Chapter 53: 5 days

"Ohh if you think you'll die shortly then think again this pill will also raise your lifespan by a millennium allowing you to focus on finding the pill." said Yan'er

Xiao Tian was nearly crying at this point and even Yun'er was crying whilst hugging Yan'er. She didn't think Yan'er would add that effect to the pill and she knew that she did it to make her feel at ease with leaving to the divine realm.

After taking the pill Xiao Tian looked younger and healthier. For the first time in a while he got up from his bed and walked as he hadn't been able to for nearly a millennium due to the poison paralyzing his ligaments.


While crying Xiao Tian looked towards Yan'er and said, "I thank you Fairy Yu for giving me another chance at life. I don't know how to repay you for this. This life of mine is yours do with what you want."

Looking at the bowing figure Yan'er didn't know what to say as she was about to say anything Yun'er interrupted and said, "Grandpa you don't need to bow she said she did it so as to keep my mind at peace so you don't need to be so uptight."

"Xiao girl you have some guts to speak for your Master. I oughta teach you some manners." said Elder 2 as he shot his palm towards Yun'er

As the palm got closer it stopped in midair rousing the confusion of the rest as they could see the Elder struggling. At speed visible to the eye the Elder's hand was being warped into nothingness. The rest of the people looked at the scene with shock the only sound that could be heard was the Elder howling in pain. Xiao Tian was the only one apart from Yun'er who knew what happened. He had seen her mesmerizing eyes glow with power as the Elder started screaming, he knew that she was mad at the Elder's remark but was kind enough to let him live so as to not harm the sect's foundation.

Seeing as the situation was progressing he stood up and said,"Sorry for my Elder's continued remarks I'll reprimand him in your steed so please don't bother with him."

"Hmph I hope he turns a new leaf or the next time he won't be leaving with just a severed limb." said Yan'er with contempt as she stared leaving

"I thank Fairy Yu for your kindness." said Xiao Tian while bowing

Before stepping out the door Yan'er turned around and said, "We'll be staying for the next 5 days within the room. Avoid interrupting us unless something grave comes up. Ohh and we'll be ascending after the 5 days so if you wish to be present we'll be ascending in your main courtyard."

"Fairy Yu how do you plan on ascending when Yun'er isn't Martial God yet." asked Xiao Tian

"That you don't have to worry about I have a treasure that'll allow me to hide her presence from heaven so as to bypass the law that is set. And before you ask it can only be used on one person plus the person has to stay there until he or she breaks through to Martial God but thanks to the pure energy in the divine realm it won't take to long. In fact most kids are born at the Martial Warrior realm some even at Martial God due to the remnant essences of the pills they take the baby is born with an elevated cultivation." said Yan'er

"While we're on that fact I'll be helping Yun'er stabilize her foundation and give her a better Cultivation Technique." said Yan'er

After saying that she sent Xiao Tian a mental message, 'She'll probably look differently due to awakening her bloodline. I wanted to ask what happened to her mother she seems to be from a long lost dragon family. Yun'er here has Azure Dragon God Bloodline even if it's a minuscule amount since I'm a dragon myself I can help her awaken it.'

'Fairy Yu If what you say true. Then that means her cultivation technique has been affecting her.' said Xiao Tian

'Indeed it almost crippled her talent if I'd let her breakthrough to Martial Warrior she'd be done for.' said Yan'er