Chapter 44: Plans and Purchases

~ Penthouse

"Master where have you been all night I thought you said you'd be back early." said Yun'er

"Sorry took longer than I thought it would I had to unseal on of my seals." said Yan'er

"What do you mean by unseal." asked Yun'er

"What I mean is that my strength is sealed I unsealed it making me a Peak Martial God." said Yan'er (A/N: Bullshit made up by Yue'er and Yan'er so as to stop making people suspicious about her sudden growth)


"What seriously then how many seals do you have on your body." asked Yun'er

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I'm ready to leave for your Sect." said Yan'er

"Okay well then let's go and find Master Shen." said Yun'er

"Right" said Yan'er

'So Yue'er how can I much is the immortal core.' asked Yan'er

[The Core is priced at 1 million Primal Points]

'That's doable, buy it and put it in the Alchemy Floor. I'll pick it up later if I need it.' said Yan'er


After leaving the Inn Yan'er said, "Bai Shen said we'ed meet at the entrance we came in from so let's go and see if he's there."

"Okay" said Yun'er

Whilst walking Yan'er asked, 'Yue'er can you open the store to see what's new.'










Cultivation Pill: Gives 100,000,000 experience when consumed.

(Price: 8,000,000 Primal Points)

Stamina Pill: Restoration 100% of used Strength.(Only works with Martial God or below.)(Price: 500,000 Primal Points)

Rebirth Pill: Body goes through rebirth(The Consumers Body will be Refined and cleansed of all impurities will also expand meridians and dantian. Will experience a increase in beauty and charm.)(!!!Warning Pain on Consumption!!!)

(Price 300,000 Primal Points)

[Lvl 150 to unlock new Pills]


Soul Collapse: Soul Attack designed to destroy targets soul. (Works on any person without sufficient protection.)

(Price: 800,000 Primal Points)

Soul Palace: Soul Defense designed to protect Users soul. (Used to protect soul if no treasures are present)

(Price: 1,500,000 Primal Points)

[Lvl 150 to unlock new Techniques]


~Hegemon Body Art(Tier 10 Manual)(Price: 1,000,000 Primal Points)

~Primal Refining Scripture(Tier 10 Manual)(Price: 1,000,000Primal Points)

~Soul Scripture(Tier 10 Manual)

(Price: 200,000 Primal Points)


Dragon Art(Peak Dao Realm Manual): Manual Can only be used by those with Dragon Bloodline.

(Price: 10,000,000 Primal Points)

[Lvl 150 to unlock new Manuals]


Elemental Phoenix Bloodline: Allows User to transform into Elemental Phoenix and have an Affinity to all Rare and Lightning Elements.(Lightning is Low Class Heavenly Lightning, purifies impurities)(Can be bought more than once)

(Price: 1,000,000 Primal Points)

Dragon God Bloodline: Allows User to transform into Dragon God also have an innate body strength which grows along with cultivation.(Dragon God Bloodline is the General term when bought you can specify which Dragon's bloodline you want. Ex. Azure Dragon God Bloodline.)

(Price: 10,000,000 Primal Points)

[Lvl 150 to unlock new Bloodlines]


Time Dilation Formation: Dilate time depending on strength (Price: 100,000 Primal Points)

Heavenly Dome: Formation that can protect anything. (Can protect from attacks of a Low Immortal and below)

(Price: 200,000 Primal Points)

All Purpose Imprint Mk2: Increases success rate by 50% of forgery, alchemy, etc. (Price: 1,000,000 Primal Points)

[Lvl 150 to unlock new Formations]


Modern Items(Choose among any modern items)(Price: dependent on item)

Cores(Choose among any Beast core to purchase)(Price: dependent on item)


'That's great now I can give Yun'er something to cultivate.' thought Yan'er

'Okay Buy The dragon Art and check which bloodline she has' said Yan'er

[She has the bloodline of the Azure Dragon God]

'Okay So buy the art and Bloodline which match her bloodline and a Rebirth pill.' said Yan'er

[Are you sure you would like to buy the 'Azure Dragon Art', 'Azure Dragon God Bloodline', and a 'Rebirth Pill' for 20,300,000 Primal Points.]

[Yes] [No]

After purchasing the items for Yun'er. Yan'er decided to wait and give them to her once they ascended and she conquered her.

Meanwhile they had reached the entrance and waited for Bai Shen.