and New Tower residents

Now this ends my explanation of the Tower. I'll leave for the time being so you can do as you will in here I suggest you always leave clones learning everything they can to improve the fastest way possible. If ever you need me for anything just call out my name.


After Yu Zhang explained the functions of the Tower Yan'er left. When she got out she went straight to Mu Lan so that she could talk to her. When she arrived Mu Lan was happy so she went up to Yan'er and kissed her.

"What brings you here Dear" said Mu Lan as she kept hugging Yan'er

"I need you to summon your disciples I need to talk to you three about something important." said Yan'er

After Mu Lan called for the sisters she kept kissing Yan'er to which the latter reciprocated and started fondling Mu Lan. They continued their business for ten minutes after which they had to stop due to the arrival of the sisters. Once the sisters sat with Yan'er and Mu Lan, Yan'er got down to business as she said, "I called you today because I wish to speak to you about something important. The thing I'll be talking about is a technique of mine called a Phoenix Mark and this technique marks the person I preform it on.

The technique allow me to feel when your in danger and depending on the situation I could even teleport to you if need be. The reason for this meeting is so that I can mark you with the technique so that I can be at ease and who knows there might be some unexpected surprises if you have luck." said Yan'er as she explained the purpose for the meeting

The girls were surprised such a technique exists and were elated to find out that Yan'er cared for them so much soon Mu Lan said for the three, "We don't mind being marked as this will only foment our relationship further."

Yan'er was surprised at first but soon remembered that these girls were truly loyal to her. Then she went up to them and kissed each of them on their forehead as she said, "Phoenix Mark" after which a Phoenix tattoo was imprinted in the backs of the girls as they felt the tattoo they undressed to check it out and were surprised at the beauty.

As Yan'er looked at the tattoo she was happy to see they were all dark pink. Then she asked Yue'er to open the relationship tab.


~ Mu Lan> Loyalty: 100%

~ Yang Chi> Loyalty: 100%

~ Yang Ling> Loyalty: 100%


After she looked at the Loyalty they had she was elated and so she let out a bewitching smile that captivated the girls. After a while she decided to tell them about the Tower and it's functions because they were truly loyal to her.

"Okay now that you have the marks let me explain the details of the mark,the mark can change color depending on the situation of the person who receives the mark. Black means that I forced the mark on them, White means they like me but they don't love me romantically, lastly pink represents love towards me and the darker the more intense your feelings are, sometimes the mark can also turn red and that means you're in heat and well we know what happens next.

Because I marked you and you showed unwavering love towards me that means you've unlocked a function that allow you to go somewhere special." said Yan'er

As she said that she pulled the three in to her embrace as she went into the Tower with them.

When the girls saw the unfamiliar place they were startled but soon they were astonished at the sheer size of this place. Yang Chi was anxious as she asked, "Where is this and why is this Library so big."

Yan'er laughed at her comment as she answered, "This place is called the Knowledge Library we are currently on the first floor of my soul treasure called the Heavenly Tower. This library contains various information on the multiple mortal realms the divine realm and even the god realm."

After Yan'er spoke Mu Lan was struck with the realization as she said while stuttering, " D-Did you say soul treasure and were inside it what in the heavens is going on you also mentioned the god realm. Who are you that you have such background."

"I'm just a normal pampered girl right dad." as she said that Yu Zhang appeared out of thin air shocking them even more

"Right you are my child." said Yu Zhang as Yan'er hugged him

"You have a father and how come he's here and never outside with you." questioned Mu Lan

"To answer your question I'm here but I'm only a strand of consciousness so I can't materialize in the outdoor world." said Yu Zhang

"Okay now on to business I brought you here because I love you and I want to help you get stronger and this place is the best for this. First of all your cultivation manuals are simply trash and only hold your potential back so I'll be giving you a Godly Manual corresponding to your elements then we will move onto techniques here on the second floor is the Martial Technique Library the whole hall is filled with techniques which are ranked by quality each rank is further separated by elements and or physical techniques. Ill allow to look around for a while and choose your preferred techniques. Cultivation Manuals are on the last shelf." explained Yan'er

Everyone was dumbfounded and at the same time terrified at the thought of Yan'er background how could someone be so powerful. There felt they didn't deserve this treatment so they asked, "Why are you treating us so well even though we just met a week ago."

"The reason I'm doing this is because I love you and I wasn't you to stay by my side forever so don't think I'm doing this just because I trust you, I have my own selfish reasons too. Now hurry up and choose because we still have other floors to check our." said Yan'er